After listening to Li Sheng's words, Chen Heping hurriedly covered his mouth, and said coldly, "You shut up!"

He looked around to see that no one was paying attention to them, then he let go of his hand and said angrily: "Li Sheng, I tell you, you don't want to get me some crooked ways! If you dare to hurt her, I don't blame me for disregarding brotherhood. !"

He knew that Joey was not one of those young girls who had never seen the world, just coaxed some sweetness and left, and Joey was a person with a very strong personality, and she had the Ye family behind her, even if Chen Heping was not afraid Ye Jingxuan must also consider Ye Beixiao.

Therefore, even if he likes Joey again, he can't play with fire!

Moreover, in his current status, he no longer disdains to rob. What he wants is willingness, love, and even forever!

Li Sheng was a little unhappy: "Isn't that true? Isn't she just a woman? No matter how arrogant she is, if you put her to bed, she still has to obediently obey you? Can she be shameless and make trouble with you?"

Chen Heping looked at Li Sheng with disgust, and for the first time in his heart, he felt a little disgust for him.

He and Li Sheng have been friends since childhood, and he also knows that this person is a bit unreliable in his actions, so he also turns a blind eye. But in the matter of Joey, Chen Heping didn't want Li Sheng to interfere at all.

He said: "I absolutely can't treat her like that! I want to regard her as my future life partner, someone who hopes to spend the rest of my life hand in hand with her! Lao Li, we are not young anymore, we should think about it in the future. I'm really looking for a person who likes me right now, and Joey is the rare one!"

Before, he was absolutely fine, unconstrained, more free, and could have different female partners.

But after going to the amusement park with Joey that time, he suddenly realized that half of his life was missing. Joey is like being sent by God to fill his half!

Li Sheng looked at Chen Heping very seriously, and suddenly it was gone.

He always liked to play tricks, but Chen Heping was so serious, he was surprised.

He was a little annoyed: "As you please, don't regret it!"

After he finished speaking, he went straight away.

Chen Heping sighed and looked around, but did not see Joey.

After being delayed by Li Sheng, Joey had already left here by car.

He was about to call Joey when Peihong came out and said to him, "Mr. Chen, Qiao asked me to tell you that she is going home first. Her daughter is at home alone, she is worried."

Chen Heping said with relief: "Okay, it doesn't matter, then I'll go back! My stinky boy is probably waiting for me too!"

He looked back at the hall, instantly feeling dull. If that person wasn't Joey's ex-husband, he'd probably stay a while longer to see if he had a chance to get a piece of the pie.

Now, he feels that going home with his son is the most correct choice.

Peihong smiled and said, "Your son will be very happy to see you come home so early!"

Mentioning his son, Chen Heping's aura instantly softened.

He smiled and said, "That boy, it would be nice if there were half of Joey's daughters well-behaved!"

Peihong said: "Boys are mostly rebellious. But they are like a mirror in their hearts, and they know who treats him well!"

Chen Heping smiled: "I hope."

As he spoke, he walked to his car.

Peihong waved goodbye to him and walked to the side of the road to take a taxi.

When she came, she took the company car. When Joey left, she could only take a taxi home.

Chen Heping looked at her sexy clothes, and in the dim night, he was very tempting, and said, "Where does Vice President Pei live, why don't I take you back. You are a little unsafe!"