Gu Yuan knows.

The Yulin army has sufficient military expenditure.

Even if you are injured and have no choice but to retire, there are very special subsidies.

So according to Zhao Bucheng's conditions, at least you can get millions.

However, why did he set up a stall to sell beef noodles after he was injured and retired.

Compared with the military doctor who saved the lives and healed the wounded in those years, Zhao Bucheng now simply makes Gu Yuan look very pathetic.

Poor to the point that Gu Yuan, the God of war, especially wanted to cry.

Zhao Bucheng hurriedly comforted and said, "it's okay. It's really okay. I'm much better. The God of war doesn't have to worry about me so much."

"No, you tell me, why on earth is it reduced to this! Did they withhold your money?"

"No, no deduction. I spent all my money carelessly. There is no way."

"It's all gone?"

That's millions.

In particular, Gu Yuan knows that Zhao Bucheng is very frugal in his daily life. Why can he spend all his money.

In this case, Gu Yuan felt that the matter was very serious.

"It's really gone."

It can be seen that Zhao Bucheng has difficulties to hide, but Gu Yuan feels he can't just let him go on like this.

"Military doctor zhaobucheng!"


In an instant, Zhao Bucheng straightened his body.

Even though he has retired, he still does not forget that he is a soldier.

"Now I order you to tell me how you lost your money!"


"This is an order! You must answer!"

Zhao Bucheng was very helpless, but in the face of such orders, he also knew that he had no choice but to answer.

"Tell the God of war that they are all my disheartened sons."

"Disheartened son? I remember you showed me his picture. Isn't he very cute?"

"Alas, that was before, and then he grew up."

"And then?"


The more he thought of this, Zhao Bucheng's heart became more and more uncomfortable. He didn't even know how to tell Gu Yuan.

However, after stabilizing his mood, Zhao Bucheng still spoke out.

"At the age of 15, he was deceived and infected with white goods. At that time, I was in the Yulin army, and he was even more unscrupulous without caring about him."

"And then?"

"As you know, white goods are addictive. Once he gets it, he can't quit it, so he doesn't hesitate to borrow usury in order to smoke it."

"And then?"

"Then he sold his house and fooled around until he was seventeen. By the time I got back from the army, he had owed millions."

"So you used your money to pay his debts?"

"Yes, but it's no use even getting all my money in. Rolling profits is too serious. There's still a lot of money missing."

"What about my son now? I'll help him get rid of drugs and I'll pay your debts."

"Alas, it was too late. My son was scolded by me, and then jumped out of the building."

Speaking of this, Zhao Bucheng has begun to cry.

He knew that he was sorry for his son, but in any case, he didn't think that a few words he said would lead his son to seek short-sightedness.

In fact, his son also knows that he is a waste.

Having been infected with white goods for so long and owed a huge amount of debt, how can you still have the face to live.

As for Zhao Bucheng's reprimand, it was only a fuse.

The person who really hurt him was the one who tricked him into getting contaminated with white goods and asked him to borrow money.


Gu Yuan severely chopped his foot.

A footprint three feet deep appeared directly on the ground.

"How unreasonable!"

"Well, God of war, it's my bad life. If I had cared more about my son, he wouldn't have taken this wrong path."

Zhao Bucheng is an excellent military doctor.

He has been loyal to the country for so many years in the Yulin army. Why should he encounter such a thing.

Gu Yuan felt that this was his original sin.

As the God of war of the Yulin army, it is Gu Yuan's responsibility for every soldier to be wronged.

So Gu Yuan must manage this matter.

Gu Yuan bowed deeply to Zhao Bucheng: "Lao Zhao, I'm sorry for you."

"Don't, don't, God of war, don't do this, how can I afford it!"

"No, the war was so frequent that you didn't take good care of your son. That's why..."

"Alas, it's all over, and I'll live like this."

Since his son jumped out of the building, Zhao Bucheng was also completely disillusioned.

He has almost lost everything he can lose, so he can only set up a stall to sell beef noodles to maintain his life.

But even if he sells beef noodles, he still has a huge debt to pay, because his son has not paid off the debt.

In addition, they have to endure the exploitation of local ruffians and hooligans.

Make Zhao Bucheng, who is not rich, even worse.

"I'm already very happy to see you, the God of war, alive. You are the faith of our entire Yulin army."

"It is because of your support that I am the God of war. Without you, what is the significance of my God of war."

At this time.

Gu Yuan said, "now, go to avenge your son!"

"No, No."

"Don't tell me, you don't even know who deceived him."

"As a member of the Yulin army, how can I not even investigate this matter clearly? Of course, I have investigated it clearly."

"In that case, why not take revenge!"


Gu Yuan knew that Zhao Bucheng had no accomplishments. His skills were all in medicine. His duty was to save the dying and heal the wounded, so it was really difficult for him to kill and revenge.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Tell me, who is it?"

"Yes, it's brother Biao's gang."

"Those people who collect protection fees?"


"Who is the boss of the underground forces in Dongdu now?"

"It seems to be called three eyes."

"The background."

"The background of the three eyes is the Dongdu Chi family. He was an orphan picked up by the Chi family when he was a child."

"So, all the disgusting dirty things in Dongdu are done by these three eyes?"

"Although he didn't do it himself, he inspired it."

Revenge is afraid of no goal.

Since there is a goal, it is very good.

"Well, let's get revenge on the three eyes."

"No, no, God of war. Now you are in the dormant stage. If you expose your identity, it will be very bad for you."

"If I can't even handle your affairs well, what face can I have to call myself God of war?"


That's it.

Gu Yuan is going to help Zhao Bucheng revenge.

Zhao Bucheng has lost everything, he must not let Zhao Bucheng even the last knot can't be solved.

Compared with this, Gu Yuan's own identity exposure is nothing.

When the two of them were discussing things.

Suddenly the group of hooligans came back.

This time, not only did they come back, but also led their eldest brother, the guy named brother Biao.

"Brother Biao, this boy was beating us just now."

Brother Biao, with a cigarette in his mouth, said with great disdain.

"Go, take off his leg for me!"