Chapter 352 World Politics

Name:Reversal Author:
"As soon as Hailie was removed from the scene, the away team called the police, but they never arrived on the scene.... in fact it was our own people who pulled the injured security out about 40 minutes later... the hospital said that if they had given immediate assistance, these women would not have pierced their lungs with their own ribs... they were in a bad position on the floor and the worst happened"

"..." Thinking silently, Christian finally sighed and asked "How much money should we give the security?"

"Pay them medical expenses, give them about $600,000 in retirement and give them about $10000 a month."

"Give them 1.5 million dollars retirement and increase their monthly allowance to 15,000 dollars... treat those people well and if they need help with anything, don't hesitate to give it to them" Turning to Eva, Christian continued "Even though they were doing their job, it doesn't take away from the fact that they saved Hailie from a miserable fate... Reward them accordingly and get the word out... the Grey family takes care of its people and rewards their merits."

"That we will do" Nodding, Eva looked at the report on her laptop and sighed "We bring Hailie back into the country and we are already preparing lawyers to file a police report".

"Does the press know anything about this?"

"Word got out in Korea, I don't know how, but it happened."

"Isn't it obvious?" Looking out to sea, Christian continued "They knew they screwed up and tried to sacrifice the police for their lack of action.... As for the group responsible for all of this, they'll just do it like random antisocials and everything will be solved... hopefully they'll sacrifice a couple of those involved."

Raising her eyebrows, Eva commented "You say it's not just any group and that someone bigger is trying to hide its tail?"

"A few weeks ago we got reports of a certain criminal group in Korea... students who do everything to make money and are backed by a young heiress of the Samsung group and several other rich girls."

Frowning slightly, Eva asked uncertainly "Students?"

"You'd be surprised at how cruel they are.... The point is that they already control almost all of Korea's underworld and right now they must be doing everything they can to keep us from knowing about their existence, so they won't think twice about damaging the image of the police and maybe sacrificing a few pawns."

Quickly understanding the scheme, Eva looked at Christian fixedly and asked "What will you do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" smiling slightly, Christian continued "They almost left my pretty sister limping for life, this won't stand."


"Mother" Knowing that his mother will try to persuade him, Christian looked at her seriously and continued "I already put my head down when Alan ended up in the hospital... I knew it wasn't the time and I swallowed my resentment, I still didn't have the strength to show myself to the world and I understood that perfectly well... but those times are over and today I'm not afraid of anyone."

"The time to act cautiously has passed and if I go crazy in this dog world, no one can stop me" Turning his gaze again towards the sea, Christian continued "Those little insects will pay for their stupidity and that heiress of the Samsung group won't go free either, that I assure you my beloved mother."

"..." Looking at Christian's indifferent face, Eva sighed and shook her head, knowing perfectly well her son's personality.

What's the use of trying to make him reason?

Once he gets something in his head even she can't stop him, something she herself always loved.

"Just don't put yourself at risk, don't forget you have a family and a daughter waiting for you at home."

"I know" Turning his gaze inward to his home, Christian looked at the little girl who is quietly eating the ground fruit Elisa is giving her and smiled softly "I would never forget"

"That's enough" Smiling with satisfaction, Eva looked at Christian for a few seconds and commented "I read China's proposal and I'm a little unsure."


"You know how China is" Turning her gaze towards the sea, Eva continued "A few years ago you said that China would devour its millionaires and start with the richest woman and right now all their movements indicate that... I estimate that that pitiful woman will fall in a year at most and the government doesn't seem to care about the big problems that will bring.... I think it is very risky to trust and invest in that country."

"It's not the same" Shaking his head, Christian continued "Unlike the richest woman in China, we have the strength to come to an impasse with the leaders of that country... I won't tell you so much about the details, but as long as we don't break the contract they gave, they can't do anything to us if they don't want to have problems not only with us, but with the whole world, after all among the big players breaking contracts as important as these, is the same as saying they don't respect the circle. Not to mention that Russia gives me full backing and they help to keep the balance stable."

Thinking for a few seconds, Eva asked "You know Russia is preparing for war?"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian turned to his mother and asked with interest "Did you look into it with Jarvis?"

Shaking her head, Eva replied "No, in fact the moves are very obvious once you have experience, I'm sure many have already started preparing to take advantage."

Smiling slightly while pride is evident, Christian commented "You are a very cunning woman."

Rolling her eyes, Eva snorted "We're not the richest family in the world for nothing."

"I love you"

"Don't dodge the issue"

"I love you very much"

"Me too, but tell me what you know"

Laughing, Christian nodded and sat down across from Eva, then settled back and yawned "It will be a direct war against the Ukraine"

"Ukraine..." Muttering to herself, Eva continued "What are they looking for?"

