Chapter 188 Leslie

Name:Reversal Author:
Walking to the bedroom, Christian takes a hand towel and wipes the sweat from his forehead, then picks up his cell phone and speaks, "Hi mom."

"How are you doing?"

"I was able to control myself 100%, but Lust is still having problems."

After what happened, Christian didn't leave his mother and Leslie in the dark, talking to her only about what happened with his strength and leaving aside the topic of his new sex slave.

"Do you already know why that happened?"

"No, I was investigating Lust's blood and comparing it with Leslie's, but I can't find any difference and everything seems normal, I did a check on her body and really everything is fine with her, in my case it's the same situation, I can't figure out what happened."

"That's weird... but it doesn't matter, as long as you are fine I'm happy."

"How is Alan?"

"We'll wake him up in 3 days"

"And his girlfriend?"

"She's with him right now, she hasn't left his room."

"I told you she was a good woman."

"She may just be a front."

Rolling his eyes, Christian speaks "You know it's not like that, no one lies to my face."


"Mom, is Elisa still in the house?"

"Yes, she said she wouldn't leave without you."

Smiling slightly, Christian nodded "In 3 days I should be ready, I have a lot to plan... I think I'll open a music company"

"You want to sing?"

"Yes, but I'll also be looking for talents to recruit... we have some free floors in the Grey building?"

"Yes, we have 3 floors still free"

"Let me have those floors... could you set up a studio for me in that place? I'll send you a list of what I need to produce the music... the other two floors I'll use for other future ideas, maybe I'll open another company to make movies."

"Won't you go to school with your brothers?"

"I might go to school... maybe I'll just go for a week, bully those guys and get to work."

"Just don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

"Yes mom."

"Send me the list of what you want on the music floor, if you want to register the music company, tell me the name you want and if you need to hire people also let me know, I can take care of that."

"Thanks mom, I will send you a message with everything I need... as for the staff... for now I only need a receptionist and people to do the cleaning, once I have the singers I will tell you what else I need" Going over everything needed in his mind, Christian speaks and smiles "That would be all for now mom, love you"

"Remember to call me and don't sleep too late, see you"

Hanging up the call, Christian looks at the woman next to him and purses his lips.

Thinking seriously, Christian sighs and speaks "Leslie, follow me."

Walking through the mansion, Christian reaches the second floor and enters the master bedroom, then closes the door behind the woman and sits down on the bed.

"Leslie, sit next to me."

Nodding silently, Leslie sits down next to Christian and stares at him.

"Leslie, I have something to tell are the person who knows the most about me and I feel the need to tell you something that has been going on for a while now."


Taking the woman's hand, Christian spoke "I'm having sex with some women I know."

Blinking for a few seconds, Leslie just remained silent.

"I did it with Elisa, Sarah, Lust and lastly... with mom."


"Mom was my first time... I don't want you to misunderstand things, I was the one who started all this and all this happens because I want it to... no one is forcing me and no one is pressuring me."



"..." Looking at Christian silently, Leslie just nodded "I knew it."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked "You knew?"


"Since when?"

"Even though the walls of his house in Detroit are made to muffle sound, I guard his door...I heard everything when he did it with Ms. Eva..... I also heard you do it with the woman outside, but I didn't know Miss Elisa and Sarah too."

"It doesn't bother you?"

"..." Squeezing Christian's hand, Leslie spoke seriously "I made the decision to serve you for the rest of my existence, I don't care what you do, I will help you and protect you... only if you allow me to."

"..." Smiling playfully, Christian spoke "Don't say that with such a serious face, I might fall in love~"


"Leslie, you're already 34 years old... have you thought about getting married and starting a family?" lying down on the bed, Christian looked up at the ceiling and spoke.

"Did I do something to upset you?"

Noticing the fear in the woman's voice, Christian looks at her strangely and shakes his head "Not at all, but you're already at the age to start a family... wouldn't you like to have your children and a normal life?"

"..." Looking at Christian in silence for a few seconds, Leslie finally replied "I'll be protecting you until my last breath, I'm not interested in looking for a husband or starting a family."

"..." Looking at the woman who speaks so earnestly, Christian really doesn't understand where all this devotion to him came from.

Yes, Christian helped her avenge her family and gave her a new home, but he still finds it strange that she is willing to lay down her life for him.

Pulling the woman's hand, Christian forces her to lie down with him, then takes her body and embraces her, staring into her eyes "Leslie... why do you do so much for me?"

"..." Staring at Christian's face, Leslie didn't answer and kept her face neutral.

"*Sigh*" Knowing that she won't say anything to him, Christian took to staring at her face, then moving his hand to the woman's patch and pulling it off.


"..." Looking at her wound on her eye, Christian smiled softly and caressed Leslie's cheek "You are very beautiful Leslie, the men of the world should weep blood to know that you don't plan to be in a relationship."


Gently caressing the woman's face, Christian smiled softly and kissed her forehead "I would like you to think about what I said, no one says you can't work for me having a family... I will ask for your answer tomorrow and if you say you are not interested, I promise not to touch the subject anymore"

Shaking her head, Leslie spoke "I don't have to think about anything, I've made up my mind."

"..." Looking at Leslie's face, Christian failed to see any doubt in her.

"My dear Leslie... who knew I would come out with something so precious by wanting to defend some children" Caressing the stoic woman's face, Christian whispered softly "It was certainly one of the smartest actions of my life to hire this security company"


"You are a woman of very few words, but I like you."


Analyzing the calm woman, Christian smiles and out of nowhere, brings his lips close to Leslie's and places a soft kiss on her lips.

"..." Opening her eyes a little wider, Leslie looks at Christian in disbelief.

"At last I see a reaction from you, don't be so reserved" Smiling playfully, Christian licked his lips and whispered "Did you like the kiss~?"


"If you don't talk I'll go further~" Slowly moving his hand, Christian starts caressing Leslie's stomach gently, then slowly moving up and reaching her breasts.

Squeezing them gently over the clothing, Christian breathed hotly in front of her face and whispered softly "Come to think of it... if you won't have a husband you wouldn't be able to release your frustrations... if that happens you won't be able to work well."

"That won't happen..." Blushing slightly, Leslie didn't move an inch and whispered softly.

"At last you speak~" Gently squeezing Leslie's breasts over his suit, Christian softly whispers "How should I reward my most loyal woman~?"

Gently lowering his hand, Christian reaches to touch Leslie's crotch, gently caressing the fabric of the pants, as a moist warmth began to appear around the place.

"M-master, it's not necessary" Breathing shakily, Leslie whispered haltingly.

"Of course it's necessary, good deeds have their rewards~" Gently stroking Leslie's vulva, Christian smiled as he saw the wet spot on the woman's black pants "And I see you enjoy my actions~"

"..." Shivering slightly with a red face, Leslie just remained silent as she tried to keep her face neutral.

"This is so exciting~" Whispering softly, Christian lowered his hand further and began to feel the contours of Leslie's lower lips "You used to take me in your lap when we sat, you watched me grow and you watched me succeed~"


"Now you see me touching you with lustful intentions while you just let it all happen~" Slowly bringing his hand up, Christian slips it inside Leslie's shirt and runs his hand down under the woman's pants, then past her panties and touches a completely soaked carpet of hair.

"Just look at this mess~" Gently stroking the small nub of flesh, Christian whispers "You like it when I touch you here~?"

"..." Biting her lips, Leslie closed her eyes and took a heated breath.

"Your master to whom you are so devoted is touching your most intimate part~" Bringing his mouth close to the woman's ear, Christian whispers "Doesn't it thrill you~?"

Trembling slightly, Leslie bit her lips even more.

"Hehe~" Chuckling lightly, Christian lowers his hand even further and slowly runs his finger across Leslie's lower lips, then reaching her small hole and slowly inserting one of his fingers.

"Mmnh~" Moaning softly, Leslie couldn't stand the pleasure any longer and a large amount of liquid hit Christian's hand.

"What do we have here~" Withdrawing his hand, Christian looks at the dripping glistening liquid and smiles, then slowly brings his hand up to his mouth and licks the palm softly.

Staring at Christian in a daze, Leslie felt her heart beating wildly, as hundreds of thoughts flooded her mind.

Bringing his finger closer to Leslie, Christian places it over the woman's lips and whispers "Lick it."

Opening her mouth, Leslie doesn't contradict Christian and slowly licks his finger, tasting her own fluids for the first time.

"What an obedient woman, I guess I should give her another reward~" Pulling his finger out of Leslie's mouth, Christian slowly moves in and grabs the edges of Leslie's pants, then slowly pulls them down.

Removing Leslie's shoes, Christian finishes removing her pants and panties, leaving the woman's pussy in the air in all its glory.

"You had a climax with just a few slight movements, you must be so frustrated~" Removing his shirt, Christian exposes his muscles and smiles, then removes his pants and sneakers.

Getting completely naked, Christian approaches Leslie and whispers "You will take care of me for the rest of your life, but I will take care of satisfying you and giving you the love you deserve, it's a good deal~"

Gently removing her suit jacket, Christian begins to unbutton Leslie's shirt, then opens it to reveal modest D-cup breasts hidden by a red bra.

Removing her bra with no trouble at all, Christian whispers "Lift your body, let's let those beauties get some air~"

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"..." Silently and with misty eyes, Leslie lifted her body and helped take off her clothes, then lay back and looked at the man in front of her.

Watching the woman gazing at him with misty eyes, Christian smiled softly.

Two beautiful white breasts with brown aureoles were constantly heaving from their owner's erratic breathing, a toned stomach with 6 marked abs, a pelvis replete with dark pubic hair highlighting the woman's mature body, slender lower lips with a small button of flesh on top while the entire crotch glistened for Christian from the fluids that still didn't stop flowing out.

But most beautiful to Christian was the woman's face.

Her short tousled hair with a lock stuck in the sweat on her forehead, one eye looking at him with too many emotions and soft lips slightly open exposing a fleshy tongue inside.




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