Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 409

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 409

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

Chapter 409: End Game (1)

A Catastrophe.

The current state of Nouvellebag could best be described by that word. Just hours, no, minutes, no, mere seconds ago, everything was as usual.

Guards, armed and vigilant, controlled the prisoners, who were slowly withering away, shackled by terrifying restraints that drained their Aura and strength.

But then, at a moment that no one could clearly remember, something happened.


All the handcuffs, shackles, and iron bars that had confined the prisoners’ wrists, ankles, and entire bodies vanished. This happened simultaneously throughout the expansive Nouvellebag.


Both guards and prisoners froze, their faces blank with confusion. They couldn’t comprehend what had just occurred. Why did this happen? Was there a problem with their eyes? Was it a minor accident? Did it only happen to them? Was it just a small anomaly in this area?

They soon realized it wasn’t just a localized incident. Every cuff, shackle, and iron bar in all of Nouvellebag had disappeared. The handcuffs that seemed to crush their wrists, the shackles heavy enough to break their ankles, and the iron bars that made even thinking about escape impossible—all gone. The restraints that had suppressed their bodies and minds for what felt like an eternity had vanished, as if all their past hardships had been just a dream.

The prisoners felt Aura flooding back into their bodies. Strength returned. The desires and rage that had been thoroughly suppressed reignited in their hearts. The prisoners undergoing the induction process were the first to adapt to this new reality.

“What? What is this? My Aura is back!”

“The BDISSEM cuffs are off!”

“Yippee! I don’t know what’s happening, but this is great!”

“Die, you bastards!”

The prisoners crossing the Blade Bridge suddenly turned on the guards, attacking them. The rest of the prisoners also rose up.

“Kill all the guards!”

“Smash everything! Kill them all!”

“Burn it down! Blow everything up!”

“Open the Gate of Good and Evil! Let’s get out of here!”

“The 5th floor! There’s a gulper eel farm on the 5th floor! Let’s take the eels and escape!”

Though they hesitated momentarily upon regaining their freedom, the prisoners soon reverted to their former ferocity. Their true nature was unchanged.

...At that very moment.


A tremendous explosion echoed, and the prisoners undergoing induction were blown away.


Amidst the blood-soaked scene and the billowing sulfurous smoke, two head guards stood up. D’Ordume and Souaré. Each of them had pinned a bloodied prisoner beneath their hands and feet.


D’Ordume tossed aside the corpse he was holding and spoke.

“Get a grip. This place is 10,000 meters under the sea. You won’t get out of here. You might have the advantage in numbers for now, but reinforcements from the surface will arrive soon. What will you do then?”

“It’s the key! The key!”

“That can open the Gate of Good and Evil!”

“Waaah! That key will lead us to the surface!”

“With the key, we’re set! Kill them all!”

They had now almost sanctified the key as a divine tool. D’Ordume spoke, incredulous.

“Hey! Get a grip! That key is only half of what you need! Even if you open the Gate of Good and Evil, all you’ll get is a flood of water and the pressure of being 10000 meters below sea level! Think rationally! What do you think you can do in these depths...”

“Hey, hey. Stop it. Do you really think those idiots have the intelligence to think about that?” Souaré stepped forward, irritated. She kicked a Level One prisoner who was charging at her, killing him instantly, then drew the sledgehammer she carried on her back.


A large prisoner charging like a boar lost his head to Souaré’s sledgehammer. The battle had begun. The elite guards gathered to control the induction process launched a ruthless slaughter.

“No need to hold back now!”

“Kill them all!”

“They’re just starving wretches anyway!”

Even though the prisoners from the lower levels had regained some strength, they were still physically weakened from harsh labor and poor meals. No matter how mad or numerous they were, they stood no chance once the guards regained their composure. Especially with the overwhelming presence of the two head guards rampaging at the front lines of the suppression unit.

Rumble! Boom!

The axe blade attached to D’Ordume’s forearm created a vortex of aura, shredding nearby prisoners into minced meat.

Gurgle... Gurgle... Bubble, bubble—

The ground beneath Souaré’s feet melted, turning into boiling lava that swallowed the surrounding prisoners.

The two pillars of Nouvellebag held the front lines, causing a massive number of prisoners to be cut down. Even the burliest fell, and the fastest were all captured and killed. The two Majors, aiming to become the next warden of Nouvellebag, turned everything in their path into blood-soaked pulp.

One against a hundred. One warrior defeating a thousand. An enemy of ten thousand.

Where D’Ordume and Souaré stood became the center of a long trail of carnage—a bloody Maginot Line.

Prisoners who tried to rush through were ruthlessly cut down. The elite guards, under the direction of the two head guards, formed an impregnable line of defense.

“As expected! The majors are amazing!”

“They are the symbol of Nouvellebag’s strength! The core of our combat power!”

“Truly heroes, vying for the position of the next warden!”

“We can do it! Let those prisoners come, we’ll take them all on!”

The guards, having almost completely suppressed the coup by the prisoners undergoing induction or revolting from the lower levels, were cheering with renewed courage.


From far below, a terrified guard’s voice echoed up from the lower levels.

“Le-Level Nine! Level Nine! Prisoners from the ninth floor are coming up—!”

The report was like a bucket of cold water thrown over the heated atmosphere of the guards.

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]