After leaving Lu's mansion, Lin Yin's eyes were deep, and he was thinking about the whole situation in his mind.

In this round, Ji Zhongshan took the lead, captured Yu Zecheng, and ran away.

However, if you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple!

Ji Chongshan Nuoda's family business is all in the Hong Kong city of Xiangjiang!

Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, Lin Yin would definitely find him out!

Not only did Ji Chongshan know the Wen family's clues, but he also took Yu Zecheng away. This person must be found.

He has plans to go to the port city himself.

Hong Kong City is Ji Zhongshan's lair, and a big capitalist like Ji Zhongshan who values ​​wealth more than his life is unlikely to be willing to give up the promise of a large wealth industry in Hong Kong City.

"Mr. Lin, the bureau chief just called. Let me pass a message to you." The captain said seriously.

Lin Yin said calmly: "If you want me to take up the post, don't say it."

The captain hesitated for a while, and said: "Mr. Lin, the bureau chief said he had already greeted Lu Gong. Lu Gong is a person who knows how to measure and will not be involved in this matter. I also hope that you will see it based on your friendship with the bureau chief." , don’t take your anger out on Duke Lu.”

"If Mr. Lu hadn't been involved in the matter of the Wen family, I wouldn't bother him." Lin Yin said calmly.

The captain's heart was agitated, and Lin Yin's implication was that if Lu Gong was involved in the affairs of the Wen family, he might also be liquidated!

"Commander Lin, the bureau chief would like to invite you to go back to take charge of the special bureau of the highest department of the army and teach newcomers. This is also an invitation letter from the supreme commander." The captain said solemnly

Lin Yin shook his head and said, "I have something important to do. Don't mention it."

After saying that, Lin Yin turned around, Hades had already opened the door, and he got in the car and left.

The captain looked at Lin Yin's leaving back and sighed helplessly.

It is really a great loss for the military to fail to invite Chief Lin to take up his post.

Chief Lin was not in the military headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, but he left a mythical legend in the military headquarters. When he was sixteen years old, he was invited by the supreme commander to help him. He became famous in the first battle overseas, greatly boosted the country's prestige, was commended by the supreme chief, and won the lifelong commander-level power and honor.

But at the peak, he refused the invitation of the supreme commander to join the army, and left quietly, leaving only a legend.

The resignation of Chief Lin was a pity for the Supreme Commander. He never forgot, and often nagged, saying that if Chief Lin can be allowed to join the military, it can support half of the Dragon Kingdom!


Zhongtian Star City, Star City Building.

In the CEO's office, Lin Yin stood by the window, looking at the bustling imperial capital, and lit a cigarette.

He has already booked a ticket to Hong Kong City tomorrow.

On the other side of Hong Kong City, Lin Yin has never laid chess pieces.

Originally, the Dragon Mansion had a large-scale Dragon Guard dormant in Hong Kong, but in the current situation, the Dragon Mansion has turned against each other. This Dragon Guard is not only useless to him, but a crisis.

Lin Yin had a big picture in mind, he wanted to make a move in Hong Kong City to counter Ji Chongshan and the Wen family.

So, he called Chris in Donghai Province and asked Chris to leave immediately and go to Hong Kong City to wait for him.

Chris is the Asia-Pacific agent of the Latin Group and can mobilize great energy in Hong Kong.

Moreover, Chris's only competitor in the Asia-Pacific region is also in Hong Kong City!

It's time to activate the pawn of the Latin Group.

Push the boat along the way, pave the way for Chris, eliminate the competitors, become the real talker of the Asia-Pacific region of the Latin Group, and deeply root this move in Hong Kong City! Qiankun Listening Book Network

Hong Kong City, in the international dark market, is the world's largest information trading center.

Once you have a chess piece in Hong Kong City, it is equivalent to having an extra pair of eyes to help you keep an eye on the Dragon Mansion and Wen Family after the change of ownership.

In addition, Lin Yin also planned to try to get in touch with the Dragon Guards in Hong Kong City after going to Hong Kong City, and find out some clues about the Dragon Mansion.

Thinking about it, Lin Yin took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, Lin Yin, what's the matter?" Zhang Qimo's clear and sweet voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Qimo, I have something to go to Hong Kong City." Lin Yin said seriously, "I have already explained to Tu Shan and Tang Hui about the Dijing Group's affairs. If you have any questions, you can find them."

"Oh, I see. Are you going to Hong Kong City? About how long will you be there?" Zhang Qimo was thoughtful, "I will return to Qingyun City in two days."

"I'm not sure about the date, but it will take at least a month." Lin Yin said, "During my absence, take good care of yourself."

"Well, I know." Zhang Qimo said, "You too, take good care of yourself in Hong Kong City."


After the chat, Lin Yin hung up the phone.


At this time, Tang Hui knocked on the door and came in, holding a document in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

"Master Yin, I have finished all the information you asked me to collect on the Seven Star Group and the Yamato Sakura Club." Tang Hui said seriously, and put the files on the desktop.

Lin Yin nodded, and said: "I will leave the Imperial Capital tomorrow. During my absence, you and Tu Shan must be vigilant."

"Remember, the Xu family may not let it go. If I'm not here, if they have a chance to retaliate, they will bite back without hesitation." Lin Yin said slowly, "The Seven Star Group will definitely come to the Imperial Capital to do things, you guys You have to fight back. As for the Daiwa Sakura Club, just keep an eye on the asset movements of this island group.”

Tang Hui looked solemn, listened carefully, and said, "Master Yin, I will not miss any of the things you told me. You can do things with confidence, and I will look after the property of the Imperial Capital for you."

Lin Yin nodded.

If I go to Hong Kong City this time and I don't sit in the Imperial Capital, the Xu family's virtue is likely to find an opportunity to bite back.

The Seven Star Group, which has a close relationship with the Xu family, is likely to be an inducement.

Although the Seven Star chaebol is far away in Korea, its power industry is spread all over the world. If Park Jinxun wants to stand up for his son, he has the strength to cause a huge impact on the industry under his name.

In addition, the Yamato Sakura Club has to guard against the mysterious Gong Jiu who manipulated the Ning family back then.

After Gong Jiu was defeated by himself in the Ning family last time, he seemed to have died down and did not come back with revenge. However, this is the biggest potential crisis in the capital.

Lin Yin attached more importance to Gong Jiu than Qixing Group and the Xu family.

I knew before that Gong Jiu was secretly doing rebellion and espionage in the Dragon Kingdom, and set up an island country spy organization. This is not a joke, it is related to the military secrets of the two countries, and it is much more vicious than the chaebols and aristocratic families.

"Okay, you can step back. If there is anything you can't solve, please leave me a message." Lin Yin took a sip of tea and said seriously.

"Yes!" Tang Hui nodded solemnly, turned and left.

He knew in his heart that Lord Yin was going to Ji Chongshan's lair, Gang City, to rescue Boss Yu this time, which could be said to be going deep into the dragon's pool and tiger's den.

As for the property of the Imperial Capital, Tang Hui is fully responsible for it. This is an opportunity and a great test.

After making all the arrangements, Lin Yin closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Among Yu Zecheng's four capable generals, Tang Hui is the best at handling shopping mall affairs. He is a man who is good at management, and it is easy to take care of the property.

Moreover, he still left a dark hand in the capital.

If Tang Hui and Tu Shan couldn't take care of the family business, Ning Que would still be there. I can mobilize the entire Ning family's forces at any time, and I think it can stabilize the situation.