Chapter 318 Straight Talk

Name:Reversal Author:
Yawning lazily, Christian stepped off the plane and looked at the dark van waiting for him, then nodded to the plane staff and got off along with Emily.

Grabbing his bags, Christian commented "We should have slept in the bed, now my muscles feel tense".

Rubbing her neck, Emily muttered "My neck hurts..."

"There it is..." Gaining a twinkle in his eye as he saw a woman get out of the van, Christian murmured with some surprise.

How could he not be surprised?

There stood his slave in an outfit quite pleasing to his eye.

Wearing a tight dark suit along with a short business skirt, Natasha visibly stood out in Christian's view, even more so as she was wearing dark pantyhose that highlighted her incredible thighs along with her exotic but wonderful appearance.

Everything about this woman is currently incredible thanks to her curvaceous body and seductive attire.

"Welcome master" Bowing slightly with a respectful face, Natasha stepped forward and took the bags from Christian's hands "I hope you had a pleasant trip."

Rubbing his chin, Christian studied Natasha's face and thought 'She's wearing lipstick... that chignon looks amazing... and by god, I'm sure it was Lust's idea for her to wear those glasses, that bitch really gets me.... not to mention that lipstick is only worn by men. This woman put a lot of effort into that and even threw away her pride'.

As Christian said, Lust personally took it upon herself to dress her little student.

Lust is one of the few people who can boast that she knows Christian very well.

She knows his likes and dislikes when it comes to the female gender in a very deep way, and knowing that this woman will be at Christian's side as his secretary, Lust spared no effort in making her as sensual as possible, something that worked wonderfully.

Ignoring Natasha, Emily picked up her suitcase and walked to the van, while her smile instantly disappeared.

Glancing sideways at Emily, Natasha carefully walked over to Christian and stared into his eyes, then looked down and lifted her tight skirt slightly "As per the master's request, I'm wearing crotchless panties."

"..." Blinking in a daze, Christian quickly processed his words and laughed helplessly, not knowing what kind of stupid things Lust did with this pitiful woman "It's okay... just don't act like that in front of others"

"Understood master" Without losing her serious face, Natasha pulled down her skirt and continued "Please make yourself comfortable in the vehicle, I'll take you to your residence."

"Thank you~" With a satisfied smile for such a perfect attitude, Christian took one last look at Natasha's body and passed by her side, then got into the vehicle with a big smile at a funny future.

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Sitting down next to Emily, Christian looked over to the driver's seat and asked, "Where are we staying?"

"I saw the rooms they gave in production and found them quite unsatisfactory, so I personally paid for a couple of higher cost but with much more luxury."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked "Where did you get the money?"

"Mrs. Lust gave me for her expenses."

"Oh, then I'll give you a card to have."

"Thank you master"

"It's rare when they thank you with that poker face" Laughing, Christian turned to Emily and commented with a smile "Don't you ask anything?"

"What should I ask?"

"I don't know, maybe where are we?"


"Tsk, tsk, what happened to that motivation of yours?" Clicking his tongue, Christian shook his head and continued "We are going to Wicklow Town, its scenery is quite picturesque but the place is no different than a small town. It has no buildings or big stores, and almost all the houses are very rustic compared to the big cities."

"Oh... is there really anything luxurious there?"

"The rooms I got are not quite luxurious, but it's certainly much better than what they gave in production. It's arguably the best hostel in the place."

Ignoring Natasha and Emily's small talk, Christian turned his eyes to the road and enjoyed what he could see.

It really is the perfect moment to enjoy this beautiful country.

The dark sky is overhead and the rain along with the fog envelopes everything.

Causing that Christian's viewing distance can't go beyond 15 to 20 meters, but still what he can see gives him a new and quite pleasant feeling, after all the grass looks very green and alive to his eyes.

The minutes passed and in the blink of an eye half an hour had passed.

Natasha drove on in silence and Emily gave in to exhaustion, while Christian continued to watch the scenery under his own thoughts.

Until at some point, Natasha frowned slightly and commented "Master, I think we're in trouble".

"Yes?" Without showing any surprise, Christian asked.

"It's been 15 minutes since a vehicle has been following us. I speed up and they speed up, I slow down and they slow down. They don't think to overtake me no matter what and just keep behind."

"I see..." Responding with laziness in his voice, Christian rolled his gaze and squinted at the vehicle behind, then whispered "Jarvis, scan the license plate."

[A/N: I have an idea to describe Jarvis's interface, let me know how it looks to you]

[License plate: 02-D-55234]

Background: Clean.

Owner: Bryan Murphy, 38 years old, office worker.

Color of Vehicle: White.

Vehicle model: Toyota Corolla.

[A/N: This is just an example of what I can place. In personal background when Christian asks for it he will also have different information. Let me know if you like it]

"It's okay, it's a man who drives, it's normal for him to be dumb to drive" Yawning lazily, Christian turned his gaze back to the scenery and commented with disinterest.

Just like in the old world where Christian comes from where women's driving skills used to be looked down upon.

What Christian just said is quite common in this world.

Men drive badly and the statistics support it.


"Yes master?"

"I will give you a choice" Without looking away from the window with a bored face, Christian continued "I give you the choice to be free. I can give you a job in one of my companies and you could lead a normal life, get married, have children and be happy. As for what I spend on buying you, you can pay me back in installments for as long as it takes."

"..." Frowning slightly, Natasha glanced at Christian in the rearview mirror and fell silent.

"The other option is for you to actually be my secretary. I'll pay you a decent salary and just like the other option, you'll pay what you owe me in installments."

"May I... may I ask why you give me these options? I am your slave, only you lose out on this" After a few seconds of silence, Natasha asked cautiously.

"At first it was fun having you as a slave. It was something new to me and I found your snake-like attitude amusing."

Opening her eyes a little wider, Natasha asked "Snake attitude?"

"You think I don't know that everything we talked about that day was a lie?" glancing sideways at the woman, Christian sighed and continued "I thought about playing with you for a while, but I really don't feel like it anymore. Turbulent times are coming and I don't have time for these little games... not to mention that it makes me feel a little disgusted to act like that Elite by having slaves."


"That's why I'm giving you those two options. The choice is yours, but don't forget that if you choose to be my secretary, you will go through some really difficult situations and there is a chance that you will lose your life. I have many enemies and I am currently in the eye of the storm."

Staring at Christian in the rearview mirror, Natasha remains silent for several minutes, then suddenly asks "May I know what I would have to do?"

"I won't make you fight or murder unless the situation is urgent. You would have to see to my comfort, prepare my lodgings, make sure my food is safe and of quality, prepare safe vehicles for me and generally plan everything for me."


"That also includes arranging interviews when I want them and everything like that... you would be my manager, my secretary and my maid."


"Now it's just your decision, I really don't intend to force you into anything and it's not like you're that vital to me. I don't know you, I don't know who you are in this world, I don't know what your goals are, I don't know what you hate, I don't know anything about you. So if we take away the thrill of having a slave, it's not like I have much regard for you. I'm sorry if this offends you, but I'm just being honest."

"Okay, I understand" Shaking her head, Natasha kept driving and continued "I wouldn't feel comfortable having someone like me around either, especially since I'm a woman... like you said, you don't know me and I practically forced my way into your life."


"But..." With a sincere face, Natasha continued "Please let me keep working for you. The simple life is not for me, I would never be content and I know that perfectly well. I may have lost my title of crown princess and currently I'm not worth much, but if you give me the chance, I'll make sure to give my best."

"..." Turning his gaze to Natasha, Christian narrowed his eyes at her for a few seconds, then looked back at the window and asked "You're a smart woman, I doubt you don't have some plan in being sold as a slave. Speak the truth to me and I will accept you."

Without hesitation, Natasha responded instantly "While it was mandatory for my family to hand someone over, I personally asked to be handed over to me. I'm not content with being just a crown princess of a kingdom with no territory, hopefully we had a little money. So my plan was to climb the ranks in the Bratva, but I never really thought I would be sold as a slave."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled softly "That was a great ambition, no doubt you would have much more power climbing the ranks in the Bratva than just being a crown princess."

"But... I don't quite understand why you want to stay with me. You will only be my secretary."

"Because I know that being your secretary already raises me to a much higher level than being crown princess" With a totally serious face, Natasha continued "Although I don't understand the full extent of the power you have, I know that you are the adopted son of one of the Bratva's guardians, something that positions you above the pyramid instantly. Not to mention that your companies are already at the top."

"You know my father?"

"Before I had only heard his nickname and his exploits, but I had never known his name, let alone seen his face. Thanks to you I finally got to see that legend... my father used to tell me his stories when I was a kid, it was mostly to scare me, something he accomplished perfectly."

Chuckling, Christian nodded and commented "I'm glad to hear only truth in your words. Let me warn you this right away, I don't want fights among my people, I don't want betrayals, you will never talk about what you see and I don't want lies. Trust me, no matter how hard you try, I will know when you lie."

"Thank you master" Smiling slightly, Natasha nodded.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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