Chapter 363 Intelligence

Name:Reversal Author:

"But I don't understand who gave you the idea to come talk to me" Narrowing his eyes at the woman, Christian continued "For starters, you guys shouldn't be able to leave your perimeter even if the inside catches fire unless we ask you to."

"Well...Miss Leslie told me to talk to you..."

"Leslie helping others... interesting" Without sensing a lie in his words, Christian's interest towards the woman increased and he asked "Do you get along with her?"

"She's a good boss" Nodding, the woman continued with a whisper "Although somewhat strict and rigid..."

"Yes, she is" Smiling softly, Christian sighed and continued "Well, tell me what you need... if Leslie sent you, it's because the reason had to have been interesting."

"My sister's arrest was very strange" Nodding, the woman frowned slightly and continued "I managed to talk to her but only 3 days after her arrest... it seems that a so-called lawyer took the legal side without my sister being consulted and they wouldn't let her hire another lawyer..."

"That's weird enough... but may I know why she's in jail?"

"That's even weirder" Sighing while shaking her head, the woman continued "My sister explained a little bit but they didn't let her continue talking so I'm not fully aware... she told me that she was approached by a Japanese guy and they talked a little bit, then he left and some women came and yelled at her... my sister doesn't know Japanese so she didn't understand anything and in short, everything ended with beatings... the problem is that my sister says that she was beaten by 4 women and instead of treating her as a victim, they put her in jail..."

"Well... sounds like a typical case of scam mixed with racism" Slowly losing interest, Christian asked "How long ago did this happen?"

"1 month..."

"A month?" Frowning even more, Christian asked "Have you heard from her?"

"The last time we spoke was about 15 days ago..."

"Has anyone else contacted you?"

"Yes... I think this is why Mrs. Leslie sent me to you" Nodding somewhat hesitantly, the woman continued "I was told that my sister must pay a fine of half a million dollars if she doesn't want to go to jail for more than 20 years, and if I can't pay the fine... I would have to do some favors."

"Favors..." Instantly understanding the intent of these words, Christian frowned deeply and asked "Were you given any specific orders?"

"For now none since we committed to pay the money... but the truth, even if the whole family put together their savings, it is impossible for us to put together such an amount... although we went to the US consulate to see if there is any solution, it seems they can't get in touch to see what's going on either."

'Weird... legally kidnapping the sister of one of the most intimate workers of our conglomerate and then giving her the offer to eliminate the fine if she does some favors... obviously this shit smells bad... but who could it be? Jarvis has detected no malice against me...' Lowering his eyes, Christian muttered inaudibly "I shouldn't even have enemies in Japan... it doesn't seem to be the work of the big families either... they have much more effective means than using this archaic blackmail..."

After a few minutes of silence, Christian sighed and nodded "I will do the investigations on this and I promise to give you results in a week at the latest... don't talk about this to anyone else and if they call you again from Japan, just play along and report everything to Leslie."

"I'll also ask you a favor... if you think something similar is going on with any of your other co-workers, report it instantly to Leslie."

With a relieved smile on her face, the woman nodded quickly and bowed again "Thank you so much for your help!"

"It's okay, you're a person I trust with the lives of my loved ones, it's the least I can do for you" Smiling slightly, Christian replied.

"Thank you..." Assimilating those words for a few seconds, the woman bowed her head again and thanked, then continued as she turned around "I'm sorry to have bothered you, I'll get back to my work."

"..." Nodding silently, Christian watched as the woman's back moved away and after a few seconds, he looked down at his little girl who was watching everything with her beautiful eyes and chuckled "Looks like daddy has more work to do~"

Rubbing his little girl's belly, Christian sighed and looked up to the sky, while his smile was quickly erased and a cold stare took its place 'Some funny bastard is trying to control my family's shield... we'll see who has the guts.'


Turning his gaze, Christian watches the big tiger approaching towards them lazily and chuckles softly, while Helen got off Christian's legs and walked slowly towards Kitty.

"Kitty..." Stopping in front of the big tiger, Helen smiled childishly and hugged her furry paw, causing Kitty to watch her for a few seconds and lay down on the ground in front of her.

Holding on to the tiger's fur, Helen walked to the side and with some difficulty, began to climb onto her back, being after a few seconds, comfortably sitting on Kitty's back as the tiger stood up and carried Helen towards Christian.

"What's wrong precious~?" Gently stroking Kitty's shaggy mane, Christian smiled at the sight of his little girl with a big smile, knowing full well that this little girl has given Elisa several headaches for running off with the animals.

In this house it is not uncommon to see Helen riding Kitty or Lilith.

Both animals are quite receptive and for some strange reason, they accept Helen in a very natural way just as they accepted Christian.

While rare, Christian wasn't complaining in the least, knowing full well that if the worst comes to the worst, these two dangerous beasts would undoubtedly protect his little girl.

"Who's the cutest kitty~?" Stroking her mane happily, Christian chuckled as he heard the tiger's hoarse purr and lifted his head suddenly, observing with a smile the large snake hanging from the tree and staring at him.

"Good grief~" Stretching his hands into the air, Christian blinked at Lilith and waited silently, and only a few seconds later, Lilith slowly climbed down from the tree and wrapped herself around Christian's body.

The sight was undoubtedly exotic and certainly frightening to the average person.

A little baby girl riding a dangerous tiger while a handsome man was literally covered by a giant, thick snake.

Although realistically, today to say that Lilith is a snake is quite questionable.

After all, Lilith right now is of a size that is hard to see even among the famous Brazilian anacondas, and there are certainly only a handful of reptiles that can reach such a size.

While Christian has never had any interest in checking out what a rare animal Lilith is, that doesn't mean the keeper who has the job of brushing her scales and keeping her fed doesn't do it.

But even she, who has been working with snakes for more than 25 years, was unable to find any indication of Lilith's species, leaving her in total awe of the rare specimen.

Needless to say, if Lilith's owner were not so rich and powerful, she herself would pull strings to remove the snake and use it for scientific purposes, after all finding a unique and living specimen could even win her a Nobel Prize.

"L-lilith, you're squeezing me too tight" With a red face as his entire torso was firmly squeezed by Lilith's thick body, Christian laughed nervously and stuttered.

"Hissssss~" Slowly shaking her head while staring at Christian's face, Lilith hissed for a few seconds while her tight grip didn't loosen at any time.

"B-but you're too big now, I can't carry you in a vehicle and the plane would fall over with your weight!"


"Yes I know I don't give them love lately, but you have to understand me, I have a lot to do" Pursing his lips, Christian blinked sadly at Lilith and whispered "But I don't leave them alone either, don't you have my cute princess to play with you?"

"Hisss~~~" Turning her head towards Helen, Lilith watched her for a few seconds and lowered her gaze to Kitty, then turned back to Christian and hissed.

"You really are fascinating..." Noticing the small interaction, Christian smiled softly and murmured inaudibly.

Christian is often amazed by these two strange animals.

In all honesty, many aspects of his life are so strange that he doesn't even try to find the logic behind it all, knowing full well that he could go crazy.

After all, what happens in this place is completely abnormal.

Although Christian doesn't understand the animal language, let alone understand what Lilith's hisses are saying, somehow he knows perfectly well that she is angry with him.

And how does he know?

He doesn't even know why he manages to understand her.

But it is not only that he manages to understand his animals, but the animals themselves seem to have an incredible intelligence and understand him.

Now, Lilith is an unknown snake and maybe she is a prehistoric snake that always had intelligence.

But what about Kitty?

While Kitty is not as 'human' as Lilith, the young tigress is certainly no slouch.

Ever since she was a cub she always proved to understand everything Christian says, and while the tigress is quite disobedient, it doesn't detract from the fact that she seems to have an intelligence far superior to what a tiger of her kind should have.

"Hisss~" Lightening her grip, Lilith brought her face close to Christian and rubbed gently against him.

"My dear Lilith" Closing his eyes while enjoying the softness of Lilith's scales, Christian settled back and released his arms, then holding the large head of his snake and began to gently caress its scales "The day will come when I won't have to leave anymore...when that day comes I will give you all the affection I couldn't give you for these years"


"Daddy..." Slowly lowering herself off Kitty's back, Helen walked over to Christian and sat back down on his legs, then lifted her head and watched Lilith's thick body wrap around him.

Stretching out her chubby arms, Helen gently touched Lilith's scales and giggled, then snuggled even closer to Christian and began to happily touch the giant snake.

"*Sigh*" Shaking his head, Christian looked up at the sky and smiled softly, momentarily forgetting all the trouble that started in Japan and spending the next few hours in peace.


"Let's see..." Putting on his glasses to avoid damage from the computer light, Christian quickly logged into Jarvis' system and muttered.

Entering the worker's name, Christian looked up the family members and took the sister's name, then spent the next hour tracking all of her movements within the day of her arrest in Japan.

Security cameras, conversations recorded by cell phone microphones, photographs where she appears from behind, he even searched her credit card records to make sure he had the complete route she took.

Christian literally dedicated himself to learning about this woman's day to the point where he could be sure he knew more about her day than she did.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos