Chapter 154 Hospital

Name:Reversal Author:
Thursday, December 28, 2017.

"Don't bite me!" Looking at the small tiger in front of him earnestly, Christian exclaimed.

"Meow~" Shaking her head in Christian's hand, Kitty tried to make a roar, coming out nothing but a meow from him.

"No, no, don't think I'll forgive you for your puppy eyes, I told you when I bring you food, you have to wait for me to take my hand out, look how you left me" Showing her his bite marked hand, Christian looked at Kitty angrily.

"Meow..." Looking at Christian with her beautiful light blue eyes, Kitty meowed.

"*Sigh* Fine, but don't let it happen again"


Eating at the table, everyone looked at the young man in dinosaur pajamas conversing with a tiger, whilea snake was over his shoulder looking directly at them.

"Do they think he's gone crazy?" Looking at her mother and Alan, Hailie asked.

"I talk to Kitty too..." Looking at the tiger with pursed lips, Alan spoke.

"She looks happy" Looking at her son scolding the tiger, Eva smiled softly.

"Don't think I didn't hear you child" Squinting at Hailie, Christian continued "You never seem to learn your lesson"

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva, Hailie quickly looked down at her plate.


"Good, you've eaten" Looking down at the empty plate, Christian nodded with satisfaction, then picked up the tiger and set it down "You can walk around the place, but don't stray too far"

Taking Lilith, Christian put her down next to the little tiger and spoke "Take care of your sister from the bad birds"


Looking at the snake going to the side of the tiger, Christian smirked.

"How old is the tiger supposed to be?" asked Eva curiously, watching him leave.

"5 months"

"Are you sure you'll be able to teach her not to bite?"

"Yes, she even hides her claws already when we play, Kitty is very smart"

"..." Looking at the snake's tail in the distance, Hailie spoke "And how old is your snake?"

"I don't know, but I've noticed she's still growing, so she must be a little girl still"

"Aren't you afraid of being bitten by the snake?" looking at Christian, Alan asked.

"Not really, somehow, I feel a great connection to Lilith... plus she saved my life"

"She saved your life?"

"You never told us how you met her"

Looking at Christian mutually, his two siblings spoke at the same time.

"It's a long story, maybe I'll tell you in the future" Not feeling up to talking to his siblings about everything he experienced, Christian smiled nonchalantly and looked at his mother "Mom, I was thinking about going to New York today, I have a friend in the hospital and I'd like to go see her"

"A friend?" frowning, Eva asked.

"Yes, Rias, I already told you about her"

"Oh..." Nodding, Eva looked at Christian while biting her lips "I'll accompany you"

"No need, I'll be maxed out for a day and I'll be back early tomorrow"

"I insist-"

"Mom" Looking at his mother, Christian spoke earnestly "You need to rest"

"..." Frowning, Eva looked directly at Christian for a few seconds, then turned and spoke "You will go with Leslie or I will not give you permission."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian just smiled "If it will calm you down"

"Tomorrow you'll be back, understood?"

"Yes, are the helicopters ready to go to New York?"

"Not yet, they're being painted, but I have the contact to lease one, I can schedule a time for you"

"I'll be out in about 2 hours"

"Well..." Looking at Leslie, Eva got up from the table and said "I'm going to make the call, Leslie, join me for a moment"

Leaving the dining room, Eva walked with a neutral face towards the living room, then turned to Leslie and spoke to her seriously "Do not allow any woman to approach Christian"

"Understood" Nodding, Leslie looked at Eva with the same seriousness "What do I do with that friend of his?"

"..." Thinking for a few moments, Eva continued "Let him visit her, she's a friend of the army... but watch out for her, I don't trust her intentions"

"I'll be attentive"


Stretching as he stepped off the helicopter, Christian yawned and grabbed his backpack, then put on his sunglasses and walked to the dark vehicle in front of him.

"I thought we'd be much longer. 3 hours to get to New York is pretty fast"

"By plane it would take 1 hour"

"What time is it?"

"Five o'clock in the afternoon"

"It's still pretty early" Climbing into the private vehicle, Christian leaned back in the seat and asked "Does the driver know where we are going?"

"New York-Presbyterian Hospital, you've been warned"

Looking down at his clothes, Christian asked "Do I look okay?"

Christian today was wearing a looser style and was absent of suits.

A long-sleeved black shirt with white pants, on his wrist he wore the same watch he came home with and wore his jewelry as usual.

[Photo of the clothes here]

"Perfect..." Leslie nodded.

"You make me blush" Covering his face, Christian blinked shyly at Leslie.


Smiling, Christian turned his gaze and watched the city streets in silence.

After 25 minutes, the vehicle stopped and Christian sighed "Let's go"

Getting out, Leslie turned and held the door open for Christian.

"Thank you~"

Looking up, Christian sighed as he saw the familiar hospital in front of him, not knowing the number of times people working with him ended up here from collapses or overdoses.

"Let's go" Noticing the dozens of stares on him, Christian sighed again and walked towards the hospital being followed by Leslie.

Walking with his hands in his pockets, Christian reached the front desk and looked at the 4 men doing paperwork.

Walking towards them, Christian smiled and spoke "Excuse me, may I know where Rias White is?"

"..." Looking up, one man looked at the person speaking to him, and instantly froze when he saw his face.



"*Sigh*" Wearily, Christian asked again "Might I know where Rias White is?"

"Y-yes" Nodding quickly, the man walked over to the computer and began typing "M-may I know why she was admitted to the hospital?"

"Shot in the stomach, she's being transferred from Africa by the army, she's from my squad" Reaching between his clothes, Christian showed his army collar.

"Rias White..." Typing into the computer, the man finally nodded "She's on the 15th floor room 9, but she has restricted visitation to family and close ones..."

Pulling out his wallet, Christian pulled out his ID card and held it up to the man "I'm Christian Grey, who is paying for her hospital stay."

"That will do" Looking at the ID card, the man nodded, then took down Christian's details and smiled "You can come in"

"Thank you" Smiling sweetly, Christian turned and walked, then reached the elevator and smiled at the people beside him.



Getting on the elevator with Leslie, Christian turned and pushed the button, then calmly waits.

Arriving at the 15th floor, Christian looked at the glass door in front of him and the woman guarding it "Hello good morning, I'm coming to room 9"

"..." Looking at Christian in a daze, the woman did not respond.

"May I come in?"

"Y-yes, come in!" Quickly opening the door, the woman smiled and spoke, without even checking if he was on the allowed list.

"Thank you~"

"Not you" Losing her smile, the woman stopped Leslie "Did you check in at the entrance?"

"..." Looking at Christian silently, Leslie didn't resist and shook her head.

"Wait for me here Leslie, I won't be long" Reassuring her, Christian looked at her and spoke.

"Well..." Looking at Christian deeply, Leslie nodded and stood next to the guard.

​ "Take care~" Walking down the hallway with a smile, Christian looked at the rooms and found room number 9.

Opening the door without knocking, Christian scans the room and raised his eyebrows at the sight of Lust surrounded by people.

"I swear dad, he really exists!"

"*Sigh* Yes my child, I believe you" Stroking Lust's hair with a soft smile, the man spoke.

"Mom, it's true what I say, he's the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life and we slept together many times!" turning his gaze to the woman beside him, Lust spoke angrily "I'm not lying!"

Rolling his eyes, a young man of about 15 years old to one side of Lust spoke "I thought you would stop your silly dreams after what happened to you, but you're still just as stupid and perverted, you've been talking about the same person for days that coincidentally no one knows!"

"..." Staring at everything in silence, Christian's lips trembled at the knowledge that they talk about him, even more at hearing the brazen woman say that they slept together.

Backing away slowly, Christian started to close the door slowly, but unfortunately, a certain woman sniffed deeply.

"*Sniff* *Sniff*" Sniffing, Lust quickly turned her gaze and saw Christian, causing Christian to smile bitterly.

With a big smile, Lust said "Lieutenant~"

"..." With her words, everyone turned their gaze at the same time, freezing at the sight of Christian with an awkward smile at the door.




"This... I'm in the wrong room" Speaking awkwardly, Christian slowly walked out.

"Lucifer, don't go!" Trying to get up, Lust exclaimed, only to grimace in pain from his wound.

"..." Stopping, Christian sighed wearily and turned around "Hello..."




But no one answered, just stared at him in silence as if they didn't believe their eyes.

Walking into the living room, Christian took off his dark glasses and looked at Lust, finding her blushing healthily "You look good"

"Instantly flirting, I like it~"

"I should have let you get killed"

"It's already late~"

"..." Looking at Christian and his daughter repeatedly, the man stroking Lust's hair stood up with a gentle smile, then taking him by the arm and speaking "Hello young man, may I know your name?"

"Hello" Smiling warmly, Christian let himself go "I'm Christian, Christian Grey."

"Christian, that's a nice name" Taking a chair, the man smiled and spoke "Sit down, make yourself comfortable"

"Thank you, but there's no chair left for you, so don't bother"

"You're very polite" Nodding with satisfaction, the man looked at his son and shouted "Benjamin, pass me your chair!"

"Y-yes" Reacting quickly, the 15-year-old nodded quickly and pulled the chair closer to his father.

"Okay, let's sit down"

"..." Nodding silently, Christian saw the amused look on Lust's face and the stare of the rest of the family.

Approaching Christian, the man looked at him with a soft smile and asked "May I know how you met my girl?"

"In the army..."

"You were in the army?" looking closely at Christian, the man asked with surprise.

"Yes... I was the leader of Rias' team"

"You were their leader..."

"Dad, I already told you that it was the lieutenant who saved my life by passing by like a super soldier with missile launchers shooting all the enemies!"

"Silence!" looking at Lust angrily, the man shouted.

???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????-????????????.????????????

"..." hiding the neck, Lust didn't even dare to breathe, drawing an amused smile from Christian.

"Christian, may I know what your relationship with my daughter is like?" smiling amicably, the man asked.

"She harassed me every day... when I slept she would crawl into my bed at night and the next day I would wake up with her... she always talked dirty to me and said how much she wants to have sex, a real headache"

"..." With an empty face, the whole family turned to Lust, causing the woman to smile sheepishly.

"Yes... that sounds like my daughter" With a tired sigh, the man smiled towards Christian "Sorry for the interrogation, I thought my daughter had hired someone to pose as her friend"

"Dad, I would never do that!"



"Christian, you look very young, may I know your age?"






Edited By: Amiss
