Chapter 166

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 166: The Plague Investigation (3)


The dark mage’s eyes widened slightly at Damien’s words.

“...Damien Haksen?”

The dark mage tilted his head and searched his memory.

“Damien Haksen... Damien Haksen... Now I remember. He was the human they told me to capture alive.”

The dark mage looked at Damien with interest.

“I was wondering why they were so interested in you... Now I understand a little. You have incredible skills, don’t you?”

Damien wasn’t paying attention to the dark mage’s words. He just stared down at Fenrir.


Damien didn’t know what had happened between Fenrir and the dark mage. However, he could clearly feel Fenrir’s emotions.

Endless anger and bottomless hatred were pouring out towards the dark mage.

At the same time, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Frustration followed. A howl erupted from there, flooding like a wave.

“...I see now.”

He thought he understood why Fenrir was so ferocious in his previous life.

“...He must have lost something precious to that guy.”

Damien muttered to himself and looked back at the dark mage.

“What’s your name?”

“Me? Oh, right, you wouldn’t know.”

The dark mage nodded at Damien’s question and said.

“My name is Garrot. I am a Grand Dark Mage of the Monstrum Sect.”

Damien chewed on the name Garrot. It didn’t ring any bells.

Just because he was Damien didn’t mean he knew all the dark mages.

However, one thing was for sure. The dark mages that Damien didn’t know were mostly insignificant.

‘This is terrible.’

Damien looked behind Garrot. Thousands of souls were bound to Garrot, spewing out dark mana.

“I’m annoyed that you’re getting in the way between me and Fenrir... but I won’t kill you. I have a favor to ask.”

Garrot formed a hand sign. A large subspace opened up and various monsters emerged.

They looked very different from ordinary monsters. They were all chimeras.

“There are so many of them.”

Damien looked at the chimeras and fell into thought.

He could finish them off quickly using dark magic. But there was a technique he wanted to try instead.

Damien also opened a subspace and pulled out a travel bag.


Garrot’s expression changed as soon as he saw the travel bag.

“How did you get that... ?”

As Damien opened the bag left and right, a dark space unfolded.

“Come out.”

Countless skeletons emerged from the darkness. They were followed by the Death Knight Dominico.

– Greetings, my lord.

Dominico and the skeletons knelt down in unison. Damien looked at them and tilted his head.

“Where’s Miya?”

Miya jumped out of the darkness as soon as he spoke. She swung her fist at Damien.

Damien blocked Miya’s fist with one hand.

“Kya! Kya!”

Miya got angry and swung her hands repeatedly. Damien blocked Miya’s attacks with one hand and asked Dominico.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

– That... my lord, don’t you remember?


On top of that, he had succeeded in absorbing some of the insights he had gained from Damien.

The next most notable figure after Dominico was Miya.

– Kya!

Miya rushed in and bit the ogre chimera’s neck.

She absorbed the blood and copied the ogre’s abilities, then used the ogre’s strength to tear off the chimera’s head.

As the chimeras began to be pushed back, Garrot exclaimed in admiration again.

“Amazing... They’re not ordinary undead.”

The opponent Garrot was particularly paying attention to was Miya.

“Where did he get such a flesh golem... It’s almost on par with Fenrir.”

Even though the chimeras were being destroyed, Garrot didn’t seem flustered at all.

After all, those children weren’t chimeras he had worked hard to create. There was nothing to lose if they died.

“It’s time for you to come out, Bagder.”

If he wasn’t careful, he might end up killing Damien Haksen, so he didn’t want to use Bagder.

However, he couldn’t stop Damien with the chimeras, so he had to use Bagder.

“You can kill everyone except that human male you see there.”

As soon as the order was given, Bagder moved. It rushed towards Miya at an incredible speed.

– Kya?

Miya didn’t have time to react. Bagder’s fist fell over Miya’s head.

At that moment, Damien appeared in front of Miya. He blocked Bagder’s fist with the dawn.

At the same time as blocking the fist, he deflected its trajectory. Bagder’s fist missed Damien and hit the ground.

Damien immediately swung his sword and released aura. A huge slash cut through Bagder’s torso.

Bagder’s body was pushed back. But that was all. The aura hadn’t even scratched Bagder’s armor.

“It’s incredibly tough. It must be a chimera that you put a lot of work into, huh?”

Damien reacted with interest at the sight.

“You’d better be prepared. Bagder is comparable to a master class.”

Garrot said with a confident face. Damien burst out laughing at that.

“What’s so funny?”

“I can’t help but laugh. You’ve made it a little tougher and you’re deluding yourself into thinking it’s comparable to a master class.”

While he acknowledged the danger of Bagder to some extent, the idea that it was comparable to a master class was a ridiculous delusion.

“...Don’t talk big when you couldn’t even cut through Bagder’s armor.”

Garrot said in a sharp tone. He was different from the way he had been when the chimeras were being massacred.

This was a characteristic of the Monstrum Sect. The Monstrum Sect had a tendency to shower affection on a single chimera.

So while he might not care about other chimeras, he couldn’t just let go of the criticism against Bagder.

“Well, that’s true.”

Damien readily acknowledged Garrot’s words. Bagder’s armor was so tough that even Damien’s aura had a hard time cutting through it.

“This is perfect. I happen to have a technique I’ve been practicing for just such an occasion.”

Before coming here, Damien had gotten his hands on the mana cultivation method left behind by the previous Imperial Sword.

Damien named this mana cultivation method the Combined Infinity Cycle.

The Combined Infinity Cycle was a mana cultivation method that formed rings of mana within the body to double the output of mana.

Damien had created three rings in total.

He planned to use the Combined Infinity Cycle here.

“First Ring.”

One of the rings began to rotate. At the same time, a vibration sounded from Damien’s body.

As the vibration grew louder, Damien’s momentum grew stronger and stronger. At the same time, the aura that had been covering the dawn became even thicker.

“Bagder! Attack!”

Garrot, sensing something ominous, ordered Bagder.

However, before Bagder could move, Damien’s body disappeared.

“Where the hell... .”

The moment Garrot muttered in a daze, Damien’s afterimages surrounded Bagder’s body.

The afterimages swung their swords in unison. Dozens of slashes covered Bagder’s body.
