Just as Jiang Xiaolang thought, there was another creak of an iron door. Then, the lid of the big barrel was lifted, and the light that was not too bright shone into the barrel.

Jiang Xiaolang and Xu Qiaoqiao looked up and looked out. After all, Xu Qiaoqiao was timid. He held Jiang Xiaolang's waist tightly, and his bright big eyes were full of timidity and fear.

Jiang Xiaolang's eyes were much calmer, even with a few sharp edges.

Above the barrel, there appeared two foreigners' heads, all brown hair, a white fat man with blue eyes and a circle of black stubble on his chin.

The other man had brown eyes and a brown curly beard.

"Look at these two little wolves, you are so funny!"

This man is obviously Bieber.

Bruce said with a smile, "sure enough, the son of the night owl is extraordinary!"

He spoke Chinese this time.

Jiang Xiaolang holds Xu Qiaoqiao and stands up from the barrel.

The barrel is so high that even if they stand, they can only reach two-thirds of the barrel.

Jiang Xiaolang said, "let us out quickly!"

The barrel is thin at both ends and bulging out in the middle. He has tried before and can't climb out by himself.

Bruce laughed and Bieber said, "get our distinguished little guest out quickly! It's impolite to put him in a barrel!"

Bieber quickly stretched out his hands, leaned into the barrel and said, "young master, come on, I'll invite you out!"

Jiang Xiaolang stood on tiptoe, stretched out his hands and grabbed Bieber's big hand.

Xu Qiaoqiao hugged his waist and cried, "brother Tianlang, don't leave me alone!"

"Don't worry, Joe, I won't save you here!"

Xu Qiaoqiao let go with tears.

Bieber carried Jiang Xiaolang out. Before he put himself on the ground, Jiang Xiaolang turned and grabbed the edge of the barrel and stretched out his little hand to the inside: "Joe, come on, grab my hand!"

Bieber said, "don't worry, little fellow. I'll bring up your little woman!"

Jiang Xiaolang stretched a small face and said, "if you hold me well, I'll pull her up!"

He won't let this bad man touch a finger of Joe!

Bieber saw that Jiang Xiaolang insisted, so he had to hold his legs tightly. Jiang Xiaolang almost half leaned into the big barrel and held Xu Qiaoqiao's hand.

Bieber and Jiang Xiaolang worked hard together and finally pulled Xu Qiaoqiao up.

Bruce looked at Jiang Xiaolang and Xu Qiaoqiao. He thought he was right. This little girl is definitely Jiang Xiaolang's weakness.

He smiled and reached out to touch the head of Jiang Xiaolang: "little guy, you're really good!"

Jiang Xiaolang avoided his hand and said coldly, "joca, you white eyed wolf, don't touch my head!"

Bruce was stunned. He disguised himself like this. He had almost no characteristics of joca. Jiang Xiaolang recognized him!

The smile on his face disappeared, and his eyes stared sharply at Jiang Xiaolang: "how did you see it?"

He didn't see much with Jiang Xiaolang, and didn't even say a few words.

Jiang Xiaolang snorted coldly, "your eyes and your voice!"

Joca snorted coldly, "you boy, you're really observant! Since you know who I am, just be obedient, and I won't be difficult for you!"

Jiang Xiaolang looked at him coldly: "where's my mother? Is she also on this ship?"

Joca didn't hide him, and said, "no, she's still in Ancheng!"

Jiang Xiaolang is calm in his heart. As long as his mother is still in Ancheng, I believe his father will find her. And he found a chance to escape with Xu Qiaoqiao.