Chapter 361 Chats

Name:Reversal Author:

Resting her head on Christian's chest, Helen yawned tenderly and rubbed her eyes, then looked up at Christian and watched him silently, all the while ignoring her smiling grandmother at her side.

"What's wrong my princess~?" gently rubbing his daughter's cheek, Christian smiled and continued "Are you still sleepy?"

Blinking for a few seconds, Helen yawned tenderly again and hugged Christian's neck, then closed her eyes and murmured "Hug..."

Wrapping his hands around Helen's back, Christian turned and snuggled his little girl into his embrace, then kissed her forehead and whispered "Sleep little one, Daddy will wait here until you wake up."

Without opening her eyes, Helen smiled peacefully and in a matter of seconds, her breathing stabilized and she fell fast asleep, causing Christian to chuckle softly as he murmured "This little one just got up to look for me, she still has to sleep for a couple more hours."

"How did she know you were here? First time I've seen her knock on a door" Smiling softly, Eva asked.

"I don't know" Chuckling, Christian continued "I said from day one that this little girl is even smarter than me, honestly there are many times when I don't know what my little girl is thinking".

"No one would think she's not even a year old yet..." Carefully stroking Helen's soft hair, Eva murmured.

"Sometimes that sours my mood" Sighing, Christian murmured as he gently kissed Helen's forehead "My little girl grows up so fast... but what worries me most is that I'm 100% sure she inherited all my strange traits... I know the hell out of having a memory as perfect and cursed as mine..."

"But unlike you, she has a loving father who can guide her every step of the way." stroking Christian's cheek, Eva smiled warmly at him and continued "While you had to adapt on your own and learn about your quirks without any guidance, for Helen it's all very different. She has a father who loves her with all his heart and a father who has already paved the way for her, I'm sure that with your guidance, Helen will overcome all that and much more."

"What's that?" raising his eyebrows with an amused smile, Christian commented "A pep talk?"

"With those sad eyes you had, I didn't find another option" Chuckling, Eva rose slightly and kissed Christian's forehead affectionately "Never forget that your little girl needs you in her life, don't do crazy things that have no solution."

"..." Lowering his gaze to Helen, Christian watched his little girl's beautiful face as she sleeps and commented "First Elisa and now you, it seems I've become very careless."

"Elisa scolded you?" raising her eyebrows, Eva asked with amusement.

"Well, it was mostly a sea of tears" Smiling softly at the memory of that moment, Christian sighed "But don't worry... I don't really have people to worry about for now... I came to a deal with the Chinese and although I don't like it, it was the safest option for now... it also seems that those old families will leave me alone for now... so apart from my trip to Korea, I don't have any big dangers"

"What do you plan to do with those families? I'm talking about the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the others."

"I don't know yet" Yawning lazily, Christian continued "While I'd like to beat up a little on the people who sent me to jail, I also know it would turn half the world against me, so for now I'll just wait for the right time."

"I still remember when you would just hit without thinking about the consequences" Chuckling, Eva continued "Thanks to that I became quite close to the headmistress of your old school."

"Do you still talk to her?"

"From time to time, she always asks about you" Gently stroking Christian's long hair, Eva continued "She's a grandmother now, her eldest son was a father"

"He age wasn't much older than mine, was it?"

"*Sigh* That's right" Shaking her head with a disappointed face, Eva continued

"Young people today have no modesty anymore, in my day things weren't like that."

Rolling his eyes, Christian snorted "Says the one who was a mother at 14."

"Yeah, whatever" Waving her hand dismissively, Eva continued with a small smile

"Moving on with the conversation... you've certainly matured, you don't strike without thinking anymore, it's certainly a relief"

"Well, I have no choice" Chuckling, Christian gently stroked his little girl's cheek and continued "For much of my time in prison I lived with my father... let me tell you, he's a very annoying old fox."

"How was your time with him? You never told me much about it."

"It's hard to sum it up" Smiling softly, Christian continued "Every day was a totally new and honestly tiring experience... the old man has a rather bizarre teaching... he once said 'You always learn easier when there are blows in between'"

Frowning slightly, Eva asked "He beat you?"

"Every damn day" Letting out a small laugh, Christian continued "The old fox would knock me unconscious once or twice a day."

"But don't take it the wrong way" Instantly noticing his mother's annoyance, Christian laughed and continued "It's not that he beat me just because, after all thanks to him I can say without a doubt that there are no more than 10 people in this world who can beat me in a fight."


"Mother" Cutting off Eva's words, Christian looked her straight in the eyes and continued seriously "Although for any normal person this way of teaching seems inadequate, only I know how useful he was to me and only in my adulthood I understood how much I thank him.... he taught me how to cook, he taught me about animals, he taught me how to differentiate healing plants from venous ones and much more... he gave me endless knowledge and at the same time so many years of his life without even asking for a penny in return... not for nothing did I myself take the initiative to call him father."

Still frowning, Eva looked at Christian's warm gaze for a few seconds and sighed, "Men and their follies."

"I doubt that any man in this world would think like me" Laughing, Christian continued "But even though the old man beat me every day, it's not like he did it without letting me defend myself... no, the old man always motivated me to defend myself and even gave me tips in between to beat him better... he even got to the point where he gave me knives or sticks so I could beat him"

"How come he didn't die?" looking at Christian quizzically, Eva asked.

"*Sigh* I never managed to hit him" Shaking his head, Christian sighed bitterly "Even though I don't know his real age, I know he must be around 70 to 80 years old, but that wrinkled skin he shows is nothing but a vile facade for the monster he really is."

Trembling slightly as he instantly recalled much of his fights with Dimitri, Christian wiped the sweat from his hands and continued "He seemed to play with me, he avoided my blows as if nothing and managed to disarm me with a single movement... after training for more than 5 years with him, I must say that my greatest frustration and my greatest regret in this life, is not being able to have beaten him."

"And now you can't? You haven't improved after all the crazy things you do? It must have been a while, maybe now you can hit him back?"

"..." Blinking for a few seconds while looking at his mother, Christian looked down and shook his head while smiling softly "That old man will always be invincible."

"..." Raising her eyebrows, Eva watched Christian's face for a few seconds and smiled, then nodded and continued to stroke his hair silently.

With this comfortable silence, 30 minutes quickly passed, and with the sun already illuminating the window, Eva got out of bed and stretched her body, then turned to Christian and asked.

"I'll prepare breakfast, do you want anything specific?"

"Chopped fruit with sugar."

"You know fruit already has a lot of sugar in it, don't you?"

"Who cares? I love sugar."

"You'll get cavities."

"Mother, in my 19 years of life I've never been to the dentist and look at my teeth."

Opening his mouth, Christian smiled brightly "Just look at these beautiful pearls I'm wearing, I'm sure if I took one out and had them polished for jewelry, they would sell for millions".

"You get more vain every day" Shaking her head as she smiles, Eva walks towards the door as she asks "Are you going to eat at the table?"

"No, I told my little girl I'd be with her when she wakes up, I'm not going to lie to her."

"Then I'll bring you the food here."

"Thank you~"


"What are you doing?" Walking into his bunker lab, Christian takes a small sip of coffee and watches the focused Emily at the computer.

"Playing" Yawning lazily, Emily replied.

"Playing games?" standing behind Emily, Christian looked at the screen and chuckled "That looks like coding, not games"

"It's the same for me" Smiling slightly, Emily continued "I'm upgrading the quantum computer system."

"You achieved another breakthrough?" Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Christian asked.

"I think so, first I want to simulate everything and test the workings, but if all goes well, it would be a breakthrough to finish the quantum system."

"And I have to go to the island to upgrade the quantum chip" Sighing, Christian rubbed his forehead and muttered "This computer is a real pain in the ass, it takes up at least a third of my mind every day"

"But it has incredible advantages."

"I don't deny it."

Although the quantum computer has been up and running for many months, the truth is that it is not quite finished.

With new technology in hand and being several dozen years ahead of the curve, Christian and Emily literally had to go into quantum writing called Qbit on their own, being literally in the dark with no guidance on what to do.

But to the pair's relief, the computer itself helps build itself, as even its most archaic and 'primitive' version, it is incredibly efficient at pulling quantum calculations and extremely useful for doing simulations that on a normal computer would be impossible to do.

"*Sigh*" Hitting the 'Enter' button, Emily leaned back in her chair and sighed with boredom "It's all so boring now... everything I learned about hacking is barely even useful... I literally only have to type 5 lines and I have any website or military page I want in less than a second... what's the point of being a hacker?"

"Don't forget that all of this was accomplished because of your skills" Chuckling softly, Christian leaned over and gently kissed Emily's lips, then gently squeezed her cheek and continued "Plus don't forget that you can just put the quantum computer aside and go back to using the normal system."

"I can't anymore" With a slightly blushing face and at the same time with a strange smile, Emily murmured "It's so uncomfortable to write now with the normal bit... although writing with the quantum system is somewhat complicated by the fact that it is still incomplete, it doesn't take away the fact that I have total freedom for everything..."

"I don't understand..."

"Mmmmm..." Turning to Christian, Emily explained "I'll explain with a simple example... with the normal Bit, I can only move forward or backward, but with the Qbit... I can literally go forward, backward, right, left, run, fly, duck and I could go on all day... the freedom is too much and honestly as the computer addict that I am, I feel intoxicated with it."

"So why are you bored?"

"Because it's still incomplete" With a bitter sigh, Emily continued "While I have a lot more freedoms, we have major hindrances... for starters I have no goal... I have no one to annoy, no one to hack or anything... just me and new universe to explore... while it's fun, at the same time it's very boring... it's weird."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos