Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 426

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 426

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

Chapter 426: Night Walkers (2)

Dolores, Tudor, Sancho, and Figgy entered the tent.

Inside, Cindiwendy, the sponsor of the Night Walkers, was seated with a serious expression.

Cindiwendy. She was Vikir’s appointed aide and the lover of Osiris Le Baskerville.

She had spared no expense in purchasing a vast amount of relief supplies.

Preserved food and drinking water procured from all over the empire were still continuously arriving.Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Even more astonishing was that Cindiwendy had been working on this project for years.

Given that the fortress of Tochka had enough supplies to feed the entire imperial population for several months, it was clear that Vikir’s plan had been in motion for a very long time.

This was even before Vikir appeared in the capital under the alias “Night Hound.”

However, not even the great Cindiwendy fully understood Vikir’s intentions.

This was also true for Chihuahua and Minipin, who handled all the tasks as Cindiwendy’s left and right arms.

“Why did Vikir order us to gather the refugees in this highland region? Even after all these years, I still don’t know.”

“Do you think I would know? Even if you are close to him, he doesn’t reveal his true intentions. We just need to do what we’re told, right?”

They were engaged in various conversations when Dolores and the other Colosseo Academy graduates entered, turning their attention to Cindiwendy.

Cindiwendy opened her eyes and asked Dolores, “How is the myth-making going?”

Dolores nodded at her question.

“Yes. We have created a new concept called ‘The Ark.’ We are spreading the message to the people that those who come to Tochka will be saved.”

However, Dolores’ expression was somewhat dark as she spoke.

In truth, the idea that coming to Tochka would bring salvation was not something found in prophecies or ancient texts.

This myth was a fabricated concept, created by Dolores, Martin Luther, and some high-ranking priests of the Quovadis Clan to make it easier to bring refugees to Tochka.

‘...Honestly, I was surprised. That Pope Nabokov would approve of this.’

When Dolores presented this plan, prepared to face divine retribution, Pope Nabokov I had simply smiled warmly and nodded.

“If such a myth doesn’t exist, then we make one. All myths were created by humans from the beginning. God respects human free will, my dear.”

With these words, Pope Nabokov I had stroked Dolores’ head and concluded.

“Your steps will become a myth recorded in the scriptures one day.”

Pope Nabokov I gave Dolores all the power she could spare.

Complete trust.

Because of this, the Night Walkers could safely travel across the continent with the covert support of Quovadis temples located throughout the empire.

...Of course, Quovadis was not the only one supporting the Night Walkers.

Morg, Bourgeois, and surprisingly, even the Baskerville Clan were providing secret assistance.

Those providing the most significant help included Banshee from Morg, Lovebad from Bourgeois, Mozgus from Quovadis, and Isabella from Baskerville.

They supplied resources, dispatched personnel to protect the movement of supplies, and provided various information about areas where battles were occurring or monsters were appearing.

Thanks to these supporters and allies spread across various cities and towns, the Night Walkers could continue to exist.

Additionally, many individuals like Gordon and Dogma, who had been involved with Vikir in the abyss, and Lovegood, who had met him in the National University league, were already working with the Night Walkers.

An unofficial group operating solely for the people, citizens, and masses, independent of the civil war.

The Night Walkers were a somewhat aggressive vigilante group, unafraid to use force when necessary.

Meanwhile, Cindiwendy was carefully examining the maps on the table.

Dolores asked, “Is everything quiet on the Western Continent?”

“Hmm? Oh, don’t worry. The Baskervilles are fully cooperating with us. The Ballak tribes have reappeared, so trade isn’t an issue.”

At the end of her response, Cindiwendy added something as if she had just remembered.

“Oh, speaking of the Ballak... I’ve heard there’s a new guardian deity that has appeared there recently. They say it’s quite a ‘reliable friend.’”

A reliable friend?

Everyone tilted their heads in confusion, but Cindiwendy didn’t seem to know the details either.

Finally, she got to the main point.

From the perspective of the demons, there was no particular reason to focus on this place.

After all, it was just a gathering spot for refugees in a location without a water source, so it was clear they wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.

Of course, they didn’t know how much food and water Cindiwendy had stockpiled in this fortress.

That was the only variable.

But now that variable was about to be exposed.

Because of Tudor!

“...It’s all because of me,” Tudor said, lowering his head in distress.

“If this place is discovered early because of me, it would be a disaster. I should leave immediately and draw their attention elsewhere...”

“No. That’s not why Cindiwendy called for this meeting,” Dolores interrupted Tudor.

Cindiwendy nodded in agreement, indicating her trust in Dolores.

Taking the cue from Cindiwendy, Dolores spoke calmly.

“This means that the decisive moment is approaching.”


Tudor raised his head. Dolores reiterated.

“You are one of us, Tudor. Just as you care for us, we care for you.”


Tudor’s eyes grew moist.

Dolores looked around at everyone and continued.

“The demons are not going to leave this place alone. Now that they are finally showing their teeth, we must fight back. Whether we are ready or not isn’t the point. We cannot sit and wait for disaster.”

Sancho and Figgy also agreed with her opinion.

“If the Donquixote Clan has sent out their pursuit team... their main base must be undefended.”

“This might be an opportunity. A chance to assassinate a key figure!”

Living in a world that had become harsh and fiercely competitive, both of them had grown quite adept.

Dolores spoke with firm resolve.

“This time, let’s not rely solely on Vikir. Let’s handle it ourselves. Let’s capture Monte, or rather, ‘Chimera’!”

No one among the Night Walkers opposed this plan.

Cindiwendy spoke up.

“But be careful, remember the previous attempt to assassinate the head of the Reviadon Clan that failed? Even ‘Night Fox’ and ‘Miss Ouroboros,’ who were as strong as the ‘Night Hound,’ couldn’t succeed in assassinating one of the Ten Corpses.”

Everyone knew this fact, but it served to make the atmosphere even more cautious.

“Vikir told us that demons grow stronger over time. Several years have passed since Vikir hunted demons, so they will have become much stronger. We must exercise extreme caution...”

At that moment, someone interrupted Cindiwendy.

“Something terrible has happened!”

A knight burst in with a pale face, pulling aside the curtain.

He was one of the sentries from the wall.

“The Donquixote cavalry has appeared, they’re near, just a few kilometers far!”

Everyone’s expressions hardened at this news.

But that wasn’t the end of the bad news.

“The ‘Sniper of the Night,’ who was returning to the fortress, has been surrounded by the cavalry!”

There was only one person among the Night Walkers known as the ‘Sniper of the Night.’

Bianca Usher. She had been ambushed by the Donquixote pursuit team.


As everyone urgently stood up and headed towards the door, one person had already broken through the wall and was rushing out into the distance.

His name was Tudor.

A man with no surname.

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]