Chapter 174

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

Chapter 174 The Anti-Columnist (Part 3)

“Who is he? Is this idiot also in the Cold Department?” Figgy whispered to Vikir.

It was Granola De Reviadon, a tall and somewhat aloof-looking male student from the Hot Department. He was from the venomous Reviadon family, one of the seven great clans, and he also happened to be a top-ranking member of the 1st year class in the hot Department.

He glanced at Tudor with a mocking smile. “What’s with all the trembling and quivering? You guys are practically vibrating with fear.”

“What’s wrong with this lunatic?” Tudor interrupted Granola’s taunting, as if he were used to it.

But Granola didn’t stop. “Hahaha, I overheard your discussion earlier about the ‘Night Hound.’ You guys are so afraid that you can practically feel the vibrations. If you’re so scared, can you really call yourselves students of the prestigious Colosseo Academy? You’re all quite pathetic.”

“Then aren’t you afraid? He’s the one who actually witnessed the Night Hound,” Tudor said, pointing to Vikir.

Granola raised a smirking smile. “Is his name Bhikir? He witnessed Night Hound himself?”

“No, his name is Vikir.”

“Hmm, even bothering to remember the name of a commoner? Are you showing off your memory skills?”

Granola gave Vikir a cursory look, mixed with a bit of interest and disdain. Then he continued, “Anyway, don’t be so afraid of the Night Hound, you feeble and pitiful underclassmen. Weak people are usually the ones who fear the most, but I don’t believe that cowards hiding behind masks and lurking around would reach such a high level. And...”

As Granola finished speaking, he waved his hand to signal his comrades behind him.

At that moment...


A light black mist began to envelop Granola’s body. It was a paralyzing toxin, dispersing like mist, mixed with mana.

Tudor, Sancho, and Figgy panicked and stepped back in response to the poisonous mist that Granola had released within the school.

“Granola, you insane moron! Is this the place for you to show off your skills?

“This is just for fun. I’m simply demonstrating my strong abilities.”

In reality, the poison Granola released and its quantity weren’t particularly dangerous. It was merely a paralyzing toxin that would cause numbness and stiffness for a few minutes.

However, due to Granola’s reputation as a member of the venomous Reviadon family, people reacted in fear and withdrew.

But there was one exception: Vikir.

Initially, Vikir also took a step back. But then...


At first, Vikir also stepped back, but soon he hesitated and stopped moving away.

He looked like he was about to continue retreating, but then something happened.


There was an entity that sucked in the black mist spewed by Granola. It was a creature with the appearance of a young spider attached to Vikir’s left wrist, like a wristwatch.

The creature saw the toxic mist that Granola had released and immediately began inhaling it.Fiind updated novels at

The creature devoured the paralyzing toxin, leaving no trace. Then, it slightly shivered and exhaled, as if showing off.

Vikir couldn’t help but be thankful for this opportunity to help feed this little spider.

“His name is Granola, right? He’s from the Reviadon family, so he probably has a lot of toxins.”

Vikir began to observe Granola carefully.

Meanwhile, Tudor, Sancho, and Figgy were baffled by what had just happened.

“What? What happened to the poison?”

“It disappeared suddenly?”

“Whoa, I was really surprised. Was it fake?”

Even Granola himself seemed somewhat puzzled and looked around.

“Hey, where did my poison go just now?”

“Didn’t you just release it and let it go? Are you stupid?”

Tudor retorted, and Granola quickly regained his composure.

Granola argued, “I simply demonstrated my exceptional ability to these weaklings from the Cold Department who have only mediocre skills and brains.”

Sancho, who usually avoided joining in when others criticized others, agreed with them this time.

Then, Figgy poked Vikir in the side.

“Vikir, what just happened?”

“What do you mean?”


“What about her?”



Puzzled by Vikir’s response, Tudor, Sancho, and Figgy exchanged looks.

“Did something happen between the two of you?”

“Cause normally she’s not interested in anyone, but makes an exception for you?”

“Yeah, it felt like she was throwing hints your way with those glances.”

However, when they voiced their suspicions, Vikir firmly denied it.

“There’s nothing like that.”

Upon hearing Vikir’s denial, his friends became somewhat downcast.

“Is there something you’re not telling us? You know, rumors about you two being an item or something?”

Vikir’s eyebrows moved slightly in confusion.

“Why would you think that?”

Questioned by Vikir in a serious tone, Tudor casually replied, “Nah, it’s just that on the way back to the dorms, you were the only one who fell behind. So, you’re the only one without an alibi.”


“Also, when the security asked for statements, we all said we went back to our rooms and went to sleep, but weren’t you in the laundry room? Washing your pants or something. Hahaha.”


“Oops, sorry. It was just a joke, and I didn’t expect you to take it that seriously. I didn’t know you’d still be bothered by it. I’m sorry.”

Tudor laughed but immediately regretted it, and Vikir responded with a dry chuckle.

After that, Tudor poked Vikir’s side.

“Vikir, are you perhaps the Night Hound?”


Vikir raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Why would you think that?”

When Vikir asked in a serious tone.

“Vikir, you’re too serious! That’s even scarier because you don’t show any emotion!”

“Really, Tudor, it was a bad joke. Vikir probably still thinks about that ‘Pee’ night with regret and shame.”

Tudor was reprimanded by Sancho and Figgy, and he bowed his head in apology. Sometimes it’s challenging for a member of the prestigious Donquixote family to maintain their pristine image.

Vikir thought about the time before his regression when Tudor was known for his righteousness, integrity, and childlike innocence and smiled dryly, allowing them to continue with their teasing. But he wanted to make one thing clear.

“I’m not the Night Hound. He’s a monster at the Graduator level, and I’m just a struggling low-tier Expert.”

“You’re right; there’s no way Vikir could be such a villain.”

“Yeah! Vikir, let’s work on improving our skills and catch those villains ourselves!”

Vikir nodded in agreement with their words. He uttered, “Yeah, a wicked villain like the Night Hound will get what’s coming to him someday,” with determination. It was a reminder to himself.

Just then, a loud and noticeable cough echoed from the top of the stairs. Everyone looked up in surprise. There, a familiar face was looking down at them.

Dolores, the Student Council President of Colosseo Academy, Head of the academy newspaper club, and the saintess of Quovadis.

Dolores was standing there, peering at them curiously.

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]