“No, this Xiao Fan doesn’t say that we haven’t figured out his true identity and origin yet. I can’t act rashly, and he also has a personal relationship with Fengyun’s two ancestors. Is it not offending the ancestors?” The hoarse voice that spoke up immediately slammed against it.

“Hey, will we be afraid of the second ancestor of the martial arts?” The screaming voice was apparently from the squad of the night squad, and suddenly it was sneer and said.

“Catch Xiao Fan, count me as a Lú Family!” It’s a cold voice. “You guys don’t want to be able to look at it, don’t force it!”

“Xiao Fan is our Zhao Family, no one can grab it!” The former old voice was lightly started, this is the Zhao Family.

“I have news, if we catch Xiao Fan, we won’t be angry with the ancestors!” Suddenly, a voice that never spoke said plainly.



Suddenly, everyone in the hall is looking to the place where the voice is, filled with questions and doubts.

On that day, everyone saw that Fengyun’s second ancestor and Xiao Fan had a very good personal relationship. Although they couldn’t figure out the reason, the fact is that no one would doubt anything, but now, it’s exposed to catching Xiao Fan. The second ancestor will not be in the first place. What is the matter?

If the people who are not the ones are extremely heavy, I am afraid that no one will believe in the presence!

“If I don’t want to say anything extra, you just need to know that I have a way to know it!” The voice that never spoke still said flatly, and then he fell back into silence and never said more. One sentence.

“In this case, it seems to be true!” said the calm middle-aged voice.

The rest of the people did not speak, but silence also represented a positive attitude!

“Without the scruples of Fengyun’s second ancestor, let’s do it!” It is unclear whether the majestic voice of a man or a woman is open at this time, indifferently said, “This Xiao Fan has been ruined so much in the most immortal lake.” People, and now the number of hundred thousand young talented parents and the elders of the division are rushing to the Sun and Moon City all night, the entire Tianqi County is almost noisy now, no peace everywhere, the pressure on us Great!”

“So at this time, I have already taken care of the origins of this Xiao Fan. I can only catch him first, give everyone an account and say something else!”

“And now, if you are willing to take a shot, please keep silent, and don’t want to get into trouble, you can quit!”

There was silence in the temple, and no one spoke.

“Okay, then let’s do it all!” The majestic voice that makes people wonder if it is a man or a woman.

Key chain 塻ilhouette 渚 block 兘寰 well nodded 锛岄殢涔嫔悇镊︻紦缂撴映铡 纴涓嶅镞讹纴娈垮爞涔嬩腑渚 鏂 鏂 鏂 仮澶崭 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 鍜岀┖镞

灏佸阒 硶鍏 硶鍏

涓 涓﹄竴韬礌琛 涓﹄竴韬礌琛 殑涓 殑涓 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 箣涓纴浠栫殑 箣涓纴浠栫殑 箣涓纴浠栫殑 箣涓纴浠栫殑娓 娓 锛屾椂涓嶆椂鍙戝嚭 pi li pa la 镄勫 0 鍝嶅拰阒 樀 in in in er er er errifying 姘旀伅銆

姝ゆ椂锛岃嫢鏄湁灏佸阒 硶鍏 硶鍏 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 鍦ㄦ锛屼竴瀹 鍦ㄦ锛屼竴瀹 鍦ㄦ锛屼竴瀹 鍦ㄦ锛屼竴瀹 鍦ㄦ锛屼竴瀹 鍦ㄦ锛屼竴瀹Emerald 灏 灏 灏 槸灏佸阒 槸灏佸阒 槸灏佸阒 槸灏佸阒 槸灏佸阒 槸灏佸阒

钖屾椂浜”槸Xiao Fan 阒 硶鍏 硶鍏 硶鍏 锛 锛

鈥滃皝澶滐紒鈥濈獊鐒讹纴涓 澹 澹 贰娣 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹 煶 煶 ょ劧涔嬮棿鍦ㄥ皝澶滆 ょ劧涔嬮棿鍦ㄥ皝澶滆 ょ劧涔嬮棿鍦ㄥ皝澶滆 ょ劧涔嬮棿鍦ㄥ皝澶滆 ょ劧涔嬮棿鍦ㄥ皝澶滆 涓皬 涓皬銆

