Chapter 457: Aladdin

Chapter 457: Aladdin

The female guard took a step toward Noah, her eyes cautious as she readied her halberd. But, before she could move, Moxie moved between them. The vines twisting from her robes rose up around her like the heads of a hydra.

I wouldnt do that if I were you, Moxie said softly. We still need someone alive to operate the lift.

The guard at Noahs feet stared up at him, jaw clenched and fury burning in his eyes. Killing me would be stealing from Lord Belkus. You wouldnt dare.

Noah tilted his head to the side. Ironically, his guidelines as to what a demon would do were pretty much asking himself what Father would do in his situation. Straight up killing a random guard probably wouldnt be earning him many points in his favor, but Father wasnt the type to back down without an ulterior motive.

Why wouldnt I? Noah asked. You arent important. Id imagine one more sacrifice would more than cover the cost of removing an insect from the heel of my shoe. The only thing keeping you alive right now is that Im too lazy to go back into the Wastes right now.

Who are you? the female guard asked. Shed stopped before Moxie, her wings slightly parted in preparation to either fight or flee. Judging by the way she was carrying herself, it looked like she was at least a little bit more competent than the male demon. I dont know of any demons with your abilities. Was your arrival announced? If it was, reveal your identities and we can put a stop this.

The male demon lurched, trying to sweep Noahs legs out from him. Instead of trying to dodge, Noah let the demons blow connect. As soon as it did, he sent a wave of vibration from Natural Disaster into the demons body, canceling out the momentum and causing the guard to convulse.

Noah drew on Natural Disaster once more, causing a powerful gust of wind to gather directly beneath the guard as he reached down. His dusty uniform fluttered around him as his hand wrapped around the demons neck and he lifted him into the air with the aid of the wind centered around them.ReAd latest chapters at Only

As far as anybody else could likely tell, there was just a breeze rushing by and Noah was just lifting the demon under his own strength.

I dont have to announce when I arrive, Noah said. My presence is warning enough. I do not have to inconvenience myself for the likes of you.

He threw the guard to the ground at his feet, releasing Natural Disaster so he didnt have to keep drawing energy from it and risk somebody noticing that he wasnt tossing people around under his own strength.

The demon scrambled to his feet and backed up until he stood beside his fellow guard. His hands twitched at his sides and his gaze flicked to the shattered weapon lying beside Noah.

Im getting impatient, Noah said quietly. He tapped his foot on the ground. Make a decision. Minor inconvenience or not, itll be the same to me in the end and thats assuming your Lord even notices when you go missing.

A second of terse silence passed. The guards jaw set. An instant before he could speak, any words hed had planned were silenced as the winged demon held her hand up in front of him.

Your sacrifice is sufficient, she said, inclining her head just enough to acknowledge him but without getting too respectful. Her wings folded back in and she moved to the side, nodding up to the platform.

Noah bared his teeth in a flat smile. Very clever. It was a pleasure meeting you both.

Lee scooped the haft of the guards weapon off the ground and examined it with a critical eye.

I left my axe behind. Can I take this? Lee asked.

Lee chewed on the end of the stick that shed taken from the guard. I love this stuff.

Wood? Noah asked. Youre getting worse. At least you were mostly eating edible things before.

No. Its dry sinew, Lee said, still gnawing at the spear haft. Wood is hard to get in the Damned Plains. Its basically really stiff beef jerky. Want to try some?

Noah sent it a suspicious look. No. I think Ill be fine. We just killed a bunch of stuff so Im not going to starve to death anytime soon.

He paused, then a grimace passed over his lips. Shit. We just left all our money with the guards, didnt we?

Gold still works, Lee said. Its just a little less common. A lot of demons bring it back after they leave the Mortal Plane, but not normal ones. Its pretty much exclusive to the stronger classes.

Well, I suppose that works out, doesnt it? I dont have that much on me anyway. Moxie?

Around one hundred, Moxie said after digging through her bag for a moment. I wouldnt mind finding a proper meal but we really need to figure out what our actual plan is from here on out. We cant just wander around the city getting into shit until we stumble into someone that can find Wizen.

Agreed. Theres no point finding Wizen until we have a way to actually fight him, Noah said. Which means we need either allies or power, and ideally both.

Allies? Lees nose scrunched and she pulled the chewed-up polearm shaft out of her mouth. Here?

You turned out pretty well.

Im unique.

That you are, Noah agreed. But Im sure well be able to find some demons that we can convince to fight for us one way or another and that leads to the next thing. We arent getting anywhere as ourselves. I can bluff my way past some guards, but if we want to get stronger, we need Runes. Especially you. If theres anywhere we can find a way to fix your Rank 4, its here.

Thats true. A flicker of worry and reluctance passed over Lees face, but she nodded. And sooner would be better. Do you mean were going to pretend to be some strong demon?

Noah scratched the back of his neck. That could work, but I dont know anywhere near enough about anyone in particular to emulate them. I think we need to leave things a little more open ended. Do you know if the entirety of the Damned Plains has been explored?

I dont think it has. Most of it is completely uninhabitable, and its huge. Ive heard its way bigger than the mortal world, but I dont know enough to say for sure, Lee said with a shake of her head. Wed have to find someone that knows more about it for good answers.

Then weve got a start. I think Ive got a plan that should fit our plans perfectly if we pull it off correctly.

Care to share? Moxie asked, arching an eyebrow.

Back where Im from, theres a pretty famous story about a beggar that pretends to be a prince. A grin split Noahs face. He went by the name Aladdin, and I think he had the right idea.