Chapter 367 Graphite

Name:Reversal Author:

"You ask a lot of questions lately" Chuckling, Christian set the cup aside and walked over to Elisa, then hugged her from behind and gently kissed her neck as he whispered "Maybe you were planning on working to bring a little sister to our daughter~?"

Rolling her eyes, Elisa snorted "Don't talk nonsense in front of Helen."

"So I can do things behind her eyes, can't I~?" slowly lowering his hands to Elisa's large buttocks, Christian smiled mischievously and whispered sensually in her ear.

"Don't be naughty" Pursing her lips, Elisa turned her gaze to Christian and scolded him.

"My god~" Wrapping his hands over Elisa's stomach, Christian hugged her against his body and gently kissed her cheek "You're so cute!"

Smiling happily, Elisa took a sip of hot chocolate and replied "I know."

"Daddy..." Pulling on Christian's pants, Helen blinked at him for a few seconds and touched her own cheek, causing Christian to giggle.

Releasing Elisa, Christian bent down and gently kissed Helen's cheek "You're very pretty too, the prettiest of all the girls~"

Smiling instantly, Helen brought her small cup to her mouth and took a sip, then looked up at Elisa and touched her other cheek.

Raising her eyebrows, Elisa smiled warmly and bent down, then kissed Helen's other cheek "Our cutest little girl~"

Showing her gums while smiling, Helen turned her gaze to Christian and blinked for a few seconds, then muttered "The cutest..."

"..." Blinking for a few seconds, Christian frowned slightly for a fragment of a second and smiled again, then took Helen in his hands and kissed her cheek "Of course you are~"

Turning his gaze to Elisa, Christian watched her silently for a few seconds as he thought 'This has to be my imagination, but... that girl just made us fall for her plans?'

Looking at the smiling Helen, Christian stared into her eyes and thought 'She heard me say 'cute' to Elisa... then she came over and tenderly asked for a kiss like the one I gave Elisa... but she went further and then asked Elisa for one... it all ended up with her being the cute one... she may look innocent... but it's weird.'

"Dad..." Stretching out her small cup towards Christian, Helen spoke.

"Thanks~" Taking a small sip, Christian shook his head as he smiled 'It's my crazy imagination...she's still too little for those shenanigans.'

"Here" Giving a last kiss on Helen's cheek, Christian handed it to Elisa and stretched his body "I have to finish some work, let me know when lunch is ready."

"Dad..." Stretching her arms out to Christian, Helen pouted and blinked at him sadly, causing Christian to freeze and swallow saliva.

"B-but Dad will be in the garage working..."

"..." Fluttering her long eyelashes, Helen refused to budge and stared at Christian, as her pout became increasingly noticeable.

"*Sigh*" Sighing as he shook his head, Christian took Helen in his arms and spoke to her "Daddy I'll tell you what to touch and what not, got it?"

Smiling happily, Helen rested her head on Christian's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Will you eat something?" shaking her head, Elisa asked.

"Could you make me some toast?"

"With cheese?"

"And butter" Nodding, Christian walked to the door and spoke "Take Helen's food to me, I'll give it to her."

"Well, enjoy."



"What are you doing?" Entering the garage, Emily watched Christian curiously and asked, as the little girl on the table turned her gaze towards her.

Putting on a military helmet with a glass stuck in front of her eyes, Christian frowned slightly and muttered absently "No... this won't do..."

"Christian?" Looking at the large amount of shattered tools and helmets on the table, Emily spoke.

"Mn?" Turning to Emily, Christian smiled and asked "Is it lunchtime?"

"Not yet, Elisa said it would take a little longer since she wants to make a French recipe she learned online and she was missing materials."

"Did she already send them to buy them?"

"Yes, they've arrived but she's still cooking" Nodding, Emily looked at the helmet Christian is wearing and asked "What are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about prototypes for war helmets... I talked to Envy and he asked me about the possibility of our soldiers wearing contact lenses like us... obviously I rejected it but I said we could make normal lenses but with the same function, something I already did" Turning his gaze to the lenses on the table, Christian continued "But at the time I thought about making military helmets with night vision, motion sensors and everything included... I thought it would be easy, but I guess not"

"What's blocking you in the prototype?" looking at the plans drawn by Christian on a simple sheet of paper, Emily frowned slightly and asked.

"The standard helmet design is... very simple" Shaking his head, Christian continued "If I add goggles to the front, the weight will be very poorly distributed and the front will lift... it won't be very safe on missions where you have to move around too much and really the weight would be too much just for the head."

"And can't you just attach those goggles to the helmet? While the motion sensors and infrared sight would go a long way, I think for now being able to detect areas better would certainly be helpful."

"That's what they simply use the goggles for, I don't see the point in attaching them to the helmet."

Shaking his head, Christian rubbed his chin and continued "My plan is to create something that will help detect something that the human eye can't with the naked eye... micro movements, heat detectors, sound detectors... I want a damn useful helmet."

"Well... for starters if you want to do that, you have to take batteries into account..." Picking up a pencil at her side, Emily looked at the helmet for a few seconds and frowned "No... what you want this helmet for is no good... it would be too clunky."

"I know" Nodding, Christian stood next to Emily and squinted at the drawings, then took the pencil from Emily's hand and began to draw.

After a few minutes, Christian squinted earnestly and asked "What do you think?"

"How would they breathe?" looking at the drawing, Emily raised her eyebrows and asked.

The drawn design certainly is quite unique, looking more like a motorcycle helmet than a military one.

But as if that wasn't weird enough, Christian even included some sort of protection on the neck, and that charges up to the middle of the shoulders.

"I don't know" Chuckling, Christian continued "But if we can do this, it wouldn't be hard to make a full suit..."

"What's that neck protection for? Simply to protect?"

"Ideally, most of the batteries and mechanisms would be there... the weight would be nothing considering that it would be carried by the shoulders, while at the same time serving the role of a fuller protection."

"That would save weight on your head" Nodding, Emily looked at the drawing for a few seconds and continued "You could make two models, one that includes the full helmet and another that is similar but without that screen you drew and replace it with just glasses".

Taking the pencil, Emily began to draw on the paper and continued "Keep in mind that this model is made to have night vision, something you won't even use in the daytime... so you could make two models with that in mind, so you avoid having to plan for respirators in every suit you make."

"But the most important thing here is... what material to use" Rubbing his chin, Christian looked at his drawing for a few seconds and continued "Metal is impossible to use here... too heavy for the shoulders... kevlar is also a bit stiff for the neck..."

"Why don't you use graphite? I understand there are a lot of advances today and you know we have no problem getting that research out."

"But I don't know how far they've come..."

"You have plenty of time" Shrugging, Emily continued "You're only 19, don't push yourself for something you have time for, and even if you want it before the impending war with the United States, you still have about 4 years of time to research."

"Graphite... interesting."

Graphite is a material that has been attempted to be implemented in the manufacture of war armor due to its high strength and durability.

Recent advances in graphite technology have enabled the creation of armor that is lighter and stronger than traditional armor made of steel or Kevlar.

In addition, graphite is also corrosion resistant and has electrical insulating properties, making it suitable for use in military applications and would certainly be perfect for more complete and 'futuristic' armor.

However, new ways to improve the strength and durability of graphite in war armor are still being researched, being still in a very premature state to give it a real use, not to mention that although it is certainly much more useful than Kevlar, it costs almost twice as much to create, causing today practically discard the idea of using it on a large scale.

"I'll leave this for later" Nodding after a few seconds, Christian turned to the transparent lenses and continued "I need your help to set up the lenses."

"How did you manage to create them, I didn't see you working on it" Taking the lenses, Emily looked at them curiously and asked.

"Don't forget that the technology we use in the contact lenses was stolen from google and it was all based on lenses similar to these... in fact if they had had the quantum computer as the lens system, they certainly would have had no problem succeeding."

"I understand..." Putting on the lenses, Emily looked sideways and asked "How will you carry them?"

"I was thinking of doing something more rustic, just charge them with a cell phone cable" Shrugging, Christian continued "The contact lenses had more technology in them by charging them wirelessly and using something similar to how most of the latest generation smart watches are charged, but don't forget that the idea of these lenses is to use them for military operations, i.e. producing all this on a large scale... I don't see the point of making it more complicated"

"Whatever" Shrugging, Emily took the lenses and turned to the bunker "I'll go work on a system for this... do you have any ideas in mind?"

"It would be nice if the lenses were serial coded and each serial code linked to a soldier's personal account in the system... don't forget to take the little signal box" Pointing to a small plastic box very similar to the one Christian uses with his contact lenses, Christian continued "Then I'll need your help... while I can make normal lenses and have the displays made separately... I can't rely on someone to assemble and configure them... we'll have to take on that role."

Freezing, Emily blinked and looked at Christian with despair "W-we have to do that over 5000 times!?"


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos