Chapter 68 Invitation

Name:Reversal Author:
"*Sigh* I don't know Christian, I have no experience and I'm afraid of ruining everything."

"Don't worry mom, you were studying for four months with Mrs. Lennox, she ran the cafe for many years and the experience she gave you will serve you well enough"

"I don't know..."

"Besides I will be helping you every step of the way, the initial process will be setting up, remodeling, and retraining employees, when that is finished within 5 months maximum, we will go into expansion mode, buying any small coffee companies and locations in the process."

"You make it sound easy" With a wry smile, Eva commented.

"And it is, you don't have to do much, apart from signing documents and approving projects, it's not much work, keep in mind that all the hard work is done by people we hire, with money everything is simple, and even the stupidest idea can be a success"

"Christian, but we still don't see how to manufacture these things in heaps" Pointing towards the brown envelope, Sara spoke.

"Don't worry, it's made from simple to get plants, the powder doesn't harm the body or bring adverse effects, but we have to patent the whole process, plus patent the exact measurement and irregular measurements... I don't want my work to be plagiarized."

"Well, that's simple, but where will you manufacture it, is it difficult to create the powder?"

"That's the hard part for now... the powder is made by dried and ground plants, plus chemically processing them to purify them, or the taste will be somewhat unpleasant... we would have to make factories of our own..."

"That will cost too much."

"Too much..."

Pursing his lips, Christian thought 'The coffee industry never left much money in this world... buying coffee is something quite cheap, we already have a deal with the person who sold coffee to Mrs. Lennox, we have also contacted the companies that will transform all our stores into the typical Starbucks design... we have coffee makers, staff, designers... but we lack who will manufacture the magic of the company, my dust... I need even more money'

"I think I could help with that" Jayden interrupted, then turned to Sara "Honey, we could talk to my mother, at the factory where she works they are in the business of processing Tea, but she told me a week ago that things were going bad and the owner was thinking of selling"

'I suspect the universe is conspiring to make it all work out for me' With raised eyebrows, Christian thought seriously on the subject.

"That would be perfect, if Christian's powder is only herbal, the factories won't have any problems."

"We'd just have to look at the cost of the factories, and see if they cover the need or we'll have to buy more" Christian interrupted, then turned to Jayden "What position does your mother have in the factory?"

"She runs one of the factories, why?"

"We need to have contact with the owner of the factory, to see if she is interested in selling."

"Leave it to me, I'll go talk to the owner" Jayden nodded.

"Fine, if everything goes well, leave your mother in charge of all the factories, she knows what the process is like, I want to have trustworthy people handling such delicate things"

"As you wish~" Smiling sweetly, Jayden nodded.

"Aunt Sara, we have to patent the coffee packaging as well, including the cardboard that avoids burning your hands."

"Yes, it's all ready, we just need to buy Starbuck and the name, with that we would start the process completely."

"Does the team have the requirements I asked for? how to treat the public and what environment do I want the stores to have?"

"Yes, I gave them your written advice."

"Did you also talk to the design companies about the design I need on the uniforms and packaging?"

"Yes, all set."

"*Sigh* Good..." Nodding, Christian continues "Now we need a factory to create the coffee cups..."

"I can see to that too" Jayden smiled "Leave the whole creation process with factories to me."

"Right..." Looking at the married couple, Christian sighed "I really don't know what I would do without you guys, this is so stressful."

"It's what you pay us for" Sara smiled.

"No, that's not good enough" Shaking his head, Christian continued "When the coffee company is created, I want us to see the normal shares and each of you to take 2.5%"

"Christian that's too much-" Sara tried to refuse.

"I won't take no for an answer, you guys are the ones who have helped me the most in this whole process, I need to give you this to make me feel better."

"*Sigh* I'll take it with a smile" With a wry smile, Sara agreed.

"Thank you~" Jayden smiled unpretentiously.

"Fine, I'll leave you two alone, I'll go see how things are going with Whatsapp" Smiling tiredly, Christian left the kitchen and headed towards his room.

"What do you think Eva?" losing her smile, Sara looked towards her friend and asked seriously.

"*Sigh* I'm sad Sara" Collapsing on the table, Eva looked at the gray dust in front of her "Christian doesn't play anymore, he doesn't play music anymore, he doesn't draw or write anymore... he only studies and does scientific shit... worst of all, my boy doesn't play with me anymore... I feel like I'm losing my boy."

"..." With a sad smile, Sara patted Eva's shoulder "Don't worry, Christian is just trying to create a stable source of money for his whole family, I'm sure that with all these projects finished he will be the same again."

"But what good is money if he won't be able to enjoy his childhood... he can't get that back with money" With a sad tone, Eva just looked with resignation to where the boy went.

"Do you mind if we help him with this?" asked Sara with concern.

"Not at all, in fact, I'm grateful" Eva smiled slightly "I know my son, if you hadn't helped him, he would have looked for someone else... there I would be much more worried, I wouldn't know what kind of person would be working with my child's dreams."


"I just wish my child would enjoy himself more and not work so hard..."

"*Sigh*" Understanding the woman, Sara just stroked her back.


Going up to his room, Christian sat down at his desk and turned on the computer.

"Let's see how the Bitcoins are doing..."

Opening the forums where he publicized the Bitcoin launch, Christian looked at his postings under the name Anonymous and read the comments.

???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????-????????????.????????????

"What a stupid shit, but I like the idea of having high numbers, I'll give it a try."

"You really think this crap will outperform real money, have you seen a psychologist?"

"The BlockChain process you created was amazing, but I don't see the utility of Bitcoin."

"I already have 10,000, now I feel stupid for wasting my time..."

"Oh... 10.000? That guy did get into that."

The Bitcoin process is quite fast at the beginning, between Christian and Emily they already mined approximately 1500 blocks, creating a quite extensive chain on the spot, managing to obtain approximately 700,000 bitcoins for each of them, all in a few days.

Each block is slower than the other, causing that guy who claimed to mined the 10,000 bitcoins to have had to wait more than a few days.

Thinking for a moment, Christian smiles and quickly creates a fake account, then gets to the person's comment and writes to him "I'll give you two pizzas for your 10,000 bitcoins."

With a sly smile, Christian puts the page on the back burner and opens the official Bitcoin page, a page funded by him and created by Emily, ensuring that no trace of the owner remains.

The page was simply informative, apart from containing the program used to mine bitcoins on every computer, no need for registrations or anything similar.

"All good" Nodding, Christian continues to browse the internet, keeping abreast of every move within the companies he has invested "Oh, Uber already announced their new Uber X mode, that was quick..."

Pursing his lips for a moment, Christian picks up his cell phone and dials it.

"Hello, Christian?"

"Hi Georgia, how's everything going on Whatsapp?"

"Good, just now I was looking at new servers, our data is running short."

"How many users already?"

"170 million worldwide, with over 10 million new users every week."

"Where are we strongest?"

"South America is our golden goose, but India is not far behind, while in Europe we have a strong daily increase, but well behind the other two"

"Do you need help with anything?"

"No, with your ideas and innovative designs everything is going perfectly, the programmers are trying to implement the online calls as you recommended, but it's a bit difficult, because it asks a lot of internet from the users, that's why we are focusing on improving the quality with as little as possible."

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure that in a few years the internet will be more accessible to everyone."

"I hope so, do you need anything else? I'm working"

"No, just that, thanks for keeping me up to date"

"No problem."

With those short words, Christian hung up the call, not bothered in the least by the woman's lack of interest, knowing perfectly well that Georgia can spend 24 hours in front of a computer without socializing even with her dog.

Dialing a new number, Christian leans back on the table and smiles "Hello good morning, am I speaking to the woman who stinks of a sewer?"

"Kid, you know how much I hate you, why are you calling me?"

"What a rude way to talk, don't you know you can hurt my feelings?"

"I don't give a shit."

"How cruel, I'm just a simple kid you know~?"

"If all kids are like you, the world would be on fire... wait they're talking to me..... WHAT?!? Honey you can't be serious!.... No, I absolutely refuse!.... Elisa, please think twice, that child is unbearable... *sigh* well..."

Looking at the cell phone with arched eyebrows, Christian smiles knowing who she's talking about him.

"Christian, Elisa says to come to our apartment tomorrow, she'll prepare lunch for us to eat" With an empty tone, Sarah speaks.

"Oh, we're going on our first date?"

"It's not a date!"

"Good grief, my first date, what should I do, if mom finds out she'll be furious!" Christian exclaimed with mock concern.

"THAT IT'S NOT A DATE!!!" Sarah shouted.

"But it doesn't matter, I must fight for my love!" Exclaimed Christian with conviction "Sarah, you must take responsibility for me, you will take away my first time on something as important as a date!"

"..." Sarah didn't answer but could be heard breathing heavily through the cell phone, drawing an amused smile on Christian's face.

"I can already picture my married future, we'd have cute daughters, obviously the cute would come from me, you're... oh wait... we'd be in a 3-way relationship? It would be like those videos I found you in your computer history the other day, you must remember don't you?"


"But it doesn't matter, if it's for you Sarah, I will fight society and we will carry out our relationship, don't worry, I will talk to my mother and make her understand that we love each other strongly, bye" Hanging up the call, Christian smiled with relaxation "*Sigh* Nothing better than pissing off that woman"

With a more relaxed smile, Christian gets on Google and continues his research, but noticed that his answer was answered.

"You're seriously giving me pizza for my points?"

"Talk to me privately."

Smiling, Christian starts a conversation with the poor stranger, who maybe, just maybe, will regret his actions in time.

After a while, Christian had the 10,000 bitcoins delivered by the person, while the pizzas were already at the guy's house.

"Holy shit, yes he sent me the pizzas" Posting a picture on the forum, the person replied.

"With that, we have the first purchase with Bitcoins" Typing quickly, Christian writes to Emily to remove his traces inside the pizzeria and his mother's bank card.


Edited by: Lord_Shiva_