Yebei owl recalled what happened during this period. Jiangnan Xi seemed to be a simple person, but every time she had an accident, someone behind her helped her.

The last two video events are a good illustration.

In addition, Jiangnan Xi appeared. The watch he had searched for for for six years without results appeared out of thin air. Is this just a coincidence?

And the little boy he met appeared out of thin air and now disappeared out of thin air, which is not a normal thing.

It can well hide a person's whereabouts, either with a strong background or with strong network ability.

Obviously, both Jiangnan Xi and the little boy belong to the latter.

At the beginning, yebei owl didn't connect the little boy with Jiangnan Xi, but the existence of the master that he couldn't catch and see made him string these things together, which made him draw a terrible conclusion: Jiangnan Xi was the woman six years ago, and the little boy was their son!

And that Mo Weiwei came from Jiangnan Xi to test him!

Although this conclusion was absurd and unreasonable, he was so excited that he didn't sleep for two nights.

He is eager to see the dawn through the clouds!

Today, the panic and tension when Jiangnan Xi saw him made him more certain about his inference.

Jiangnan Xi, I think you can cheat me until when!

The calm and quiet temperament he had just had in the elevator disappeared in an instant, replaced by his consistent publicity and domineering.

His lips are as sharp and as thin as those of the king!

On his side, he was arrogant, but Jiangnan Xi was trembling.

When she saw that yebei owl's car was far away, she called Jiang Xiaolang and said, "son, it's bad. Yebei owl came to the door!"

At this time, Jiang Xiaolang is holding his notebook and sitting on the sofa in the living room.

He smiled at his mobile phone grandmother: "Mommy, what are you panicking about? I already know!"

"You, you know?"

Jiang Xiaolang said with a smile: "now the monitoring of the whole community is under my control. It's hard for me not to know!"

In order not to let the night owl find him, he must eliminate his traces anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, he already knew when yebei owl appeared opposite last night.

He's actually very happy.

Mommy slapped him and was posted on the Internet. If it was a different man, she might have been angry for a long time.

He can still come to the door, which shows that he still has some true feelings for his mother.

He also saw the interaction between yebei owl and his mother in the elevator. He was a little funny, but he loved Mommy.

She was still not strong enough and was frightened by the night North owl.

Now hearing his mother's panicked voice, he can only be honest: "I knew it yesterday. Sorry, Mommy, I didn't tell you!"

Jiangnan Xi:... This son, even his own mother? If he reminded her, she wouldn't be at a loss just now!

What kind of son is this? How can she be more calm than a person who is running for three?

"What do you want to do?" Will you recognize him? Jiangnan Xi swallowed her saliva and swallowed this sentence.

Although she was not mentally prepared, she did not object to their recognition. This is the right of Jiang Xiaolang, and she will not deprive it.

However, she still thought selfishly that at that moment, the later the better!

Jiang Xiaolang said, "don't worry, Mommy, he can't see me. I've called Godfather. He'll pick me up in a minute. I'll stay at his house for a few days first!"

Jiangnan Xi:... Why do you have such a big idea? She failed to do this, didn't she?

"Wolf, otherwise, you'd better recognize him!" She doesn't want to separate mother and son!