Chapter 139 Broken

Name:Reversal Author:
Standing to the side of the door, Christian speaks "Wrath, you'll go in first, get your shotgun out, I'll cover your left"

"..." Nodding silently, Wrath didn't hesitate about it and rushed in.

"Clear" Pointing to all sides, Christian nodded, then walked towards the stairs.

The course up was straightforward, there was really no one in the place, and they arrived without much trouble.

"Lust, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, and Envy stay downstairs, cover the area near the building, Pride and Greed stay with me, shoot any armed enemies"

"..." Nodding silently, everyone followed orders.

"Pride, we will be firing from this location, we have views of large streets and several rooftops, if you see anyone who is out of range, let us know"

"Roger" Leaning out of a window, Pride rested the gun and removed her protective goggles.

"Greed, have fun"

"You don't need to tell me" Already standing at a window, Greed leaned her back against the wall and the gun against the window.

Picking up his radio, Christian spoke "This is team 1-0, we are in block E, sector 37, 4 story cement building with no paint, we cover all of block E"

"Affirmative, convoy 2-7 will pass through the south of your area in 30 minutes, clear the rooftops"

"Affirmative" Hanging up the transmission, Christian went to position himself on the opposite side, then pulled out his sniper and sat down.


"Hahaha" Laughed Greed "I blew his skull off!"

"..." Shaking his head, Christian continued on his aim.


One down.


Two down.




Shot after shot came out of the building, while the surroundings already became a death zone, with not a single soul visible around the place, after only 20 minutes.

Turning his eyes, Christian frowned as he saw a man with a girl of about 8 years old in the alley, as he looked around cautiously.

But seeing no weapons in his hand or anything dangerous, Christian shifted his focus, and kept looking for targets.

"Found you!" shouted Greed happily.




Frowning at the maniacal attitude, Christian turned his gaze and spoke "Greed, you're losing it"

"..." Shutting up quickly, Greed changed her expression to a normal one and spoke "Sorry"

"Pride, how's it going?"

"I have 16 casualties"

"Not bad"

"Heh, I have 47" Greed replied arrogantly.

"And I'm 51, now be quiet"


"1-0, convoy approaching, all clear?"

"Here 1-0, zone clear"

"Stand by for contingency"

"Affirmative" Taking a deep breath, Christian slowly passed his eyes all over the place, making sure there was nothing there.

But something made him frown deeply as he mutters "Why won't that man leave?"

Pointing at him, Christian watched his expression "He looks.... nervous?"

Looking down on the man with a frown, Christian saw the convoy approaching.

"2 tanks and 40 soldiers surrounding it, 200 meters..." Lowering his sights again towards the man, Christian whispered "Go..."

"150 meters"

"120 meters..."

"100 meters"

???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????-????????????.????????????

When the convoy got within 100 meters of the man, Christian gritted his teeth and fired into the wall next to him.


"Come on... don't do stupid things, beat it"

Watching him with a scowl, Christian saw that the man didn't walk away, but reached through his pockets quickly.

"Shit" Noticing the anti-tank grenade in his hand, Christian gritted his teeth and fired.


"Go on, get out!" shouted Christian, firing another warning shot.

But not caring, the man grabbed the girl and ran towards the street where the tank was coming from, causing Christian to take a deep breath and without further hesitation, fired.


"Sorry girl..."

Seeing his target shot down, Christian passed another bullet into the barrel and calmly watched the girl who started crying inconsolably next to the man on the ground, but suddenly, she got up and walked towards the anti-tank gun.



Shooting in front of the grenade, Christian whispered with sudden desperation.


"Go away..."


"Get out..."




But no matter how many warning shots Christian fired, the little girl took the grenade in her hand and ran toward the tank.

"No..." Closing his eyes for a moment, Christian took a deep breath, then opened them and fired.


With his eyes reddening rapidly, Christian bit his lips hard to the point of bleeding and looked at the corpse on the ground.

"Because..." Christian whispered haltingly, not taking his eyes off the girl's face "Because you just didn't leave..."

"1-0, all clean??"



"Yes, they're covered..." In a hoarse voice, Christian replied.

Taking repeated deep breaths, Christian threw away his emotions and went about his business.



*Bang* *Bang*

After 30 minutes, the convoy had already left and the whole road was littered with corpses, but suddenly the radio blared.

"Team 1-0, you are needed to Block A, Zone 0, team 1-1 Delta was ambushed and surrounded"

"What about the Apache at the site?"

"It was shot down"

"And those nearby?"

"Barred from entry, several enemies on rooftops with RPG's"

"*Sigh* We're on our way"

"Confirmed, team 1-3 Seals, team 1-7 Ranger, team 1-2 Delta and team 1-0 infernus will arrive on site"

Taking the sniper, Christian sighs and turns "We're moving out"

"About time, I've got no one in sight" Sighing with relief, Greed stood up.

"Are you alright?" Rising up, Pride looked at Christian with concern "You look shaken"

"I'm fine, team 1-1 delta was ambushed, let's go help"

"Good..." Puzzled by his behavior, Pride nodded.

"Let's go" Looking out the window for the last time, Christian sighed, quickly reaching the lower floor.

"Grab your things, we're leaving"

"We're retreating?" Raising his eyebrows, Envy asked.

"No, we're going into block A, zone 0, the delta team that went to capture the president was ambushed"

"Heh, those bitches said they could solo" With a smirk, Lust stood up and commented.

"Gluttony, how are your toys?"

"Ready as always" Gluttony smiled excitedly.

