Chapter 12 Trick

Name:Reversal Author:
But the important thing is that it has everything you need, a mini-kitchen that Eva brought from the old house, a washing machine from the motel, dishes, toilets, etc.

But it must be said that the room was giving Eva more than one headache, all caused by the constant moaning usually heard from the other rooms, getting on her nerves as she tried not to let her children hear them.

"*Sigh* Nothing better than relaxing after a shower"

Sighed Eva contentedly, laying down on the bed with Christian on top of her as she dumped the laundry on the floor.

"Let's go see what we have on TV"

Eva murmured, reaching out a little to grab the remote that was on the corner of the bed, then hugging Christian against her chest with one hand as she operated the remote with the other.

"Boring... I've seen that... Boring..." Eva spoke lazily, quickly changing channels until she heard something from one that made her attention wake up.

"We're live with the former drummer from The Strangers!"

A reporter on the TV exclaimed, pointing to where the camera focused on a brown-haired woman with bags in her hands, apparently coming out of a store.

"Shit, if it isn't her!"

Eva shouted, quickly incorporating herself on the bed, scaring Christian to death by her sudden fall onto the mattress.

"You almost made me fall!"

Christian spoke with annoyance, looking at his mother with resentment in his eyes.

"Ha... Ha... Ha!"

Smiled Eva awkwardly, hugging Christian again, only to instantly turn her attention back to the TV.

"We are in downtown Detroit-Michigan, where, as you can see, you will find the only member of the rock band who was not prosecuted"

"It is known that after the lead singer of this historic band went to jail 10 years ago, the rest of the quartet didn't make it far, where the guitarist and pianist were prosecuted 4 years later for drug trafficking"

"But not the whole band went down the wrong path...!" The journalist exclaimed, leaving silence at the end of her sentence to add intrigue.

"Olivia Brown, the famous 30-year-old British drummer, was recognized worldwide as one of the best in history, but unfortunately her career was tarnished by the members of the band she belonged to"

"Causing her to be lost from the music world, where she was even lost track of in the country..."

"But here it is again, live and direct for you!"

"Let's get closer so we can talk to her!"

Spoke the journalist, quickly approaching the woman, arriving at her side after a few seconds.

"Olivia Brown!" The journalist exclaimed, pointing the microphone towards the woman's mouth "It's a pleasure to hear from you again Could you answer a few questions for your loyal fans?"

"*Sigh* I have no problem, but keep it short, I have things to do!"

Olivia replied wearily, looking with a small smile towards the camera.

Olivia could be considered a beautiful woman, her hair was curly and of a light brown color, reaching her shoulders in length. Her eyes were of green color with small parts of blue in them, generating an exotic combination, while her lips were thin but fleshy, with a bright pink color in them.

You couldn't see her body well due to the camera focus, but you could see her breasts, which are about a B cup. She was wearing a brown leather jacket, with a gray tank top underneath.

"Thank you!" The reporter exclaimed, turning her gaze back to the camera "Olivia Brown has agreed to answer some questions, listen to her answers exclusively on NBC!"

"Olivia why did you suddenly leave the music world?"

"... It was because of different events that happened at the time, but the main thing is my exhaustion... I was feeling stressed with so many tours and concerts... all this intensified when the judicial investigations started, that's why, after the whole court case was over, I decided to take my time to travel and rest."

"It's a shame... another great artist who couldn't cope with the weight of the music world..." Spoke with a sad voice the journalist, to then adjust her expression and ask "Could you tell us what you think about the crimes committed by your colleagues?"

"... I prefer to refrain from answering, I already said once that I would not comment on the subject and that I would only answer before a judge, sorry."

"*Sigh* Our audience, we've tried..." Sighed the woman sadly, looking at the screen with eyes full of disappointment, then turning to look at the woman who looked even more impatient "Olivia one last question, I'm sure all your followers will want to know the answer!

"Do you plan to return to the world of music?" asked the journalist, without waiting for the woman's confirmation.

"Honestly, no... I have already decided that I don't want to go back into that world, I apologize to all my fans who still to this day support me, but I have already made the decision" answered Olivia, looking at the camera with a professional smile "But I will not retire before being at my last event. I had planned to communicate it in a few hours, but I will take advantage of the broadcast. I just spoke with the manager of Twelve Oaks Mall and he has allowed me to do a concert on the side of his store, all for charity for children with cancer...the concert will be run by a group of friends, with me on drums. The concert also has the support of the mayor of Detroit, so the police will be supporting us throughout the scene."

"Remember, the concert will be held on Saturday, June 27th at 6 pm, this concert will be the last time I will be playing live... Oh yes, we will be selling raffle numbers at different points of the venue, also we will be accepting donations for the same cause, so please support the cause... See you"

As she finished speaking, Olivia held up two fingers in a peace sign and ran for the exit, quickly climbing into a waiting car.

"..." The journalist stared at the place Olivia was running through with a blank stare, but quickly regained her expression and spoke into the camera with a professional smile.

