Chapter 233 Preparations

Name:Reversal Author:
"No, today's systems can't work with Femtoseconds, nor will they notice... and all the modifications that will be made, is to have the quantum computer as a 'friend' system... in short and in simple words, once inside, we will never get out."

"*Gulp*" Looking at the bar with 50% charge, Leslie managed to understand why so much tension in the atmosphere, knowing perfectly well the disaster this may cause.

"M-master and how will you store so much information?"

"We have 3 rooms full of memory, it won't be filled for the next 100 years by my estimation."

"I see..."





Trembling slightly from the adrenaline rush he feels, Christian stares at the screen.



Collapsing to the ground instantly, Christian smiled tiredly and while looking at the screen.

"At last... I have the world in my hands" Laughing lightly, Christian lay down on the ground while looking into nothingness, feeling an immense satisfaction and relaxation at the end of the hardest part of it all.

"Christian, shall we initiate phase 2?" With a big smile on her face, Emily grabbed a cable next to her and asked.

"Initiate phase 2."

Nodding, Emily walked over to the computer and began connecting several wires silently.

"What is phase 2?" looking at Christian doubtfully, Leslie asked.

"For a while now with Emily we started writing a certain quantum code..."

"And what does that code do?"

"It's the existence of a bot that will handle all the information and start filtering it... that bot will be the cornerstone of our organization... I call it Just A Rather Very Intelligent System, but if we abbreviate it it's J.A.R.V.I.S..."

"Artificial intelligence?"

"No... it doesn't go that far, the bot will have no feelings or thoughts of its own" Shaking his head, Christian continued "This has some written patterns, just sort everything out with certain commands and follow spoken orders... in fact it's partially written, we create it so that it can finish creating itself with all the information it manages to get from the internet"

"I-isn't that dangerous?"

"Maybe, after all we gave it the power to enter the entire global internet and take whatever actions it finds necessary to form itself... now that I say it out loud it sounds like a lousy idea" Frowning slightly, Christian muttered.

"It's fine, I added several self-destruct codes to it and it doesn't have the function of destroying the world or anything similar, it will just be a 'servant' that will do as it's commanded" Continuing to connect the wires, Emily replied casually, then nodded and spoke "Initiating system."





"The bot is being created, it's time to wait" Looking at the screen, Emily sighs and sits down next to Christian, then looks around and murmurs "I never thought we'd get this far... it's amazing."

"No doubt... I'm glad to get this done" Smiling tiredly, Christian continued "For a while now I feel like I'm losing my energy... I think I need to get out of a damn lab for a few months".

"What are we going to do with this finished?"

"Shine" Looking at the screen, Christian stood up and walked to the corner of the room, then over to a metal table with various tools lying around.

Approaching a glass box, Christian looked at the two small contact lenses inside and muttered "You are the ultimate... I just have to give you life."

"What's that for master?" Standing behind Christian, Leslie looked at the contact lenses and muttered.

"This idea I got from Google.... it turns out that since 2015 they started building a contact lens that serves as augmented reality... practically a computer screen... in 2017 they made several breakthroughs, but it lacked technology like a quantum computer to complete it... I've been researching this for 7 months and with Jarvis it should be all ready..."

"What will this be for?"

"Jarvis will be the assistant bot... if it has how to listen to us, plus a small system that we must carry on us for these glasses to work... this should allow us to have access to all the systems without problems, for example, if we see a person in the street, Jarvis will look for all the information we want and give it to us instantly... practically this makes us gods."

"Sounds like madness."

"Everything in this room is crazy... but here we are, wrapping it all up with a satisfactory result."


"I have 15 pairs of these contact lenses... first I have to finish certain functions and everything should be ready... I'll give you one to wear, I'll give a pair to my mother and all my people... with this we'll have the world on our feet"




"Do you remember my promise?"

"To get my eye back?"

"Yes... today I am closer than ever, just give me a few more months and maybe I will achieve something... first I must investigate the human brain and all the nerve terminals... I will also experiment before I do something to you... I don't want to harm you after all."

"..." Staring at the tired man, Leslie nodded with a soft smile "I'll be waiting for you master."

"Good afternoon, masters, I'm Jarvis" Suddenly a robotic voice shook Christian's body, causing everyone in the place to focus on what this meant.

Quickly turning his gaze, Christian runs over to the computers and looks at the screen with a big smile, seeing a dark system with several red hieroglyphs all over the place, while in the top corner the Ouroboros snake is seen as a logo.

"Christian... our system is ready, the Infernus group already has its source of information and the Ouroboros system has just been born."

"At last..." Looking at the screen, Christian approaches the computer and speaks "Jarvis, do you recognize my voice?"

"Christian Grey, my master"

"Jarvis, tune in to a more natural voice"

"Yes master" Instantly his robotic voice disappeared and a somewhat uncomfortable voice remained, not because it sounds bad, but because one can't tell if it's male or female for some reason.

"Jarvis, what is our range?"

"You could say I am the internet now master, I have access to all the satellites in the world, do you want me to drop any?"

"No, it's fine like that" Smiling stiffly, Christian continued "Show me a random elevator camera."

"Yes master."

Instantly the screen changed to a common elevator where 3 people can be seen inside.

"Beijing, China camera, Zhong building #164"

Receiving the information from Jarvis, Christian smirked "I want you to stop him"

"Yes master."

Looking at the frightened faces of the people inside, Christian smiled and continued "Make it work again"

"Yes master"

"Stop it"

"Yes master"

"Make it work"

"Yes master"

Noticing the tears on the faces of those 3 people, Christian turned to the smiling Emily and chuckled lightly "Jarvis, what do we have on Kyra Hall?"

"3 cell phones, 4 surveillance cameras pointed at her right now and 12 external cell phones surrounding her."

"Activate the speaker and microphone on one of her cell phones, also activate her camera and show me what she's doing."

"Yes master."

Seeing the whole screen in black, Christian spoke "Show me also a camera that is focusing on her"

"Yes master"

Noticing that she is eating quietly, Christian smiled and walked up to the microphone "Pride!"

Smiling seeing how the woman turns her gaze all around, Christian shouted again "I am the ghost of your ancestors!"

"Where are you?"

Hearing the woman's voice, Christian chuckled lightly and spoke "Pull out your cell phone, I'm on it."

"Good, I have your camera activated" Looking at Pride's confused face, Christian continued "We accomplished the final step... call the others and get everything started"

Opening her eyes a little wider, Pride asked "Did you really make it?"

"Can't you see me talking on your cell phone?"


"I have a surprise in store for you, so call the others and say I'm starting the first phase... the time has come for our group to earn their badge and meet their leader... I want them all on the island in 7 days, I'll send you the locations of the planes that will bring them"

"Yes boss" With an absolutely serious face, Pride nodded.

"See you my dear pride"

"See ya..."

"Jarvis, do you know the total number of my staff?"

"According to my information, you have 1440 master soldiers."

"288 groups... expanded quite a bit" Thinking for a few seconds, Christina continued "Any traitors in the ranks?"

"You have 34 people infiltrated by the Russian mafia."

"That old man..." Smiling slightly, Christian continued "Jarvis, can you process the information from the conversations yet?"

"Not yet master, I'm setting up the world languages and then I have to start the encryption, in 1 hour it should all be ready"

"Good..." Nodding, Christian turns to Emily and speaks "I'll leave it to you, finish what you need, I'll go make a call."

"You let me know if you need anything."

Nodding, Christian pulls out his cell phone and calmly walks out of the room, then dials a number and speaks "Father, I want to buy certain things from you."

"*Sigh* How have you been?"

"Fine, kind of busy, but then I'm going out to freedom."

"So you finished your project"

"You can say yes, for now."

"What do you need?"

"2000 cell phones that are fast, no matter the model... I also need 500 fast laptops, no matter the model, but everything has to be dark colored with the logo that I will send you... many dark military uniforms, at least 8000.... 2000 military labels with the logo that I will send you... several weapons, many weapons, of all kinds... I also need several ammunition, bulletproof vests, military helmets... some helicopters to transport several people... also half masks with a particular design, I will send you pictures... also 12 masks that have the same design, but different colors, I will send you that information plus the design of the mask in private. ... as for the helicopters, I need about 20, their designs have to be completely dark with a logo that I will send you... also about 5 military airplanes to transport several people, that is the same color and with the same logo... I also need several armored vehicles that are dark, like the ones that my security uses."


"Remember that everything has to be dark in color."

"Christian... are you planning to create a coup?"

Laughing slightly, Christian shook his head and spoke "I just want to get everything ready for my small army... do you think it's possible to open a mercenary group legally in Russia?"

"Yes, you won't have any problems, in fact, I can do it for you."

"That would be perfect, the name will be Infernus".

"How many are they?"

"Around 1500"

"Well... you know this will cost you a lot of money, don't you?"

"23 tons of gold, right?"

"Yes... When do you want all this?"

"6 days on my island."


"Come on, I'm paying 1.5 billion dollars for this, don't be stingy."

"*Sigh* Well, it'll all arrive in 6 days... do you have hangars?"

"Yes, a while back I prepared enough at my airport."

"And the fuel?"


"I'll add it as a gift, do you need anything else?"

"Not for now... I already have pilots, the weapons, the planes... the ships don't do me much good for now, but prepare some for the future... just that for now."

"Good, I'll go give the notice, see you later"

"See you later father"

"Greetings to my granddaughter"

"Finishing this I'm taking her to Russia so you can meet her, she's a sweetheart."

"I'll be waiting for her, just don't be too long."

"Yes you are impatient" Laughing lightly, Christian cut the call and started sending the images.

"My girls must arrive first... I must get everything ready, but first... I need to recharge with sweetness" Running to Elisa's room, Christian opens the door and watches his little girl watching TV with her mother.

Little Helen has really grown up quite a bit, already measuring 73 centimeters at only 7 months old.

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Her adorable eyes and chubby cheeks are Christian's greatest source of energy, something that makes him happy with just a glance.

"My little Helen, daddy's home."

Turning her gaze, Helen stares at Christian, then raising her arms towards him.

"Hehe~" Running to the bed, Christian lifts the little girl up and kisses her cheek "My little girl is so smart~"

"..." Resting her head on Christian's shoulder, Helen stares at him with a calm face.

"You look happy, did something happen?" looking at the beautiful scene, Elisa asked with interest.

"Honey, in 8 days we leave this island."

"Yes? Have you finished your research?" With surprise and genuine happiness, Elisa asked.




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