Chapter 244 Life

Name:Reversal Author:

Parting his lips from Elisa, Christian turns his gaze and finds his little girl at his side stretching a small handful of sod in front of him.

"For me?"


Chuckling lightly, Christian licks his lips and stretches his hand towards Helen's, instantly receiving his first gift "Thank you so much sweetie."

"Hugwies" Opening her arms, Helen spoke.

"..." With a flushed face and slightly misty eyes, Elisa controlled her breathing and looked at the small scene fondly.

"Huggies" Taking in the small body, Christian wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, causing the little girl to wrap her small arms around Christian's neck.

Holding Elisa on his lap and Helen hugging his neck, Christian smiled warmly and looked down at the grass in his hand, then reached out and took the shopping bag, keeping even the smallest piece as a souvenir for the future.

Her little girl's first gift, a handful of dried sod.

"I guess I'll have to share" Smiling slightly, Elisa carefully moves over and lays down on the free half of Christian's chest, while Helen occupied the other half with her small body.

"Mn?" Puckering his nose, Christian looks at the blue butterfly above him and murmurs "It tickles..."

"How cute" Looking up, Elisa looked at the butterfly excitedly "Don't move or you'll scare it away."

"..." Watching Christian's face at all times, Helen easily spotted the butterfly on her father, causing her to stand up hopefully curious and stretch out her hand to her.

"Helen, she got away-"

"Leave her."


Watching as the butterfly her climbed onto the girl's hand, Elisa raised her eyebrows and lifted her body slightly.

"I thought she'd run away..."

"It won't" Smiling softly, Christian lifted his body slightly and sat Helen on top of him "Honey, is the butterfly cute?"

"..." Looking at the peculiar color of the wings, Helen looks up at Christian and murmurs "Daddy..."

Kissing Helen's head, Christian moves his hand and stretches it towards the butterfly, causing it to quickly fly towards him "Honey, Daddy is going to tell you something very important today and you have to remember it, yes?"


"When you grow up, you will hear many times that killing is wrong or similar words that come to the same thing... there will always be people defending human life or other animals, and in a way it is not wrong, it comforts me to know that these kind of people exist" Whispering softly, Christian brought the butterfly close to his face and whispered "But these people are also wrong... yes, killing is wrong, but only when you do it without any reason".

"You have to understand my daughter, that all living beings have a great value... these beings exist thanks to something unique and each life is the most precious thing that exists, no matter if they are humans, animals, insects, or even germs.... They all have the right to live and do their best to stay alive" Staring at the butterfly in front of his eyes, Christian continued "Generally humans fail to understand that... they always see the value of human life as the most important and then their pets... dogs, cats, whatever has importance in their hearts... for them the rest doesn't matter".

"In this big world, you will get to see many justifications for everything and you will get to know many points of view... people who eat plants because they don't like to harm animals... people who don't eat certain animals because they find them sacred... there are thousands of different thoughts."

"But almost nobody recognizes that in order to survive, we have to kill" Lowering the butterfly close to Helen's face, Christian continues "Human beings need to eat to live, it is something undeniable in this world... there is the case of these people who eat plants not to harm animals, but... don't plants have the right to live? What makes plants less important than animals?"

"In a way, plants are much more important than animals... they keep the air clean and keep this planet alive... but just because plants can't communicate, you take them as inferior existences and almost nobody stops eating plants or vegetables to keep them alive."

"And not only to eat... in this whole world, there are many smaller living beings, viruses, germs, insects... when a virus gets into the human body, most of the time it wreaks havoc inside, causing you to get sick... but these viruses that get into the human body, only do it to survive, for them it is an obligation or only death awaits them... don't they have the same right to life as we do?"

"When people see a mosquito or something that bothers them, they just kill it... they never think about their right to life or feel pity when they do it.

"But everything is different if we kill a human or some animal that serves as a pet, the dog for example... if you kill a dog in front of this society, you will be seen as a heartless monster... all because the dog has more importance for these people in their hearts... that is what life is based on for humans... it is only important if it is about themselves or if it is about something they like."

"But I want you to be different...I want you to recognize the life of all is the least respect you can give them by having to kill them to live" Gently stroking Helen's hair while holding the butterfly with his other hand, Christian continued "Life is an incredibly beautiful thing... no matter what kind of life it is, you must respect it... don't differentiate between humans, insects or animals."

"But I am also not telling you that you should not kill... you have to understand that just like life, death is necessary to maintain life... if a virus enters your body and makes you sick, we must kill the virus to keep you healthy, if you are hungry and it is necessary to eat, we must kill plants or animals to satisfy that need... if a human threatens you, you kill him to keep you alive... but always giving him the importance of his existence... never kill for killing, only do it when you feel it is necessary."

"There are many reasons that I find acceptable to kill... to protect my family, to satiate my stomach or to stay healthy... I could even say that following a goal is also a good reason."

"I ask from my heart as your father, that you refrain from taking any life unless your heart tells you it is necessary... for just as I have reasons that I find acceptable, you will have yours too... but I beg you to always keep in mind that every life is precious and everyone has the right to live" Bringing the butterfly close to his face, Christian gently kisses its wings and raises his hand as he whispers "Fly little one, be on your way."

"..." Lifting her head, Helen watched the butterfly slowly fly away.

Turning her gaze to Christian, Helen watches him for a few seconds and then begins to move to get off of him, only to start towards crawling again towards the grass.

"You look so handsome when you reflect~" Leaning back against Christian's chest again, Elisa purred "It makes my heart skip~"

"You flatter me~" Gently kissing Elisa's lips, Christian lies back on the blanket and hugs his wife's back "It's weird..."

"What's weird?"

"I always feel some kind of connection with other living things... even though I haven't been around many animals or insects, I always feel a need to care for them.... Lilith is a great example... Kitty or that butterfly... it's like it's born from me and gives me a boost... before it was something I barely noticed, but over time I feel that connection a lot more..."

"..." Looking at Christian's face, Elisa murmurs "Maybe it's just your kindness..."

"Kindness..." Repeating the word softly, Christian sighed "How stressful..."

Rolling her eyes, Elisa kissed Christian's cheek and asked playfully "Come to think of it... you said every life has value, but Helen ripped up grass just to give it to you, wouldn't that be a bad thing?"

"Why would it be?" tilting his head, Christian spoke matter-of-factly "My little girl wants to pull up the grass, who's going to forbid her?"

"But you said that every life has value..."

"But my daughter wants that grass, that's more important, the grass must be happy that my daughter is interested" As if he was stating the most obvious thing in the world, Christian looked at Elisa strangely and answered.

???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????-????????????.????????????

"..." Shaking her head, Elisa whispered "You're so silly in some cases... but I love this side of you."

'Did I say something weird?' Smiling oddly, Christian shrugged and turned his gaze to his little girl, watching as the girl stares at the grass.


After a pleasant day, Christian returned with little Helen asleep in his arms and a happy Elisa to his building, to sleep and the next day to plan his music videos.

"Then we'll shoot everything in New York".

"Yes, no need to leave the city as we can rent a studio and plan all the sets there" Nodding, White lion replied.

"Did you manage to get a crew for all the stages?"

"Yes, I brought in a good crew from Hollywood."

"Are you already hiring actors?"

"As of today."

"Well... When do you think they'll have everything ready to start shooting?"

"About a week, it's several music videos and a lot of scenery."

"Perfect, I have no problem waiting" Nodding, Christian looks up at the woman and speaks "We won't be releasing any music for now?"

"We can prepare music previews for you to upload to your social networks, it would help a lot for publicity."

"Then let me know when you have it"

"Boss, while we're on the subject... I have an errand to run for you."

Noticing the hesitation in the woman, Christian raised his eyebrows and asked "What errand?"

"The film crew wanted to see if you were interested in being an actor."


"Yes, they are interested in you..."

"What tells them I can act?"

"In this world of show business, many times you don't need great skills, but..."

"A good face."


"Mmm" Rubbing his chin, Christian asked "Do you know if they're thinking of a special role?"

"They talked to me about it, in fact they sent me the script" Getting up from the couch, White Lion walks over to her desk and goes through the drawers, then pulls out a folder and hands it to Christian.

Opening the folder with interest, Christian pulls out a large stack of papers inside and reads the title "Vikings?"

"It's a very popular series in the world, it talks about the Viking queen and her exploits."

"I see..." Looking at the other sheet, Christian looks at his character's name and mutters "Bjorn Dragoneye..."

"He is the only son of the queen, in the series he had an important role during the first season and then he was not seen anymore."


"As his last name says, he is DragonEye.... when he was born it was prophesied that he would discover land outside the land of the gods... all the first season he is blindfolded because he is blind and it is assumed that this was removed over time..."

"And why wasn't he seen anymore?"

"He was sent to follow his destiny"

"Being only a child?"




"And blind?"


"..." Laughing lightly, Christian continued "And why does he have the nickname DragonEye?"

"Because when he was born, his mother saw his eyes and saw that his pupils were like those of a dragon, but then they disappeared because he became blind."

"I see..."

"Although according to the prophecy, he should have the strength of a dragon and the beauty of a dragon."

"So they want me for my eyes and face..."

"He doesn't have a bad body either boss, I'd say he's perfect for the role."

"I really wouldn't be bad..." Looking at the papers closely, Christian asked "Do you know where they are filming this?"

"In two places, Ireland and Canada"

"Do you know how long the filming usually takes?"




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