Chapter 336 Emily

Name:Reversal Author:
Leaving the hotel, Christian looked at the large number of soldiers surrounding the area and smiled, knowing full well that, if they had not taken the necessary precautions days before, blood would have been spilled today and his public identity would have been totally ruined.

Climbing into an ambulance, Christian looked sideways and noticed the 2 medics looking seriously at the policeman covering the entrance.

"So... what should I do?"

"Please take off your shirt" Pulling a camera out of his bag, the doctor with fluent English continued "We will check you for possible injuries, the process will be no different when checking for injuries and we will take photographic records of the vital areas of your body and every wound we find"

"Good" Without having a problem, Christian lifted up his shirt and left his bare chest exposed.

"This..." Having no inclination towards the same sex, the doctor was only slightly surprised by the sculpted body, but what surprised him the most was the perfect skin condition and without any visible wounds.

"So what do I do now?" Sitting down on the gurney, Christian asked with a broad smile.

"This..." Turning to his partner, the doctor swallowed saliva and commented "Y-you can take off your pants?"

"*Sigh*" Nodding, Christian stood up again and pulled down his sweatpants, then looked at the doctor and commented "What now?"

Frowning deeply, the doctor stood up and walked around Christian, squinting at every corner of the perfect body in search of the tiniest scar or wound.

But even though two doctors had been searching for 15 minutes, they found literally no damn blemish.

No pimple marks, no skin blemishes, no nothing.

Everything as smooth and perfect as a baby.

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva as he knew perfectly well what this result meant, the doctor looked at his partner for a few seconds and sighed, then smiled bitterly and started photographing Christian's skin.

Having all the pictures ready, the doctor took a piece of paper next to him and began to fill it out quickly, then gave a copy to Christian and commented "You may go."

"Thank you~" Smiling kindly, Christian quickly put on his clothes and looked at the policeman covering the door, then patted him on the shoulder and commented "Nice to meet you."

Opening the ambulance door himself, Christian got out and was instantly surrounded by the police, causing him to laugh and comment "As far as I know, they no longer have the right to take me away~"

This process is usually done by taking Christian directly to a hospital to check the injuries.

But since Delu knew that on the way to the hospital a thousand situations could happen such as a forced extraction, buying off politicians or pulling influence, he decided to take the doctors directly to Christian and ensure that his guilt could be instantly secured.

But I never expected that the 5 Chinese defectors who sought asylum in Ireland would have been discovered by Christian's staff.

For one thing, Christian knew the day before that an investigation had been launched against them in this country.

The defectors were part of the hidden weapons cult group and talked about everything that happened here.

Obviously Delu, under the command of the big families, could not pass up the opportunity and personally showed up to screw Christian.

After all, with the wounds as evidence and Christian being pointed at by 5 witnesses, opening a trial is inevitable.

But as previously stated, Christian knew hours ago that they were coming and it certainly wasn't a concern for him.

After all it always took him only a couple of days to regenerate his body and in this case it was no different.

Even the army personnel knew that Christian was abnormal in this case, after all, almost every week he ended up with a bullet in his body and a few days later he was on another mission.

Ignoring the confused policemen, Christian walked calmly to his hotel, then went inside and sighed as he looked at the mess left all over the place.

Furniture thrown away, papers scattered on the floor, even broken doors despite the fact that they had no locks.

Literally their actions were not unlike those of looters.

Walking into the room from where he was taken, Christian smiled at the stupefied Delu who stared at him and walked to his table, then sat down calmly and received the coffee Natasha handed him.

"Miss Delu, I inform you that you will have a lawsuit for today's damages and we will also include potential losses of big clients" Smiling playfully, Christian left the medical record on the table and continued "Obviously I also have some psychological trauma thanks to all this, that will also be included in the lawsuit".

"You..." Looking at Christian with a deep frown, Delu took the medical paper and read it carefully, then reread it again and again as if she hoped this was all a bad dream, then looked up at Christian and muttered "Impossible... I know those people didn't lie, we checked it in many ways."

"That's what you get for believing random people who make up strange things in their heads" Shaking his head, Christian sighed.

Gritting her teeth, Delu turned her gaze to the military girl next to her and asked "Did you find anything?"

"Everything clean, neither the staff, nor the structure, nor the guests, no one has anything illegal."

"..." Clenching the paper in her hands, Delu took a deep breath and turned to Christian, then closed her eyes and commented "We're sorry for the inconvenience, it was a staff error"

"Don't worry, who am I to judge them?" smiling while showing his teeth, Christian continued "But even if I can't, a judge can."

"Tsk, we'll meet again" Turning with annoyance, Delu raised her hands and waved her hands indicating retreat, causing Christian to chuckle softly.

"Master, a national message came through" Approaching Christian, Natasha continued "They re-enabled air traffic."

"Heh, so they were waiting for me" Chuckling, Christian took a sip of coffee and continued "Any news from the film set?"

"It's been postponed for two weeks."

"Good, arrange a flight for today, I'm coming home."


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'It's been days since I've seen my little girl...' Having injuries even on his face, Christian really didn't want to talk over video calls with his close ones to avoid worrying them, but only he knows how much he misses seeing his family.

Turning his gaze to Natasha, Christian commented "Also send someone to buy me lots of baby toys"


Leaning back on the airplane bed wrapping his arm around Emily's body, Christian watched the television with boredom and turned his gaze to the smiling blonde beside him.

