Now that his promise to Todd had been handled for the day, Noah and Moxie broke the other students up into pairs to start sparing, rotating between each other once their matches were over.

Remember not to use all your energy up, Noah warned before they got started in true. Weve got a meeting with the advanced track later today and I want all of you to be able to absolutely crush anything that they throw at you, no matter what it takes.

Arent you supposed to be telling us to play above the board and that its more important that we make friends with them or something like that? Alexandra asked. Im pretty sure thats what a teacher is meant to support.

Noah looked down the bridge of his nose at Alexandra. At what point have I ever said anything like that? Friends are great. Youve got some all around you. If you can make more, please do. But the advanced track isnt going to sit around and try to make friends. We pose a threat. Dont forget its a competition.

Besides, from what I saw last time, theyre pretty much all a bunch of nobles. Todd rubbed the side of his neck. Present company excluded, I dont have interest with associating with them unless theyre completely different from the rest of their ilk.

You never know, Isabel said, but she didnt sound even slightly convinced of her own words. Its possible that theyll be better because theyve actually been the ones working for their power.

Probably wont do anything to lower their elitist attitude, James said through a yawn. Trust me. Been there, done that.

You have? Emily asked.

Revins had me do a lot of stuff. Much to my displeasure. James nose scrunched in distaste and he sighed. Professor Vermil is right. If someone there wants to make friends with us, then we can deal with it when the time comes. But until then its better to focus on preparing to completely crush anyone in our way. Come on. Lets get to this already. Were wasting time.

Whoa. Youre suddenly motivated. Havent seen that before, Todd said. He squinted at James. Did something happen?

Do you realize what the advanced track resources are? James asked. Runes and power. For free. All we have to do is beat up some other kids that dont have anywhere near the advantages we do.

Theyre nobles. Theyll have advantages, Alexandra pointed out.

James bit back a laugh. Sure. But were us. We have all the advantages we need to handle them as long as we take things seriously. Youre a Rank 3 with Body Runes that should put you at the peak of anyone in our age group. Weve all got patterns, even if we cant use them with magic during fights yet.

I agree, but is there a reason youre excited for resources all of a sudden? Isabel asked.

James made a noticeable effort to keep his eyes from moving, but Noah got the feeling that hed been just moments from glancing at Emily.

Yeah. Three reasons. First, the faster I get work over with, the sooner I can go back to doing nothing. Second, power means I can be lazy later. If theyre going to feed me runes and just about anything else, that saves a huge amount of time in the future. Ill do work now to be lazy in the future.

Thats two reasons, Todd said.

Is it? James sent him a blank stare. I must have lost count.

Careful there, bud. I think your actual goals are starting to come out. Not that I can complain. Its going to be interesting to watch James actually trying at something for once. I get the feeling hes going to be looking to show off a bit for Emily with the advanced track tonight.

I cant believe Im thinking this, but I really do hope there are at least a few pricks in there. If every advanced track student is suddenly super welcoming and polite and none try to pick a fight, this is going to be really awkward.

Right then, Noah said, clapping his hands together to get everyones attention. We all know what were working for. Just remember to keep enough energy to fully regenerate by tonight. Now, get to it.

Everyone nodded and turned back to their partners to begin preparing to spar. The stone arena that Isabel had made wasnt exactly huge, but it was enough for them to fight if nobody moved around all too much. It would be a good way to practice fighting in relatively enclosed quarters.

Noah made his way over to Lee while the students got started. Shed taken a seat at the edge of the wall, leaning her chin on her knees. He sat down beside her.


Noah wasnt sure how class went after that. All he knew that was, after it finished, Lee had re-stretched all the parts of his body that hed been slacking off on. Shed decided to catch up on everything hed missed at once rather than working him back up to it.

He was pretty sure more than a few limbs would never work properly again, but hed also never felt more limber in his life. For not the first or the last time, he mused that her stretches were actually quite effective.

Just not nearly effective enough to ever do voluntarily.

He held up an arm. Even his bones felt like theyd gotten a thorough stretching. He was pretty sure they werent meant to feel droopy.

Stop looking like that, Lee said. Now you can touch your toes.

Anyone can touch their toes if you rip their hamstrings in the process of pushing them down, Noah informed Lee. It does feel better, though.

Good. Lee beamed at him, and Noah spotted Todd grinning from the corner of the class. The little brat wasnt even trying to hide his smug expression. It was probably pretty fun watching Lee stretch anyone other than yourself out like a wash rag.

Hey, I think Todd is looking a little stiff, Noah said idly.

Todds eyes widened. Ive got to go. I left the fire in our kitchen on. See you guys tonight for the advanced track.

He grabbed Isabel by the wrist and darted off, using his Stone Rune to push the wall surrounding them apart like putty. Noah bit back a laugh as the two of them beat a hasty retreat.

Maybe we should all break so we can get some rest before the meeting, Moxie said. Noah couldnt help but notice she was very pointedly avoiding eye contact with Lee. She hadnt been stretching any more than he had, but someone had needed to supervise the class while they sparred.

I think that is a splendid idea, Alexandra said. I believe I had dinner plans.

I dont know, James murmured, rubbing his eyes with the back of a hand and yawing. I

As did we, Emily said, tugging James to his feet before he could try to start sleeping on the ground. See you tonight!

She herded him out of the arena and Alexandra followed after them, leaving just Noah and Moxie with Lee.

We can go make sure were all stretched out for the meeting, Lee offered.

I think Id rather get food, Moxie said. Ill pay.

Okay! Thats a good idea too. You cant fight if you arent on a full stomach. Lee nodded happily. Lets go.

Diversion strategy. Nice. I should keep that in mind for the future.

Noah walked over to the walls that Isabel had erected, ignoring the twinges that ran through his legs with every movement, and pressed his palm against them. A brief thought sent a flicker of energy from Natural Disaster ripping through them and sending them crumbling back into the sand.

Food sounds good, and itll give us a chance to come up with a plan.

A plan? Lee asked. For what?

The kids arent going to be the only ones being evaluated. Ulya mentioned a good portion of the professors in the advanced track think we dont belong there, Noah said. He grinned. And I want to see just how much we can scam them for before they realize that we do.