Chapter 262 Litte Bloss

Name:Reversal Author:
After that moment of sex, contrary to Christian's thoughts, Greed did not show any disgust at the fact that he had sex with Lust over her. It is as if in her mind that scene never happened, she woke up, took a shower and ordered food, apart from cursing a few times, she is behaving normally.

Leaving his gloves aside, Christian approaches Greed's back and embraces her slowly, then squeezes one of her breasts and whispers in her ear "You will follow me like a good slave, don't give me any trouble and keep those dirty holes of yours ready for any moment, understood?"

"Y-yes master" Losing all her pent up ferocity, Greed lowered her head and stammered.

"Good girl, if you keep this up I'll give you a reward~" Gently biting Greed's ear, Christian gave her breasts a final squeeze and set her free, smiling happily at seeing her so shy.

'It's incredibly satisfying to see a lioness tamed like this...' Putting on his jewelry, Christian looked at the docile Greed through the mirror and smiled.


"Кого мы должны ждать?" (Whom should we wait for?- Russian) Clutching an umbrella in her left hand and smoking a cigarette with her right hand, a woman in her 30s with blonde hair asked.

"Американская свинья" (An American pig-Russian) Looking at the airport with boredom, a young woman in her 20s answered with disinterest.

[A/N: During this arc almost everything will be spoken in Russian, but obviously you will read it in English, just a little tidbit of information.]

"They sent the little boss lady to find some random American?" Raising her eyebrows in amusement, the woman took a puff of smoke and laughed.

"He's not just any American" With a serious face, another woman next to the young woman spoke "He's Mr. Dimitri's adopted son."

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue in annoyance, the young woman grumbled "I don't know how interesting he is, he's cute and all, but he's no big deal."

"Trust me little boss, the pictures don't do his real face justice" Shaking her head, the woman continued "When Mr. Dimitri went to Florence I was on his team, I had to take the kid to the army and then bring him should have seen the look in his eyes when he came back from the army, even I got chills"

"Is that such a big deal?" Raising an eyebrow, the other woman asked.

"You may not have heard much since you're just coming up to this level, but according to our reports and that man's own confirmation, he ended up killing along with a team of 7 people over 1000 soldiers."

"Over a thousand soldiers with only 8 people?" frowning slightly, the woman continued "Explosives?"

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no... their equipment is varied, but they almost never used explosives and always used to make ambushes or surprise attacks."

"Tsk, I could do that with a bunch of our people too" Clicking her tongue in annoyance, the young woman replied.

"But there is another situation that is more interesting than all that" Laughing at the anger of her little boss, the woman looked at her new companion and continued "There was a situation that made his name in the army... a joint mission with an elite team of Americans, it turns out that in the middle of a mission they were all ambushed in the middle of open terrain on the side of the desert".


"This young man was the team leader, he gave the order to stop because a vehicle with 3 people was disabled, he himself went down to rescue those 3 people" Looking seriously at her companion, the woman continued "It turns out that the elite team abandoned him for some reason and he had to escape carrying the 3 fainted people, he ran for hours under Taliban pursuit".

"No big deal, many Russian soldiers went through the same thing" Shrugging, the young woman interrupted.

"That's not all, that night alone he killed a whole platoon of Taliban, I don't know the exact amount, but according to rumors, he killed more than 200 people himself."

"200 people!?" Opening her eyes a little wider, the woman exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes, and even though one person he saved ended up dying in the chase, he managed to save the other 2" Laughing at the reaction, the woman sighed "Although I never liked Americans, I must say that this kid earned my respect... no matter how much I think about it, I would never be able to pull that off"


"..." Frowning slightly, the young woman looked off into the distance in silence and sighed "It's certainly amazing."

"Little Irina is already growing up" Rubbing the young woman's hair at her side, the woman smiled.

"Tsk, I'm already 19, don't treat me like a child."



"Tsk, I'm already 19, don't treat me like a child."

Hearing the laughter beside me, I couldn't help but click my tongue in annoyance.

It's so annoying this shit.

Yes, that bastard has good skills, but I find it absurd how much support he's getting from our people.

I find it even more annoying that he trained for so many years with my master.

Even I was only able to train for 2 years with him, I wasn't allowed more.

"*Sigh*" Leaning against the vehicle, I turn my gaze to the two women beside me and sigh.

These two women are the tip of the pyramid, the pillars of the Bratva.

I myself am the heir to the Bratva, the future head of the organization.

But here we are, standing in the middle of the airport in the rain waiting for someone completely foreign to our organization and country.

Who the fuck wouldn't find this annoying?

Not even the president of the United States would have this level of respect.

"They arrived!"

Hearing the voice next to me, I look up and easily spot a large dark aircraft descending in the distance.

Let's see what's so special about this Christian Grey guy.

"They'll make it to hangar two, let's go" Climbing into the back seat of the vehicle, I give the order to the two women beside me and watch as 4 vehicles behind me quickly start their engines.

"Chief, aren't you anxious?"

"Why would I be anxious about the arrival of a child?" crossing my arms, I look out the window and reply with boredom.

"But as far as they are the same age..."

"Ania, keep talking and I'll gouge your eyes out" Squinting at the new leader, I snort coldly.


What an annoying shit.

Taking a deep breath to calm my anger, I reach into my pocket and pull out a metal box, then pull out a cigarette and look out the window.

Searching through my pockets, I frown slightly and speak "Who's got a light?"


Receiving the lighter from Ania, I look at the plane already stopped in front of us and sigh "It's an order, so let's receive it personally".


Remembering my mother's serious tone when she gave me the order to receive this man, I couldn't help but sigh again in frustration.

Opening the door of the vehicle, I look sideways and notice the plane's logo "The Grey family is quite ostentatious".

"They have quite a bit of money, this is not a bad plane" Nodding, Ania continued with interest "Ivanna, you said you saw the boy personally?"

"Yes, why?"

"What's he like?"

"His face?"


"Heh, you see, even I who am known in my youth for immersing myself in debauchery, almost lost control just seeing him."

"Old ladies, aren't you ashamed?" looking disgustedly at the two women, continue "You are already over 40 years old, that man could be your grandson"

"You're still too young to understand, the older you get, the more your lust rises"

"Quiet, they came down"

Turning my gaze towards the door of the plane, I watch the staff unloading the suitcases covered by waterproof covers and squint my eyes.

Looks like the bastard will be here for a while, too many suitcases for just a few days.

Taking the cigarette, I put it in my mouth and take the lighter from my pocket.


"..." Blinking in a daze, I stare at the man who stood at the bottom of the plane, while the cigarette falls from my mouth as I can't keep it closed in surprise.

Shiny white hair, long eyelashes, charming smile and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life.

"This man..." Unable to peel my gaze from his face, I stare at the outline of his body and mutter in a daze, "He's a god?"

[End of POV]


"Hello, may I know your name?" looking at the young girl in front of him with a sweet smile, Christian blinked innocently and asked.


"Hello?" Waving his controller in front of the woman's eyes, Christian tilted his head slightly and chuckled lightly.

"Uh... y-yes, hello" Standing up straight quickly, the young woman puffed out her chest and spoke "I-I'm Irina, I also a-learned from Mr. Dimitri."

With surprise on his face, Christian quickly took the woman's hands and smiled "My father spoke a lot about you, it's nice to finally meet you, please take care of me~"

"Y-yes!" Looking at her hand held by the man's hand, Irina nodded quickly and looked towards the suitcases "Let me help you with your bags."

"Thank you~" Looking at the young woman's eager face, Christian laughed and nodded gratefully.

"What are you waiting for, help me" Turning to her people, Irina spoke quickly, as she mindlessly made her way towards the suitcases.

"*Sigh* The little boss fell" Shaking her head, Ivanna smiled with amusement and nodded towards Christian, then walked towards the suitcases along with her companion.

Turning his gaze, Christian stares at Irina and evaluates her in detail.

Long dark hair, pale skin, dark eyes and a face that is beautiful but cold at first glance.

All the clothes she wears are black and expensive looking, some jewelry on her wrist and large earrings.

[A/N: Photo of Irina here.]

"But who knew that this woman who radiates a sharp coldness would get nervous so easily" Muttering to himself, Christian observed the young woman's ass and smiled 'Nice ass, C cup breasts? Maybe D... a trained body no doubt, she must have a firm abdomen and her ass must be elastic... a first class woman.'

'I smelled two men on her, but not the smell she usually has when she is intimate, maybe a boyfriend but they only got to the point of kissing... the other one maybe on her father?' Staring at the young woman's clothes, Christian continued 'She has a weapon hidden under her clothes, I notice a slight bulge by her calf, maybe she hides a knife'.

'*Sigh* No doubt I'm getting lost... the first thing I do is study her body' Shaking his head, Christian took his gaze off the young woman and observed the bodies of the two women next to him 'They certainly are my type, a fully blossomed and mature body, just look at those hips and that juicy ass...'

"Though your eyes are clear, I'm sure you're thinking how tight those bitches must be, aren't you?" whispering with amusement in Christian's ear, Lust continued "If you want I can arrange something secret with them"

"No, I'm a family man now, those times are behind me" Closing his eyes, Christian took a deep breath and turned his gaze to his two sins "Lust, do you understand any Russian?"


"And you Greed?"

"I understand the basics"

"Well, if you need anything you tell me, I'll translate what you need, but don't interrupt me when I'm talking to someone else."

"That would be all?" Reaching Christian's side, Irina asked with a smile.

"Yes, thank you very much~"

Moving quickly towards the vehicle, Irina opens the back door and smiles cordially "Please get in, your escorts will be in the other vehicle."

"Thank you~" Nodding with a sweet smile, Christian turns to Lust and Greed and climbs into the vehicle, then settles in and looks at the young woman already seated next to him.




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