"A lot" Smiling, Christian continued "Territory, hegemony, war, training, cleansing, a lot of things"

"I don't understand."

"Although capitalism gives a great freedom to the population and allows a better development, I can't deny that nowadays there is nothing better than communism when it comes to become a powerful country militarily speaking".

"Communism?" Raising her eyebrows, Eva continued "Who doesn't know that communism is a failure? It's only used to seize power and keep it-"

Cutting off her words, Eva laughed and nodded "I understand, no competition is allowed and everyone is forced to work for the rulers like real slaves. If they want to take 10,000 scientists and lock them in a laboratory to make weapons, who can forbid them? What does human rights matter? As long as it's for the 'homeland', no one can complain and even if they try, it won't open a good end for those 'traitors'."

"That's the difference" Nodding, Christian continued "Let's take the two Koreas, for example".

"To begin with we have North Korea, a country that is mired in misery, poverty, corruption and starvation... its population is miserable, its children suffer and its long-lived population is almost non-existent, since literally almost no one reaches old age alive, while on the other side we have a country with good economic development, a passable quality of life and the population enjoys relative freedom."

"Tell me, which of the two countries do you think is more powerful?" looking at his mother with a small smile, Christian asked.

"Just explain quickly and don't beat around the bush" Rolling her eyes impatiently, Eva replied.

"North Korea despite being a miserable country, is at least 10 times stronger than South Korea" Laughing, Christian continued "While South Korean soldiers have a better quality of life, a patriotism that comes from the heart and a better economy, none of that will hold a candle to raw power."

"North Korea, ignoring all the suffering, invested a large part of its GDP in military technology alone and although it has not yet been made public, they managed in conjunction with China and Russia to create intercontinental missiles... missiles that break the sound barrier."

"Hypersonic missiles?" With a grave face, Eva asked.

"Yes" Nodding with disinterest, Christian continued "Currently, only one country has a radar system capable of stopping a hypersonic missile, guess who it is?"

"The United States?"






"Fuck, just tell me the answer"

"Our country" Showing his teeth with his grin, Christian continued "Currently there is not the power needed to boost area defense radars, causing a missile as powerful and fast as a hypersonic missile to be nearly impossible to stop, but this is something I've been preparing for a while now and implementing a defense for that type of missile is not a big job for me"

"Are you telling me that if the communist countries try to bomb the whole world only you can stop them?"

"Why would I stop them? I have more benefits if I support them" Laughing, Christian continued "But yes, only I could stop them for at least the next 20 years at the most".

"..." Blinking for a few seconds, Eva rubbed her forehead and sighed, then looked up at Christian and spoke impatiently "Christian, I asked you why Russia wants to attack Ukraine... leave aside the unimportant information."

"Mother, everything is important" Sighing, Christian continued "Communism succeeded in having its faction rise above capitalism in military technology. The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and all their other allies... are on the verge of being overthrown and plunged into an economic crisis."

"Economic crisis?" instantly frowning at hearing something so important to a businessman, Eva asked "Why is there an economic crisis coming?"

"A few years ago I said that the United States made a mistake by acting like a bully to the other countries. China and Russia managed to devour a large part of Africa's resources and strengthen their coffers... but since you are so desperate on the reason for the war with Ukraine... the reason is simple, nothing moves the world more than a war."

"War brings sanctions, changes in currencies, changes in sides and many more aspects... the outcome of the war itself does not matter, since what Russia, China and their allies are after, is to topple the United States."

"How do they plan to do that?"

"What drives the price of the dollar?"


"What are the two countries with the largest oil reserves?"

"Venezuela and Saudi Arabia."

"Who controls Venezuela?"


"And Arabia?"

"United States. Not for nothing is it often said as a joke that the two countries are united in marriage".

"What would happen if Arabia changes sides?"

"The dollar would tremble...maybe it wouldn't fall from one second to the next, but it would all depends on world conditions."

"I already said this at the Christmas event where we shared with the president, but Arabia will change sides."

"That would be castrophic" Frowning slightly, Eva muttered.

"Nothing that can be done" Shrugging, Christian continued "The United States is not very fair with their treaties and they are always looking to squeeze others... who doesn't know that China and Russia are the best to negotiate with? They will always pay more than the U.S., they will always give more freedoms in economic treaties and they will not hesitate to give aid, although they obviously do not do so out of benevolence"

"You say Arabia will change sides for the benefits?"

"The Arabs don't care about anything but money" Chuckling, Christian continued "Although right now the Russian Ruble and Chinese Yuan are not worth much, during the war both will assert themselves as they will suddenly be backed by something little expected, gold and bitcoin"


"It's unbelievable, but really Russia and China will say they will allow backing their currency with Bitcoin, although well, in the beginning what mattered most is gold."

"How effective do you think it will be?"


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos