Chapter 179 Old Friendships

Name:Reversal Author:

Stepping out of the elevator, Christian looks around curiously, finding a small hallway leading to a large room with gray walls.

Looking carefully at the place, Christian purses his lips and speaks "This is not what I thought..."

The room looked quite like a house, it had sofa, television, a kitchen, there were even doors that looked like bedrooms or bathrooms.

"It's the first floor, this whole private area has 3 floors in total" Following Christian, Leslie spoke.

"Oh..." Nodding, Christian walks while looking for the staircase.

"To your right."

"I knew it."

Climbing up the stairs, Christian came upon a room with walls that appeared to be made of wood and a red carpeted floor, all cluttered with items for fun.

Pool table, a Ping-Pong table, various arcade games, and other games that Christian didn't really know about.

"This area was designed for you, it has video game consoles, areas to watch movies, listen to music, comfortable couches, Jacuzzi, sauna, everything here is for relaxing."

Nodding with interest, Christian slowly walks around the place and up the stairs again.

Reaching the top floor, Christian walked and smiled with satisfaction, observing the room he saw so much in the movies.

A bar in the corner, large balconies protruding through the large glass windows, an incredible view and a desk in front of the windows.

"This room was created based on your requests, it has more sofas, a desk for you, balconies to better appreciate the city and another balcony sticking out even more... as you did not specify the use you would give to that place, , they left it with a small table at the end to eat."

Looking towards the overhanging structure, Christian recalled its use 'There was the technology that took Tony's suit off when he arrived, not a bad use to eat with that beautiful view'

"It's perfect" Smiling, Christian walks over to his dark wood carved desk, and sits down in the comfortable chair.

"Your desk has a laptop and a regular computer, both have the company systems logged in and so far no one has used it, they are especially for you"

Looking at the large screen in front of him, Christian smirked.

"Leslie, my team should be here in 10 minutes, they are 7 people and they were from the military, I already told you about them."


"I want you with me as we speak, you will also be involved with me, you are my most trusted person and I trust you with my life."

With a sudden twinkle in her one eye, Leslie nods "I'll stop a bullet if I have to."

"You don't need to go to such extremes" Smiling softly, Christian continued "Do you remember the promise I made to you?"

"..." Thinking silently for a few seconds, Leslie finally spoke "The one about my eye?"

"Exactly" Nodding, Christian continues "I will study quantum computers, it is the key tool I need to launch the world's technology and medicine to another level, it is also the key tool that will allow us to enter any existing system in the world, once I have that ready, I will dedicate myself to find a solution to your eye, I swear to you on my life that in a while more you will have your full vision."

"..." Looking at Christian silently with a neutral face, Leslie finally walked towards Christian and suddenly knelt down in front of him, looking directly into his face "Just by serving you I feel satisfied, if you don't make it, please don't punish yourself."

"..." Watching the woman silently, Christian actually saw a somewhat sickly devotion in her eyes, something that made him smile strangely for a few seconds, but not wanting to think about it anymore, Christian sighed and caressed the woman's face "And for that thought I will give you the world if you want it."

Taking Christian's hand, Leslie clutches it to her face and replies earnestly "It's not necessary to have the world, just let me protect you and I'll be happy."

"If that's what you want, I have no problem with it."

"Thank you..." Taking a deep breath, Leslie smiled slightly and stood up, then walked towards the stairs "I'll go get the team"

"I'll be waiting for you" Looking down at the butt being highlighted by Leslie's tight suit, Christian smiled and turned his chair around, calmly looking at the city in front of him.

"Such intense loyalty and devotion..." Muttering as he watches the city, Christian smiled quizzically "It feels so right somehow..."

Standing for a few minutes looking out over the city, Christian finally heard the voices he occasionally missed.

"Fuck, this place is amazing!" Looking around, Greed exclaimed.

"It would be hot to have sex on those balconies" Nodding, Lust smiled and spoke.

"I've been with you guys for 10 minutes and I already want to kill you" Looking at Greed and Lust, Wrath muttered in annoyance.

"You don't know how bored I was at home, there were many times where I thought about blowing up the city" With a calm smile, Gluttony commented.

"I could stay the rest of my life in this place" Sloth nodded with interest.

"Master, they're here" Standing in front of the desk, Leslie spoke, then walking over to the seat and standing next to it.

'Master?' Raising his eyebrows, Christian glanced sideways at the woman next to him, then smiled slightly and turned in his chair, looking at the annoyed women in front of him.

"They missed me?"




Staring at the seated man, all the women blinked in bewilderment, looking at him for the first time so elegant and groomed.


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"Who knew a suit and doing his hair right would give such beauty..."

"He's even got a tattoo, he looks hot..."

"Don't you see those earrings? I never thought I'd see him like that..."

"He looks good..."

"He's the one I'd spend all my money on..."


"..." Losing his smile, Christian looked boredly at the 7 women in front of him, being surprised that even Pride and Envy who are usually the quiet ones acted silly right now.

Frowning, Leslie narrowed her eye at the group that seemed so insolent to her.

"Let me introduce the woman next to me, she is Leslie, but her code name will be Death"

Waking up at her words, they all turned their gaze towards the woman with the eye patch, then nodded towards her as they knew she would be their new companion.

"Christian, what did you call us for?" looking at the man, Envy asked.

"Call me Lucifer, the name Christian will no longer exist for us, as for why I called you... wait a few minutes, something tells me we will have another new member" With a mysterious smile, Christian answered.

"Another one?" Raising his eyebrows, Gluttony continued "What are you planning to do to need so many people?"

"And we'll still need more people, I'll tell you what's coming next, just wait for now."


Smiling slightly, Christian looks towards the elevator and sees a person exiting it.

Blinking in a daze, Christian looks closely at the beautiful woman walking towards him with a nervous face.

The woman was 179 centimeters tall, her blonde hair had a unique look with the left side completely shaved while the right side fell over her shoulders.

Her pale skin was easily shown by her skimpy clothing, wearing white colored sports bras over her C-cup breasts, exposing her tight stomach, while underneath she wore tight dark colored pants.

[Photo here]

Several tattoos could be seen on her skin and most of them were of roses, and strangely she had the same tattoo of Christian on her neck with the same purple color on the rose.

Emily is back and Christian knew it the very moment he saw her emerald eyes, no matter how many changes her body has had and no matter how big she looks now.

Staring at each other, Emily arrives in front of Christian with a laptop in her arms and they stand in silence.



Looking at each other with a lot of feelings in their eyes, Christian finally smiles softly and speaks "You've grown"

"Y-yes" Looking at Christian nervously, Emily nods quickly.

"Won't you give me a hug?" Opening his arms as he rises from the seat, Christian smiles and speaks.

Looking up at the man, Emily bites her lips for a few seconds, then sets the computer down on the desk and suddenly runs to Christian, hugging him tightly.

Stroking the young woman's back, Christian smiles softly and whispers, "I missed you."

"Me too..." Looking up with reddened eyes, Emily looks at Christian for a few seconds and smiles "But I'm here now."

"Yes" Smiling, Christian strokes the young woman's hair and lets her go, then walks to his seat and sighs as he sees his team looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Meet Emily, she's my first friend and we've known each other since I was 9 years old, we haven't seen each other since I went to prison at 12 years old."

Looking at the young girl who stood still next to Christian, the group nodded towards her with understanding.

"Emily, by now you must know everything I do and maybe understand a little of what I want to do, what do you think?" looking at the young girl who picked up her computer again, Christian asked with a slight smile.

"I'll help you with anything!" Nodding quickly, Emily smiled and exclaimed.

"Good, then let me introduce you to another member of the team, her name will be Plague, her speciality is cybernetics and I'm sure she knows about all of you lives more than I do myself!"

Opening their eyes a little wider, all the women looked at Emily with suspicion, as the young woman blushed slightly and dodged the gaze.

"With everyone here, I'll start talking to you about what's going to happen-"

"Christian, my mom sent you a gift, I left it at the front desk since it would be too conspicuous to come in with something so big" Looking at Christian, Emily suddenly interrupted.

Frowning slightly, Leslie asked "How did you get in?"

"I've always had access to all of Christian's companies computer systems, I make sure to keep them secure, it's not a problem to get inside the elevator system" Shrugging, Emily replied.

"Leslie, can you bring the gift?"

"Have her go with someone else, it's 10 boxes."

"Girls, help her please."

Nodding to each other, Leslie leads the way and they all go downstairs to get the boxes.

Being alone, Christian smiles softly and looks at Emily "You've become very beautiful."

"Thank you, you too!" Almost shouting, Emily nervously replied, as a blush came to her cheeks.

"What have you been doing?"

"Work with mom."

"What does your mother do?"

Pursing her lips for a few seconds, Emily thought about the answer and spoke "We do all kinds of jobs that need hackers for money, nothing gets out of our hands."

"I see..." Nodding, Christian looks at Emily's body and speaks "You look pale, is something wrong with you?"

"I've been living under a bunker... I don't have any sun"

"Then we'll go to the beach to sunbathe, it's necessary for your health."




"I missed you"

"..." Looking at Christian silently, Emily's eyes reddened again as she smiled beautifully "Me too!"

After a perfunctory chat, Christian finally spotted his team carrying large wooden crates.

Setting them down in front of Christian, Leslie returns to her spot.

"What are these boxes?"

Approaching the boxes, Emily opens one and takes out a hard drive "My mother named this 'Pandora's Boxes', here you have hundreds of 3TB hard drives with evidence of corruption, rapes, pedophilia, murders and trafficking of different drugs or humans... all committed by politicians, royals, churches, armies, mercenaries or big businesswoman from all over the world."




Widely opening their eyes, the 7 sins looked at the boxes in disbelief, including Leslie who's neutral expression changed to a serious one instantly.

"Pandora's boxes... a fitting name" Looking at the boxes with a neutral face, Christian thought 'What does that woman want from me... first she gave me the sex trafficking ring files, now she's giving me millions of blackmail materials like it's nothing.'

"I gathered most of these files, do you like the gift?" looking at Christian with an anxious look, Emily asked.




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