"Good, we may have to blow up some buildings, according to the words from the command center, the area has a lot of people in buildings with RPGs, if we find one with a lot of people, we blow it up"

"And if it has civilians?" Frowning, Wrath asks.

"..." Remembering the girl he killed, Christian suddenly froze, as his mind processed the whole situation.

But after 2 minutes of silence, Christian whispered "We will only do it if we have no choice, it's them or us."


"We're leaving"

Leaving the building, Christian asked "Envy, which is the best route?"

"The main street, there are no shortcuts to get there"

"Watch for rooftops" Nodding, Christian grabbed his AR-15 and began leading the way.

Moving easily and quickly, the team faced no major problems, as most of the streets were littered with dead bodies where the convoy passed through.

After 15 minutes and another 25 enemy casualties, the Infernus team reached the hot zone.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Slowing down, Christian closed his eyes for a moment and focused his attention on the sounds, so that after 30 seconds, he opened them and spoke "We have 10 people in the building next to us, be careful because we don't know if they are enemies"

Picking up the radio, Christian speaks "Here team 1-0, we arrived in the zone, how is the situation going?"

"They are still holding, the rest of the reinforcement will arrive from the south"

"Affirmative, we will move in, warning of possible collapse to enemy building"

Putting down the radio, Christian stretched his muscles and spoke "The hard part is coming, don't get careless"

"We're leaving-" Without finishing his words, Christian suddenly looked up to the front roof and shouted "RPG!"

Grabbing Envy who was on his back, Christian knocked her down on the ground, while all the others did the same.



With a sudden ringing in his ear, Christian was covered in dirt and in a dazed state, struggled to his feet as his whole world spun around, only to turn against the wall and push off the wall with his hands, applying as much force as possible.

With forced stability, Christian's sense of direction came rushing back as he blinked repeatedly, then looked up at the roof and fired.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Killing the woman, Christian looked down at his leg with a metal piece in his thigh and muttered "Damn"

Turning his gaze, Christian sighed as he saw all the girls relatively intact, at least with no limbs missing, because they looked pretty pitiful with so much dirt on them.

"Hahahahaha~" Laughed Gluttony loudly as she stood up "That shit was entertaining!"

"Ugh, I feel like I'll throw up breakfast" Getting up on wobbly legs, Sloth muttered in disgust.

"Come on" Stretching his hand towards Envy, Christian smiled slightly and spoke.

"Yeah..." Taking a deep breath as she saw the hand in front of her, Envy took it and stood up with his help.

"Are you all okay?" approaching towards Pride and Wrath, Christian helpd them up and asked.

"I think my heart moved to my kidney" Groaning in pain, Greed struggled to her feet.

"They look good" Making sure they are not bleeding anywhere, Christian sighed and pulled bandages out of his clothes, then carefully bent down and looked at the piece of metal "If I pull it out, I'll have to won't stop me from moving normally, I just don't have to run or jump...the metal shows no signs of rust, I'm not poisoned with that shit"

Grabbing a bandage, Christian began to wrap the bandage around the sides of the metal, making sure to immobilize it and thus ensuring that he didn't make the wound worse.

"Are you sure? It's dangerous for you to leave him inside" Frowning, Pride crouched down with Christian and looked at him with concern.

"He'll be fine, let's save those idiots quick, and we can get out of this shit" Nodding, Christian finished bandaging himself and stood up, then picked up the radio and spoke "This is team 1-0, how far are we from the delta team?"

"Team 1-0, you are 200 meters out, you need to head northeast"

"We'll be there in 10 minutes max" Picking up his weapon, Christian stood up and spoke "We're leaving, I don't think we need to tell them to watch the rooftops"

Taking a deep breath, Christian moved forward more slowly this time, making sure to aim at every alley in the road or doorway, while the team guarded rooftops and the back.

Turning down the street, Christian frowned and cautiously watched the convoy completely obliterated in front of them.

"5 Humvee... totally destroyed, at least 48 dead...they tore them apart."

With total seriousness on their faces, the infernus team increased their caution to the maximum, noticing several Rangers among the convoy.

"They took them out and left the place..." Wrath commented cautiously.

"It's odd that they didn't leave anyone behind- Ugh"

Quickly turning his gaze upon finding Pride's reaction odd, Christian saw her asserting her chest with difficulty, causing him to open his eyes wide and shout "SNIPER!!!"

Rushing to the woman, Christian lifted her into his arms and ran into the alley beside her, then ducked behind a dumpster and looked at the woman with concern.

Taking Pride's hands, Christian forced her to show him where she was hit, but seeing what was underneath, Christian sighed with relief.

"It didn't go through the vest, but it must be hurting you too much" Laughing lightly, Christian turned and spoke "Greed, did you see where it came from?"

"I don't know"

"What do we do? We can't get out with that sniper in there, and the alley is a dead end" Lust asked with a frown.

"Give me 2 minutes" Moving closer to Pride, Christian looked closely at the embedded bullet and the hole, then closed his eyes silently.

'The bullet didn't go through, it means the sniper was close, and the bullet didn't reach enough speed, if we consider that he didn't hear anything, that means he uses a silence,r and at the same time he has buildings to muffle the minimum sound... now taking the trajectory, the bullet hit with a length of 39 degrees, that means the bullet came from height' Doing math in his mind for 3 minutes, Christian finally opened his eyes and took his sniper, to then walk attached to the wall and take a deep breath while muttering "All or nothing..."


Edited By: Amiss