杩欐槸sound transmission threshold 滈搩锛岄潪宁毦寰楋纴鍙毦寰楋纴鍙毦寰楋纴鍙毦寰楋纴鍙璁╀袱涓﹄

钖埌杩欎 娣 娣 °C贰镄勫0 纴灏佸椤挎椂缂撶紦镌佸紑浜嗙溂镌 纴灏佸椤挎椂缂撶紦镌佸紑浜嗙溂镌 纴灏佸椤挎椂缂撶紦镌佸紑浜嗙溂镌 €

浠栫殑鐪 潧锛屾 潧锛屾 榛戜竴鐗囷纴娣 榛戜竴鐗囷纴娣 榛戜竴鐗囷纴娣 榛戜竴鐗囷纴娣 婊 婊 婊 婊 婊 婊 婊箣镒燂纴镙 湰涓嶆槸娲讳 湰涓嶆槸娲讳 鍑犲崄骞 鍑犲崄骞 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜

濡俋iao Fan 镓€棰勬枡镄勯偅鑸纴灏佸娲讳简涓夊崈骞达纴涓€鐩撮兘鏄€氲氲body possession 镄勬楠寮忎笉鏂瀵匡纴 瀵匡纴 瀵匡纴 瀵匡纴 屽綋鐒讹纴浠栦竴鐩 屽綋鐒讹纴浠栦竴鐩 屽綋鐒讹纴浠栦竴鐩 仛镄勫緢闅愮锛屽埆璇 佺涓岖煡阆掳纴灏辫繛灏佸 佺涓岖煡阆掳纴灏辫繛灏佸 佺涓岖煡阆掳纴灏辫繛灏佸 佺涓岖煡阆掳纴灏辫繛灏佸镄勭洿绯诲悗杈埚瓙寮熶篃涓岖煡阆撹 Umbrella

娌 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍 粡鏄疍

鈥沧潕涓撮锛屼綍浜嬶纻鈥濆皝澶沧镞 紶鐒跺紑鍙 纴澹 纴澹 纴澹 纴澹 煶婕犵劧镄勫ソ浼 煶婕犵劧镄勫ソ浼 病 病 病 煶婕犵劧镄勫ソ浼Death

鏉庝 椋庯纴涓撮阒 椋庯纴涓撮阒 硶鍏 硶鍏 镄勪 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸寰掍箣涓 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 鑸纴鏄竴涓疄闄呮椿浜嗕笁鍗冨 鑸纴鏄竴涓疄闄呮椿浜嗕笁鍗冨 鑸纴鏄竴涓疄闄呮椿浜嗕笁鍗冨 鑸纴鏄竴涓疄闄呮椿浜嗕笁鍗冨 镄勮 镄勮 佹 佹 ︻墿銆

鈥滈偅浠朵簨锛屽 涓嶅瑕佸紑濮嬩 涓嶅瑕佸紑濮嬩 锛岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 涓 娆 娆 娆 纴鍙兘鏄渶钖庝竴娆 纴鍙兘鏄渶钖庝竴娆 锛屾墍浠ュ嗳澶囧嗳澶囧惂锛屾 锛屾墍浠ュ嗳澶囧嗳澶囧惂锛屾 锛屾墍浠ュ嗳澶囧嗳澶囧惂锛屾垜浠袱涓纴杩樻槸鎸夌 垜浠袱涓纴杩樻槸鎸夌 佽鐭╄仈 佽鐭╄仈 嬶紒鈥濇潕涓撮骞 嬶紒鈥濇潕涓撮骞 嬶紒鈥濇潕涓撮骞 嬶紒鈥濇潕涓撮骞 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 阔 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠 粠Simple and dry

鈥沧潕涓撮锛屾姳姝夛纴杩欎竴娆★纴鎭愭€曚綘寰楀幓Gas 叾瀹冧 叾瀹冧 叾瀹冧 叾瀹冧 浜嗭紒鈥濆皝澶滃紑鍙 纴婕犵劧 纴婕犵劧锲炲簲阆撱€

鈥滀 浣曪纻鈥濋偅绔殑鏉庝 浣曪纻鈥濋偅绔殑鏉庝 椋庨 镞 镞 镞 剰澶栵纴澹 剰澶栵纴澹 剰澶栵纴澹 娣 娣 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜 纴鐤戞儜箣鍓崭笉鏄悎浣 箣鍓崭笉鏄悎浣 殑鎸哄ソ镄勶纻浣犱 浣旷獊鐒 浣旷獊鐒 浣旷獊鐒 敼鍙 镒忥纻鈥 镒忥纻鈥 镒忥纻鈥

鈥滀綘涓岖敤鐭ラ 涓 涓 涓 粈涔堬纴鍙︻敤鐭ラ 粈涔堬纴鍙︻敤鐭ラ 粈涔堬纴鍙︻敤鐭ラ 鎴戜 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝煶闱炲伴煶闱炲父 indifferently said 銆

钖埌灏佸镄勮瘽锛岄偅绔殑鏉庝 椋庨 椋庨 镞 镞 病 病 病 夊啀璇 夊啀璇 夊啀璇

After a moment of silence!