"Well, you heard the woman, Olivia Brown will be giving her last concert and retiring for good!"

"I must say it's a great loss to the music world, but we must respect her decisions"

"She's saying goodbye Angelica Miller and this is NBC, go ahead studio!"

After finishing speaking, the camera switched, leaving two women sitting with a smile, causing Eva to quickly change the channel.

"Holy cow!" Eva exclaimed, looking at the screen with sparkling eyes "They're playing in this town!"

"Mom, are you going?"

Christian asked, looking up at the ceiling in boredom.

"Obviously, I'm not going to pass up this opportunity!".

"What's so special about her? She's just another drummer..."

Chris whispered lazily.

"Just another drummer!?"

Eva exclaimed angrily, taking Christian in her hands, then lifting him in the air and leaving him in front of her gaze.

"My son, today I'm going to tell you about the greatness of Olivia Brown!"

Eva said earnestly, staring into Christian's eyes.

"Please don't..."

Whispered Chris with dead eyes, remembering his time when he was as much of a music fan as his mother, feeling a great embarrassment at the memory.

"I'll start with the biggest thing Did you know Olivia started playing from the age of 5?"

"Imagine that! At the age of 5, she already started playing the drums, I was still eating my boogers at her age..."


Christian exclaimed looking at his mother with a disgusted face, but she didn't care and kept talking.

"But that's not all! She started playing in bands when she was 13. At 13 freaking years old!"

"But without a doubt, the most incredible thing is that at 15 she started playing with 'The Strangers', getting to be the youngest famous drummer in history!"

"You understand how cool that is!"

Eva exclaimed with a big smile, looking at her little boy with sparkling eyes, waiting for his response.

"Well... it's certainly amazing!"

Christian murmured, instantly recognizing his mother's thought.

He had seen many musical geniuses within the music world, but he had never seen one who managed to become world-famous at the age of 15, certainly a great historical milestone within the music.

"Yes!" nodded Eva, directing her gaze to the TV, where they show recorded scenes of Olivia, looking dazedly at the screen "Because of her I started playing drums... I wanted to be like her."

"You play drums?"

Christian asked, showing real interest in his mother's words.

"Yes... I played drums from the age of 12 until I was 14..."

Eva murmured, looking wistfully at the TV.

"So what happened?"

Christian asked in confusion, only to widen his eyes as he recognized the shitty question she had asked him.

(Shit! It's obvious I was to blame...) Christian thought bitterly, watching his mother's laughing expression, causing him to fall into a slight daze at the sight of her beautiful smile.

"I've found something better to spend my time on"

Eva smiled softly, looking down at the little boy in her arms, then squeezing him against her chest gently, eliciting a small smile on Christian's face, as she wrapped her small arms around his mother's back.

"I love you mom" Christian whispered, as his heart quickly warmed.

"Me too my little prince"

"Mom... I want to go with you to see that concert"

Christian whispered, pulling away from his mother's chest to look into her face.


Eva replied instantly, frowning at Christian.

"Why not?"

Christian asked puzzled, cocking his head slightly to one side as he looked at his mother.

"Because those places aren't for children!" Shaking her head slowly, Eva replied.


Christian asked again with a frown, making all his intelligence work to find some way to allow his mother to take him.

Christian understands that he knows very little of this world and the more minutes he spends in this place, the more he feels he must acknowledge his surroundings. Even more so when he considers how little or no information he has about the world.

Damn it!


He practically doesn't even know the clothing stores, everything was bought by his father or mother.

All this is because of her former disinterest in everything.

When he didn't have his memories, nothing mattered to him, he just spent his time reading languages or any other shit he found interesting, but now that he has his memories back, Christian knows how important information is, he needs to know how different the world is because the only thing he can deduce is that the world is upside down, nothing else.

Can you imagine America as a human farm to feed demons?

It could happen...

"Because no and that's it, I'm not changing my mind!"

Eve replied angrily, scowling at her son.

'What do I do...' Christian thought with bewilderment, he never had a mother or a father, let alone an authority figure in his life, practically in the orphanage where he grew up, the kids were raised alone, the nannies that were hired hopefully made the food and nothing else, usually all their time was on the series or their cell phones, so it's something completely new that someone doesn't allow him to do something as common as going to a concert.

Yes, for Christian it is common to go to a concert at 9 years old.

"B-but Mom-"

Christian tried to protest, snuggling his head against his mother's chest as her gaze bore into his face.


Eve exclaimed in exasperation, but within her eyes, Christian could see a slight hesitation, very different from her previous strict attitude, which made his eyes sparkle at the sudden trick he remembered.

(Didn't they talk a lot in my other world about puppy-eyed girls...) thought Christian, looking at his mother with a disguised smile for a second, then quickly changing his expression to a pitiful and sad one, while a pout hangs on his lips.

"Mom... take me please"

Christian spoke softly, his eyes were slightly downward, as a small pout formed on his lips, causing Eve to widen her eyes in disbelief.