Chapter 84 Decisions (Unedited And Uncorrected )

Name:Reversal Author:
"No, wait..." Frowning, Michelle squints her eyes and shouts "CAN YOU TELL ME WHY I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS FUCKING PEDOPHILY NETWORK!!!?"

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Frowning, Kathia picks up her cell phone and answers it "Lady, 2 children have been found dead in EPSTEIN's house, the people are furious, they are tearing the whole house apart and are attacking the workers!"

Hanging up the cell phone again, Kathia looks at the president, noticing that her face was already purple with anger "We didn't know the boy had that information."

"We are live at the Washington supreme court building, and we can witness multiple youths forcibly entering the premises and smashing the statues of justice!"

Turning her gaze to the television, Michelle watched in a daze as dozens of hooded women smashed the entire statue with hammers.

"We are informed that all symbols of justice are being vandalized and destroyed in different states, citizens are angry and demand answers!"

"..." Remaining silent for a moment, Michelle sighs and sits down, then reaches down and pulls out a bottle of liquor, taking a sip directly "This is no time to be angry!"

Turning her gaze, Michelle speaks towards her secretary "Set up a press conference in 30 minutes, I want the whole country to hear me."

"Yes president!" Nodding, the man rushes out of the office.

"Now Kathia...can you tell me why I didn't know about this" Leaning back in her chair, Michelle looked at the woman with narrowed eyes and spoke.

"I didn't find it relevant to national security" Sitting down across from the president, Kathia replied with a bitter smile.

"..." Frowning, Michelle spoke a little louder "You didn't think the shit would happen if our citizens found out about this!?"

"I thought it would never come out, and if they found out we'd just sacrifice some people... we had it all planned" Frowning, Kathia looks towards the TV, where multiple posters with the boy's face are shown "But we didn't count on a third party getting their hands on all the evidence, evidence that even we didn't have."

"*Sigh*" Rubbing her temples, Michelle asks "What are we supposed to do now? Lock up the former president? Lock up all these people? We'd be short of politicians, at least a fifth of all politics is involved!"

"We just have to repress the protests and lock up the child" Interrupting the conversation, the woman in military attire spoke coldly "The child is their symbol, kill the symbol and the revolution will lose strength"

"..." Looking at the general in a daze, Michelle just remained silent.

"The kid had to hack files or pay someone to steal that evidence, besides he shared **** videos, we can say he's sharing pedophile videos and lock him up... as for the people on the list, let's lock up the ones that don't matter and the others we can defend them by saying you can't start a case due to the evidence being made public and untruthful, taking legal shit out of the process"

"*Sigh* You're a soldier Serena Williams, you don't understand politics" Sighing wearily, Michelle pointed towards the TV "If we oppress the protests without providing a solution and delivering what they are asking for, people will get angrier...We can do what you say, but only when the people protesting are no more than a handful of people, but this is a situation where the whole country is outraged, including our law enforcement."


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"Now imagine if we lock up or disappear the kid who brought this shit to light, what do you think will happen to these angry people?"

"The kid will become a martyr, they will all lose their minds and attack everyone in power" Kathia quickly replied "Instead of calming them down, we would achieve the opposite, would only add fuel to the fire."

"Exactly, that child cannot be touched" Michelle nodded seriously "We already have a lot of problems, we are just recovering from crisis and with all this the economy will fall even more"


"Not to mention that the newspaper's list included people with a lot of money with food companies and different technological fields, the economy will start to fall, enraging the citizens even more"

"Count 43 politicians involved in all this, different areas they work in...we have to replace everyone...we also have involved in the cops and FBI.... *sigh* this shit will turn the country upside down."


Turning her head to Kathia, Michelle asks "Who is that kid?"

"*sigh*" Leaning back in her seat, Kathia speaks "A few months ago a 13 year old girl created a homemade nuclear reactor in her house, luckily we found out quickly and managed to keep everything safe... thanks to that, I made the decision to vet all the kids with potential in the country to keep an eye on them"

"We sent agents to profile all the children who showed potential, among them was Christian Grey."

"We know he suffered physical abuse by his father, becoming brain dead for months, but somehow he woke up."


"After that the boy changed his whole personality according to the records, he became active and started to show a monstrous intelligence while writing multiple entertaining books, managing to go from a poor family, to a multimillionaire family in a few months, but that was not all... the boy solved several unique problems within the world of mathematics, being recognized by all scientists"

"One of our agents managed to enter his home along with mathematical scientists, managing to make a closer profile... she described him as an alpha Psychopath, his intelligence helped him to put the mathematical scientists against the wall and forcing them to help him in what he wanted."


"According to our agent, the boy had a frightening ability to influence people, an ability coupled with a high level of manipulation."


"After that we sent the case to the pentagon so they could alert the CIA, they have foreign agents who could infiltrate without raising suspicion of the child, I wanted to place an agent inside his life...we had a plan for one of the agents to become the child's stepfather, but for some reason the CIA said it wasn't necessary."


"The worst thing is that we did not place the child at the top of the list, but left him third, causing the vigilance on him to be insufficient."

"How come this kid who turned the country upside down isn't at the top of that damn list!?" Michelle asked angrily.

"There were two girls who showed slightly inferior capabilities, but one managed to get away with a murder we know she committed, that of her parents...while the other was had suspicious contacts with foreigners, we saw her as a potential spy...these two girls aged 10 and 13 we saw as more dangerous people than Christian, who at the time was 10, who was only seen as concerned with money and knowledge"

"During months of investigation, the boy did not even move from his routine... school, home and the process is repeated every day... we know he has businesses and investments, so we took him as a harmless subject."

"But I never thought he would have the capacity to cause this chaos, we underestimated him" Looking at the screen, Kathia spoke bitterly.

"..." Watching the TV for a few moments, Michelle sighed "We'll have to really lock up all those people... everyone in the country will be watching for the people on the kid's list, if they find out they're free or in a special jail, the shit will rain down again... and even if they don't find out from the kid or from themselves, I'm sure countries like Russia or China will be happy to put it out to the public now that they know all this"

"It's the only option" Kathia nodded.

"You should get the soldiers out on the streets, we have to suppress all this or the damage will be astronomical" Pointing to the news image where they destroy statues, Serena spoke.

"We can't, we have to suppress them a little at a time or bloody conflict will erupt" Shaking her head, Michelle spoke "We'll let them talk about the situation for a week, after that we'll slowly clear attention from the problem, in a month or two we should be back to normal."

Rising from her seat, Michelle straightened her suit and walked towards the exit "Kathia, I want that Epstein woman in 24 hours maximum, she will be publicly prosecuted and she will be the first to go down, then leave her to the hands of those same jail criminals, she won't live more than a week."

"Where are you going?" asked Kathia doubtfully.

"I have to give a speech to calm things down a bit, I will also initiate the arrest of all these people on the list and the investigation of the case."

"Do you need me to do anything besides catch that woman?"

"Yes, that no one tries to touch the child" Michelle prepared to leave the place, but he paused for a moment and spoke "The child's speech... it sounded communist, do you know anything?"

"As far as I know, the boy is far from communism, he himself invests in many companies and has never shown nonconformity with our current ideology"

"Good, keep an eye on him, if he shows attitudes against our nation or our ideology... I want him dead, but only after all this is settled" With those words, Michelle left the place, leaving Serene and Kathia alone.

"Do you think I can have the boy as a soldier? I think he has potential" Serene asked seriously.

"Don't even try to play your manipulations on him, with his intelligence it will end up biting you in the ass" Shaking her head, Kathia got up from the seat and dialed on cell phone "Bring Epstein in, if she resists shoot her, but I want her alive."


"I ask you to trust me and I assure you that you will all pay for your crimes."

With a cup of hot chocolate in his hands, Christian leaned against Eva's breasts and looked at the TV with a smile "I like this woman"....

"You caused a lot of chaos" Eva replied with a big smile "But I'm glad all those people are going to be locked up"

"I'm surprised the media got the whole story up" Raising her eyebrows, Leslie who was standing behind Christian, commented.

"They were in a tight spot" Christian replied, looking at the TV with boredom "I called all the competitors, plus I told them I sent the evidence to other foreign media, they knew the truth was going to come out if or if... even if these people have influence on them, they know they will get burned if they try to put out a volcano... so that's when everyone took the race of who will report the situation first, since the first one to report will be seen as a 'clean' media among so much dirt"

"Did you really send the data to the other media?" asked Eva suspiciously.

"Only a third of what I said, if they had made an effort they could have censored everything... but I have no doubt that now all the media must have certain data."

Pursing her lips, Eva looked at the television with a frown "If this network was so big, how come no one ever found out and wanted to report it?"

"Most likely those who wanted to talk were silenced, they had people all over the place, in the media, in the cops, in the courts, this was no small thing mom" Turning his gaze to Eva, Christian spoke "This big ring I exposed, it has many small rings, Hollywood is one of them, at least 40 to 50 actors, directors, among other important people were on the list...there are politicians, power brokers, tycoons...all were covering for each other"

"So how did you manage to get it out in less than a month?" Still not understanding, Eva asked.

"I have things that the silenced people didn't have." Smiling, Christian spoke "I have money, intelligence and some influence... not just anyone can call so many media outlets the same day, there were the newspapers, radio, television, even people who make news videos over the internet..... I covered the whole area with my sudden fame."


"But what led to the success is that no one knew that I knew... because if those people found out, they would do the impossible to shut us up, including the main forces of the country."

"Why would the country shut you up...I see the president angry about the whole situation" Pointing towards the TV, Eva asked doubtfully.

"Because with this I am damaging the country, many politicians fell, businessmen and important people... I just hit the whole image of the country in the world and with it the economy, I wouldn't be surprised if the economy falls again" Taking a sip of his chocolate, Christian spoke normally "A few months ago the country stabilized after an economic crisis, it still doesn't manage to cement itself well and I hit them again"


Edited By: