Chapter 443: Flowering

Chapter 443: Flowering

Moxie sat in the thick forest of her mindspace and looked out over her Runes, a contemplative frown on her lips. All seven of them were full. Shed gotten back to where shed been before her runes had been shattered at the Torrin estate.

Seven flawless runes, when she hadnt even known that there had been a stage beyond flawless just a short while ago. And yet, before all the insanity with flawless runes and everything shed learned in the last few months, shed known the direction her Rank 4 rune would go.

Now she wasnt so sure.

Moxie rolled a vine between her fingers and drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. It was tempting to just sit there and think. Thinking was easy. It didnt require action. If one wasnt careful, it would just keep pushing the subject at hand back until it was too late to deal with.

That wasnt to say there wasnt a time and place for thinking. Shed just gotten to the point where, perhaps, a different strategy was in order. One more inspired by Noah.

When thinking doesnt get me anywhere, then its probably time to just do some stupid shit and see what happens. Its a damn good thing weve got Sunder. If we didnt, even so much as thinking about throwing something together without extensive planning would be a stupid move.

Moxie uncrossed her legs and rose to her feet. The plants around her feet rose up, lifting her into the air above the forest so she could look down on all of her runes at once. They crackled and hummed with pressure. It was as if waiting for her to make a decision.

But, even if she was going to brute forcing things, she wasnt about to just throw everything together into a random Rank 4. It needed a goal. The goal couldnt be too broad, nor could it be too narrow. She and Noah had learned that for sure, so any rune she made had to fall in line if she didnt want it to be a guaranteed waste of time and energy.

She still knew the general path that the Torrin retainers were meant to take. It was quite simple. Just keep stacking on thorny vines and sharp trees. Avoid just about everything else. It was a straightforward path. As long as one used Torrin runes the whole way up, it would take them right up to Rank 5.

Moxies lips curled in distaste. She held a hand out and vines twisted up from the pillar supporting her, traveling up her arm and gathering in her palm. A small red bud sprouted from one of them, peeling open to reveal a four-petaled flower.

Evergreen wouldnt have approved of this at all. Shed judge it as a completely worthless Rune. Adding Sprouting Plant into my mix doesnt give me any direct offensive capabilities and strays from my purposes as a retainer.

Thats probably what she would have said.

Moxie let out a small laugh. More buds bloomed along the vine, dotting its entirety with flowers. Evergreen wasnt around to tell her what she could and couldnt do anymore. And, even if the flowers were a complete waste and ruined her progression completely, Noah could just sever the Rank 4 Rune she made and there would be another chance to do things differently.

Her chest tightened at the thought, and it struck her with startling clarity that she didnt want to do things differently. A blush reddened her cheeks.

How childish am I? Moxie muttered to herself, running a hand along the petals of a flower. Wanting to have flowers in my combination so badly that Im getting worked up over the idea of it not working out. I havent even tried doing it yet.

There was no answer. She was alone in her mind. But, even so, she could almost hear what Noahs answer would have been had he been there.

Who gives a shit? Just do what you want and make a rune that fits you.

Moxie set her jaw. It wasnt like her desires were completely unfounded. The vines holding her up in the air retracted until they brought her back down to the ground, then withered away.

I like teaching Emily. When I was forced to be her guardian, I didnt truly hate it. Not at the time. I was okay with living as I was told and just existing according to Evergreens will. That hasnt been the case for a long time.

My runes are the last holdout. Theyre the only things I havent taken back for myself. That changes now. My next Rank 4 is mine. Nobody elses. Its going to be exactly what I want I to be, and I want some damn flowers.

Moxie pulled her hands apart. Then she clapped them together, shoving the runes together with a burst of will. A brilliant crack rang out through her soul as the runes merged. A wave of power blew her hair back and she gritted her teeth, focusing every scrap of her will.

Energy churned like a furious storm trapped within the confines of her soul. Moxie wrapped bands of will around the glowing mass of runic energy as it fought against her, trying to break free.

She gave it no quarter. Her intent was unflinching. She didnt care if it was the right intent or if it was optimized to be the perfect warrior. She didnt care what the most powerful or efficient runes had been researched to be.

The only thing she cared about was the rune she wanted. And, in that, she was unshakable. She knew what she wanted, and the rune would become the manifestation of her desire. There would be no room for argument. No open spots for her intent to falter or leave a command unsaid.

A brilliant flash of light lit her mindspace up. It was followed by a powerful wave of pressure that slammed into Moxies chest like a six-foot wave. She staggered back and held her hands up, blinking furiously through the blobs of white that swam through her vision.

Shed made a Rank 4 Rune. Excitement bubbled in her stomach but she forced it down. Reaching Rank 4 was admirable, yes, but there would be no celebration until she saw if shed been successful.

Moxie lowered her hands and squinted in the direction of the rune and there she saw it.

Flowering Genesis

The rune was ten percent full. A laugh slipped out of Moxies mouth and she finally let her hands drop. A tear ran down the side of her face, but she barely even noticed it. Shed formed a Rank 4 Rune not the one shed been told to make, but one shed decided on entirely of her own volition.

Moxie drew power from the rune and tested the pressure that came off it. Power pressed into Moxies face like a strong wind, but it didnt change or falter. She could barely believe it, but it was impossible to deny. As she tested out different parts of the rune, pulling the power into her body and letting it dissipate, there was no denying what she saw.

The rune wasnt just perfect. It was flawless.

I guess I might not need Sunder this time around, Noah. I managed this one all on my own.

She knew that wasnt entirely true, and it only made her smile stretch wider still. Even if Noah hadnt been physically beside her, hed still somehow been there in word and spirit. The rune was hers through and through, but it wouldnt have ever so much as taken shape without him.

Moxie let her eyes drift open in the real world, leaving her mindspace behind and returning to her room. The world around her felt sharper clearer, as if she could see in every direction rather than just through her eyes. In a way, she could.

Her domain had revealed itself.

Moxie had reached Rank 4.