鈥滃樋锛屾垜鏄庣槠浜嗭紒鈥濇潕涓撮绐佺劧绗戜 璧 璧 潵锛岃 潵锛岃 潵锛岃 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗 浠巗滀綘鏄拰姘翠簯Holy Land 镄勯偅涓冧釜佷笢瑗胯仈佷笢瑗胯仈佷笢瑗胯仈嬩嬩

鈥滀綘 夌寽鎴戝拰璋佽仈 夌寽鎴戝拰璋佽仈 嬬殑绌 嬬殑绌 嬬殑绌 嬬殑绌 纴杩 纴杩 笉濡傝 兂鎯 兂鎯 兂鎯 兂鎯 兂鎯 兂鎯 兂鎯 欎竴 欎竴 欎竴涓﹄汉瀛ょ珛镞犳彺锛屾鍦ㄤ简闾i噷锛佲€濆皝澶滃喎婕犲洖搴旈死銆

鈥淗ahaha 锛佲€濇潕涓撮澶х瑧浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鈥滃皝澶滃晩灏佸锛屽ソ姝瑧浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鈥滃皝澶滃晩灏佸锛屽ソ姝挶浠挶浠旋旋粡涔熸槸钖屽锛屼竴璧 笂璇撅纴涓 笂璇撅纴涓 璧 璧 璧 笅璇撅纴杩炰綇閮 笅璇撅纴杩炰綇閮 笅璇撅纴杩炰綇閮 綇鍦ㄤ 綇鍦ㄤ 綇鍦ㄤ 綇鍦ㄤ 綇鍦ㄤ 綇鍦ㄤ 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡 纴濡鏂椾 涓夊崈骞 涓夊崈骞 纴浣犲 纴浣犲 纴浣犲 涔堟墦绠楋纴鎴戣缮涓嶆竻妤 涔堟墦绠楋纴鎴戣缮涓嶆竻妤 涔堟墦绠楋纴鎴戣缮涓嶆竻妤 涔堟墦绠楋纴鎴戣缮涓嶆竻妤 涔堟墦绠楋纴鎴戣缮涓嶆竻妤 涔堟墦绠楋纴鎴戣缮涓嶆竻妤 涔堟墦绠楋纴鎴戣缮涓嶆竻妤

鈥滀綘涔嬫墍浠ユ斁寮冨拰鎴戣仈 嬶纴杞 嬶纴杞 屽拰姘 屽拰姘 簯 簯 Holy Land 镄勯偅涓冧 佷笢瑗胯仈 佷笢瑗胯仈 佷笢瑗胯仈 佷笢瑗胯仈 佷笢瑗胯仈綘镄刡ody possession

鈥滀篃鏄纴澶 皯浜篵 皯浜篵 possess possession read 岖敓閮 け璐ヤ 锛岃 屼綘杩欎 屼綘杩欎 屼綘杩欎 possess possess body possession岖敓锛屽 岖敓锛屽 缁璴 ifespan 锛岄偅鐪嬫潵浣犵殑body possession 岖敓涔嬫硶锛屾兂蹇呰缮鐪熶笉绠€鍗曞憿锛佲€

鈥滀絾鍜 镄勯偅浣嶉瓟 镄勯偅浣嶉瓟 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐 锛宐Possess 锛屾墍浠ュ嵆浣挎槸鍐嶅畲缇庣殑body possession reading 夎 夎 夎 鍒 姝ワ紒鈥 姝ワ紒鈥 姝ワ紒鈥

鈥滆 屼綘鐜 屼綘鐜 湪锛屽簲璇ュ 湪锛屽簲璇ュ possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess possess €

鈥淗ahahaha 锛屽皝澶滐纴浣狅纴铡熸潵浣犲揩瑕佹浜嗗晩锛佲€