Liu Cuizhi's sentence of divorce is divorce, which makes Joey stunned on the ground and can't react for a long time.

Although she had a hard time, she never thought of getting a divorce. She still loves Xu Wenchang very much!

Just now she said the word "divorce", but she didn't have a brain at all, but Liu Cuizhi's words were a blow to her head.

It turned out that she worked hard and made every effort to maintain the family, but she was already an incompatible person in the eyes of others.

The great grievance and sadness in her heart drowned her in an instant.

Her eyes were scarlet and tears swirled inside, but she stubbornly refused to fall.

She took out her cell phone and dialed Xu Wenchang.

The phone rang a few times before he got through.

He asked, "Yi Yi, what's the matter? I just arrived at the company."

Before Joey spoke, a crisp and sweet female voice came from the phone: "master, you're coming, hurry up, everyone is waiting for you!"

Joey was stunned and inexplicably felt that the voice was a little familiar. She immediately asked, "Wenchang, who is talking to you?"

She could clearly feel that Xu Wenchang hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "Oh, she is my colleague and a newcomer from the company. Let me take her, so she called me master. It's nothing, just a little girl shouting to play."

Joey listened to his previous explanation and his heart had been relieved. But the words behind him made Joey's heart not so comfortable.

He said it was nothing, and the little girl shouted and played. Since it's nothing, what else does he explain? Is it a guilty heart?

Joey knows that Xu Wenchang is the technical backbone in the company, and it is normal for him to take his apprentice. Sometimes when he came home, he would complain to her that those newly graduated children were so stupid that they didn't know what they had learned in college!

It seems that he hasn't complained for some time, and she doesn't know what kind of person his apprentice is now.

She held back and didn't say anything about herself. Instead, she asked, "what's your apprentice's name? She has a nice voice."

Xu Wenchang seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before saying, "Oh, her name is sun Siyue."

"How long has she been with you? Why haven't you mentioned her?"

Xu Wenchang answered quickly this time: "she graduated from our company last year. It's almost a year this year and she's about to become a regular. After she became a regular, she won't follow me!"

It's been a year. This year, Xu Wenchang didn't mention the apprentice.

Joey felt a little upset for some reason, but she was not an unintelligible person. The girl should still be waiting. She can't tell about the divorce yet. Otherwise, won't people laugh at her and Xu Wenchang?

Her silence made Xu Wenchang a little confused.

He asked, "Yi, what's the matter with you? What's the matter? I'm going to enter the station."

Joey knew that once he worked, he would forget to eat and sleep, and it would be difficult to call her.

This makes Joey feel a little warm.

She said, "it's all right. I just want to ask when you'll be back. I'm a little sick!"

"What's the matter with you? Aren't you in the hospital? Look for a doctor! I seem to have some trouble here. The company's system has been hacked and needs comprehensive repair. I'm not sure when I can go back."

"Well, you're busy. I'll see the doctor myself."

"If you can't, go home and go to bed and hire a temporary nurse for my mother. The old lady is also a little annoying!"

Joey was relieved to hear that.

She nodded: "OK, go ahead and get busy. I'll hang up!"

She hung up, turned her head out of the ward and asked the nurse to hire a nurse to take care of Liu Cuizhi. She didn't go back to the ward and drove home!