Chapter 329 Preparation

Name:Reversal Author:
"Pfff, you know perfectly well that in front of me you don't stand a chance."

"You wish" Tapping Emily's head gently, Christian looked sideways and asked "Where's Natasha?"

"She went to get coffee, tea I ordered one with 4 tablespoons of sugar."

"The more sugar, the better."

"I know."

Sitting down next to Emily, Christian leaned back in the seat and looked out into the woods with a calm face.

"Are you still worried about someone attacking you here?"

Since Christian had started working on the set, he had never neglected any danger spots.

Being in the midst of large cliffs and hills, it's amazing how many spots they could be ambushed or set up a sniper, causing Christian to never have a quiet day since he arrived here.

"Something like that" Nodding, Christian continued "These people seem to have all the time in the world to screw with me, but I still find it strange that they keep those mercenaries waiting so long."

"It must be pretty expensive to hire that many people, no?"

"Do you think China would mind paying a few hundred million dollars?" chuckling, Christian yawned and commented "Let's go play something at the hotel, while we're at it let's order some food I'm feeling famished."

"Mn" Smiling happily, Emily grabbed her purse and stood up "How about we get some pizza? I'm in the mood for a pizza with chicken and lots of cheese."

"As long as it doesn't have garlic on it"


[3 days later]

Christian's long awaited day arrived.

The clock strikes 2 o'clock in the morning, and while most of this country sleeps, Christian stands in the hotel room wearing the dark clothes brought from Russia, carrying his sword at his waist for the first time, while around him can be seen about 50 women armed to the teeth.

"The operation is simple" Having only his eyes in sight, Christian turned to the board at his back and continued "When the clock reads 300 hours, it will be time for us to attack all the hiding points of the BlackWater mercenary group".

"The mission you will have today, is to assault in two groups these two residences" Taking a pencil from the table, Christian draws two circles on a gigantic map of the town and continue "We detected around 60 enemies in each residence, having 5 lookouts at each time inside the house"

"We will have access to logistical support, causing when the time comes, a blackout will assault this entire town. There will be no cell signals, we will have no cameras, let alone light, so everything will be in our favor once we use the night visions."

"The groups have already been decided, counting each with 5 snipers already positioned to give support" Making more circles around the two marked houses, Christian continued "It was confirmed that the living area of these people is in a small subway bunker. If for some reason they can't kill all the targets and these people lock themselves in the bunker, don't bother waiting for them, each team will carry 20 kilos of remote explosives, enough to demolish the whole place to the ground"

"We will have another support group about 150 meters from the place in case of emergency, while a medical group will be on standby with everything necessary to even perform surgeries" Looking at his soldiers one by one, Christian continued "The objective of all is to kill, don't doubt it, don't even think about it, eliminate everything that moves in that place"

"Any doubts?"

"Why don't we just blow up the whole house directly?" Raising her hand quickly, a woman in the front row asked.

"Because blowing the place up is the last option, since the last thing we want right now is for the army or the media to come to this place for a terrorist attack, not to mention that the bunker has to be blown from its door to be effective" Answering calmly, Christian pointed to the other raised hand and continued "What's your doubt?"

"We're going to war against Blackwater?"

"To go to war we would have to consider that these people are on our level" Smiling slightly under his mask, Christian continued "You don't know yet as this was a top secret, but today Blackwater will disappear from the map forever, but make no mistake..."

With cold eyes, Christian continued "This is not a war, this is pest control, no more, no less."

"Any other questions?" Looking at each soldier, Christian finally nodded and continued "As I see no more hands raised, I will give the final details of the mission."

Turning to the map, Christian continued "Each house has only two entrances, the normal thing would be to push both but we will take the path of surprise attack and push brutally through the wall. The entrances are suspected to have explosives in case of attacks and that is something that will be controlled the very second we initiate."

Pointing to a 60 centimeter metal box with 11 antennas around it on the table, Christian continued, "This is a signal jamming machine. If the doors have remote explosives, this will cause them to explode automatically. If the explosives have no technology, we will avoid them by avoiding that area."

"Don't be confident, watch your step and don't despair, don't give your life in this damn place against people as insignificant as this mercenary group."

"If you are cornered, do not hesitate to use grenades and any explosives necessary, although not attracting the attention of the media and the army is important, nothing is more important than your own lives, do not forget that."

"As for the civilians" Making a big circle around the two houses, Christian continued "We made sure to evacuate this marked area during this week, each one under the pretext of plagues, floods, among others, money moves everything. While people hired by us occupied the homes to disguise and have the order to leave the place quickly at the same time we arrive".