"I'm sorry."

"Mn?" Lifting her gaze to Christian, Emily looked at him doubtfully "What are you sorry for?"

"I wanted to give you an entertaining ride...but we ended up in several problems and extremely tense."

Chuckling, Emily turned her gaze to the screen and replied "Didn't I tell you already? Just spending time with you is fun enough, it's not like we have to go halfway through the forest to entertain me. In fact, I'd rather laze around the house and play video games than have to walk around so much, you know I'm not much of a sports fan or outdoors."

"You're pretty much like Sarah in that respect" Laughing softly, Christian commented.

"That's why I get along pretty well with Sarah, nothing better than eating something tasty while playing video games" Laughing softly, Emily nodded.

"*Sigh*" Gently stroking Emily's hair, Christian watched her beautiful face for a few seconds and casually commented "I was planning on eating you during this vacation."

"Oh" Nodding nonchalantly for a few seconds, Emily finally processed the words and opened her eyes wide, then lifted her gaze to Christian and asked incredulously "Y-you were!?"

"Yes, actually the first night I thought about it, but we were all tired and I really wanted it to be something more special for you" Laughing softly, Christian nodded.

"B-but you could have gone to my room or said something to me!"

Noticing Emily raise her voice, Christian raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did you want to do it?"

"N-no?" Dodging the look nervously, Emily gave Christian a sidelong glance and stammered "W-well, maybe a little."

Smiling mischievously, Christian whispered "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"H-how could I tell you that!?" Raising her voice nervously, Emily continued "I-I don't want to seem weird!"

"And what exactly would you like to do?" Bringing his mouth close to Emily's ear, Christian whispered sensually.

"*Gulp* W-well..." Trembling slightly, Emily didn't dare look at Christian and whispered shakily "M-maybe touch you down there..."

Laughing at the young girl's innocence, Christian commented "And why don't you? I touch your ass all the time."

"B-but it's not the same... you're a man and I'm a woman, it's a normal thing for you to do... whereas I'd be seen as a weird pervert."

"Yess~?" slowly lowering his hands, Christian gently caressed the soft bubble butt and sensually whispered "Then it's no problem for me to touch you however I want, no~?"

"N-no problem..." Trembling slightly, Emily swallowed saliva as her face quickly flushed.

Being unsatisfied with touching the thick pants, Christian slipped his hands under the clothes and even under the panties, directly touching his best friend's soft, warm skin.

"*Sigh* What a nice ass" Slipping both of his hands under Emily's pants, Christian squeezes both buttocks with satisfaction and whispers softly, causing Emily to shiver as her breathing becomes increasingly heated and agitated.

Slowly lowering one of his hands, Christian gently moves his finger and directly touches Emily's soft, moist lower lips, causing the young woman to tremble slightly as she brought her hand to her mouth to keep from moaning.

"Heh" Feeling the wetness grow, Christian chuckles and licks his lips, then pulls his hands away and slowly licks his fingers in front of Emily's stunned gaze.

Sitting down on the bed, Christian grabbed the edge of Emily's pants and staring into her eyes, began to pull them down, panties included.

Tossing the pants aside, Christian gazed with a twinkle in his eye at the beautiful shiny pussy.

Having a beautiful pink color and slightly thick labia, Christian chuckled softly at the sight of unkempt and shapeless pubic hair, having brown hairs in different areas and a small rug on the pubis.

"I-I didn't expect this..." Dodging Christian's heated gaze, Emily spread her legs a little wider and whispered in embarrassment.

"I didn't say anything" Chuckling, Christian pulled off his baggy t-shirt and pulled down his pants, then removed his underwear and stood completely naked.

Staring at Christian intently, Emily's eyes glistened as her crotch dropped even more fluids.

"We have to get this off~" Positioning himself between Emily's legs, Christian grabbed Emily's shirt and pulled it off, then nimbly removed her bras and stared at the modest but beautiful breasts in front of him.

Licking his lips as he almost savored his prey for today, Christian gently squeezed Emily's breasts and slowly lowered his finger downward, caressing the tight, soft stomach on his way, then continuing on and gently touching the small button of flesh that brings so much pleasure to women.

"I have so much to experience with you~" With a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes at the sight of the docile Emily beneath him, Christian looked down at Emily's crotch and carefully sat up, to take his member between his hands and begin to stroke it between the moist but soft lower lips.

"How do you want it to be your first time~?" Making sure to fully lubricate his member, Christian raised his gaze to Emily and asked in a seductive tone.

"*Gulp*" Lowering her gaze to Christian's crotch, Emily swallowed hard and breathed heavily, feeling her brain turn into a complete mess at such an exciting and anticipated moment for her.

"Come on, ask for anything~" Gently stroking Emily's clitoris, Christian continued "Today is your special day so I'll fulfill any request of yours~"

"A-any request?"


"*Gulp*" Looking lustfully all over Christian's body, Emily thought for a few seconds and asked shyly "C-could I ride you?"

"Sure~" Laughing at such a common request, Christian leaned back against Emily's side and rested his hands on the back of her neck, watching warmly as Emily quickly stood up and looked down at his member with many mixed feelings.

Stretching out her trembling hand, Emily took Christian's member gingerly and raised her eyes to see if he felt any discomfort, but seeing him smiling as always, Emily looked down again and began to masturbate him gently and awkwardly.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos