At the end of the video, in order to express his apology to the general public, Gao Weiting is willing to give a year's salary and bonus to the general public in the form of drugs.

That is to say, within one year, those who buy the drugs produced by Yeshi medicine can get a 50% discount, and some commonly used drugs can even be free of charge.

Gao Weiting is now the president of Yeshi medicine. His annual salary is tens of millions. Plus dividends, there are nearly tens of millions a year, which is also a lot of money.

Now, he has distributed his money to the broad masses of the people, so that everyone can benefit.

Although everyone may not have a lot, who is not happy to pick up cheap for nothing?

The so-called short mouth and short hand. This video is highly praised by netizens.

Netizens have left messages saying that Gao Weiting dares to admit his feelings, dare to face the reality, has responsibility, and is a real man.

Therefore, many netizens said that looking at Gao Weiting's face, they forgave his little wife.

This video is undoubtedly good news for Yeshi, which has saved some influence.

After watching the video, yebei owl also sighed and said, "well, push this video up and keep it hot. Send some photos of two people to create a topic."

"I see!" The person in charge of the relevant department called and arranged it.

A high-level official said to yebei owl, "President ye, now netizens have left messages to ask about your attitude? Can you and Miss Jiang continue?"

Yebei owl stared at those comments for a long time and said, "send out the news. I will give you a clear answer tomorrow!"

The man's eyes lit up and asked, "President ye, what would you do?"

Yebei owl said, "I'll know tomorrow. It's getting late. Let's go!"

He turned and walked out of the office.

He drove back to Jinyuan. A dim yellow wall lamp was on in the living room.

He changed his shoes in the porch, took a bottle of red wine from the storage room, took a goblet from the storage rack, and carried the wine upstairs.

He didn't notice that there was a woman in a big red V-neck curled up on the sofa.

This woman, just like a cat who steals sex, stared at him the moment the night owl entered the room.

This woman is either someone else or movivy.

She watched yebei owl go upstairs with wine in her hand, and a sly smile flashed in her eyes.

The night owl disappeared on the stairs. She came down from the sofa barefoot and went to the storeroom.

As soon as she went in, she couldn't help being surprised. It's a treasure here.

There are all kinds of expensive wines, some of which she can't understand the labels at all. Well, she can't understand it.

She knows only one kind, the legendary Raffi.

She took out a bottle of Raffi and a goblet. She sat cross legged on the sofa and poured herself.

Not satisfied, she went to the kitchen and turned out a ham.

She took a sip of wine and a bite of ham, and her heart was a little floating.

Her drinking capacity was really bad. She only went down half a bottle. Her little face was like a roast chicken. It was red and bright. Her eyes were blurred into a seam and could barely see the light in front of her.

She knew it was time. If she drank again, she would be really drunk.

So she went upstairs with bare feet and some vain steps.

She has lived in Jinyuan for two days. When the servant didn't pay attention, she had found out both upstairs and downstairs.

Therefore, she directly touched the door outside the night North owl's bedroom.

After all, she was guilty of being a thief. Her heart pounded and opened a crack in the bedroom door, but there was no one inside.

Is he in the study?

She went to the study door again. Through the gap in the door, she saw a tall figure sitting in front of the French window.