Raising her hand quickly, a woman asked, "Blackwater won't suspect the new faces?"

"Blackwater hasn't left those houses for almost a month, having only one person unaffiliated with their mercenary group in charge of bringing them supplies and giving their private messages. Everything is secure" Nodding, Christian continued "While you take care of this group, our comrades will be bombing all of Blackwater's military headquarters, while a small group of around 2000 people will be hunting down the mercenaries loose around the world."

"Today you will be part of the fall of the biggest mercenary group publicly, be proud" Turning to his army with his hands behind his back, Christian continued "I won't give you a wonderful motivational speech, neither will I talk shit about how important this mission is. Because as I've said before, this insignificant mercenary group is not an enemy to consider, they are nothing but useless cockroaches patiently waiting for the day people like us to step on them."

"I would be quite disappointed if any of you end up hurt by a mere cockroach bite, and believe me, you wouldn't like to see me disappointed" With a last look at his army, Christian stowed his pistol in his clothes and walked towards the exit while commenting towards the radio in his ear "Wrath, you take over. Plague, make sure the police don't arrive until we want them to."

While this town is small, that doesn't mean they don't have a police station on the outskirts ready for every situation, while even larger police stations are no more than 30 minutes away in Ireland's capital city and 8 minutes away by helicopter.

But if we leave aside those barracks in the capital, Christian only needed 5 people to incapacitate the 10 policemen patrolling this town, while the barracks were totally taken over by 5 other people.

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But the most problematic thing about this is the fact that if the people of this town call the police, the call will not reach this police station, but a central similar to 911 in the United States where this type of calls are controlled.

That's why Christian had to ask Emily to handle all the calls without raising the suspicions of the wrong people, something easy to say, but incredibly difficult to manage were it not for the pious skills of the young blonde and super machine called a quantum computer.

"With Blackwater busy..." Stroking the hilt of his sword, Christian left the living room and walked towards the kitchen, then jumped out the window and looked around with his vision already in purple "The time has come to settle the score."


While Christian and his group were going over orders, Gluttony and more than 1500 people were scattered in 3 dangerous parts of Africa.

South Sudan.



These three places are world renowned for being conflict zones and areas of high poverty.

But although life for the citizens of this place can be miserable, for a mercenary group like Blackwater, this place is pure gold.

Having so many conflicts surrounding the entire area, Blackwater always has contracts of all kinds with high revenues, causing their military bases to form on one side of this gold mine to always have the upper hand.

Although some people less educated in war may think it is dangerous to have a military base in conflict zones, for Blackwater, with military technology purchased first hand in the United States and England, this area is an amusement park.

Helicopters, drones, tanks, armored vehicles, first generation weapons, among many other advantages.

The mere fact that this mercenary group is considered one of the fingers of an old family, makes them extremely important when trying to get weapons, being for them to get technological weaponry even easier than many countries in the world.

Looking at the 10 beautiful tanks in front of her, Gluttony's eyes sparkled as she murmured "TOS-1... what a visual treat."

TOS-1, a novel and very powerful Russian heavy missile launcher, which is second only to nuclear weapons in effectiveness.

Having a strike range of up to 6 kilometers with 22 missiles each, this incredible heavy tank climbs straight to the top of the weapons pyramid, even surpassing China and the United States.

Usually for any country to achieve this is practically impossible, considering that Russia considers it its most precious treasure and its technology is totally protected.

But for Christian who is considered the jewel of the Bratva, getting this was as easy as making a single phone call and giving $500 million to just borrow it.

But while $500 million may sound like a lot, in truth that would be considered a pittance when you consider that Christian borrowed 30 tanks with a total of 660 missiles.

Enough to turn half of Detroit into rubble.

[A/N: I will leave a video here where a test attack with these tanks is recorded, the truth is that it is a visual marvel.]


Spreading out 10 tanks along with 220 missiles for each base to attack, Envy had quite a few problems in the strategy.

For starters, transporting these tanks is extremely difficult in hostile territory, even more so when considering that Blackwater has eyes everywhere surrounding their military base and at the same time, they have radars covering the area.

But once you shell out enough money and have access to all the technology in the world, this all becomes relatively easy if you take the necessary care, causing the 30 tanks to be placed in position right now, completely covered by grass to camouflage them.

"What a beauty" With a face flushed with excitement, Gluttony caressed the tank iron with her trembling hand, while her legs trembled at the sheer excitement of imagining the beautiful fireworks she would see today.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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