"What did he come back to me for? I don't owe him. He volunteered to help me. He killed Qi Bin. He thought he was dying. He wanted to take Qi Bin away as a companion. It's none of my business..."

Jiang Yunshen was guilty of being a thief after all. He was almost stunned by Jiangnan Chen's sentence "he will come back to find him".

"Qi Lei deserved his death. What about Qi Bin? You used him and you still used his death. Do you think he will die in peace? Maybe he will come to you with Qi Lei!"

Qi Bin is hateful, but he is not guilty to death. He died because of Jiang Yunshen!

Therefore, Jiangnan morning uses Qi binchen to intimidate Jiang Yunshen.

Although Jiang Yunshen never paid attention to the death of those two people, he died because of him after all. And those two people just died!

At this moment, in this dark and dark empty building, a trace of sound will be amplified and echoed in the air for a long time. A cool breeze swept by, which made Jiang Yunshen's hair stand upright.

He held Jiang Yunmeng's hand tightly, looked around in fear and shouted to the air, "don't come to me. It has nothing to do with me! If you want to find me, find Jiangnan morning! It's him, it's him! If he didn't harm me like this, I wouldn't use you... Sister, save me, I'm afraid..."

Jiangnan morning looked at Jiang Yunshen's advice and uttered a disdainful cold hum from the bottom of his heart: "you expect things that shouldn't belong to you. This is your price!"

Jiang Yunmeng's lips tremble. She knows that you in Jiangnan's morning mouth include her.

But at the beginning, she did regard Jiangnan morning and Jiangnan Xi as her brother and sister!

If Jiangnan morning didn't exclude them, they wouldn't treat him like that!

One wrong step, one wrong step, and now it's hard to recover!

She choked: "brother, it's our fault. Let's change it. I hope you let Xiao Shen go!"

Jiangnan Chen stared at her coldly: "yes! But before I let him go, I'll find a man to sleep with you, and then put the video online! Then, let the Yan family go bankrupt and be bought by me! If you think these two can be done, I'll let this scum go!"


Jiang Yunmeng was shocked. I didn't expect that Jiangnan morning would be so cruel!

"What am I? Isn't that what Jiang Yunshen did? Rong dai'er was like this. He almost killed her! Didn't he want me to die and take Jiang as his own? Why can't I do the opposite?"

At this time, Yan Chengan strode forward and stood side by side with Jiang Yunmeng.

He asked coldly, "what are you going to do? Are you really going to kill him?"

Jiangnan chenleng snorted: "kill him, I think my hands are dirty! Now that he has admitted that Qi Bin and Qi Lei's deaths are related to him, let him in! But after he goes in, you must not interfere!"

The reason why he said this in front of Yin Chengan today was that he didn't want Yin Chengan to intervene!

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and was about to call Kaitai.

Now that the evidence is conclusive and Jiang Yunshen has admitted it, this matter should come to an end!

"No, I don't want to go to jail, brother-in-law, help me!"

Jiang Yunshen shouted loudly.

He now understands very well. Not to mention the deaths of those two people, but to say that Jiangnan morning will sue him is enough for him to be sentenced to more than ten years! Then his life is over!

Yin Chengan said, "shut up! Did you think of the consequences before you did anything?"

Jiang Yunshen shook his head honestly. He felt that this series of actions could bring down Jiangnan morning.

Even if you can't let Jiang go bankrupt, you can also let Jiangnan morning fall off a layer of skin. And he was covered by Yin Chengan, and Jiangnan morning did nothing to him.

But he didn't expect that Jiangnan Chen would hand himself over to the police in front of Yin Chengan!

Jiang Yunmeng doesn't want her brother to go to jail. On the one hand, it will affect her reputation. On the other hand, the two children can't live without their father!

Therefore, she begged: "brother, please let Xiao Shen go. I'm willing to give you all my property to make up for your loss this time!"