Jiang Xiaolang is nearly 1.9 meters tall, and his body proportions are perfect.

His muscles are tight, with well-defined muscle mass, but well-proportioned, not as exaggerated as a fitness expert.

Especially the eight-pack abs, with distinct blocks and super cute, makes Xu Qiaoqiao really want to touch it.

"Have you seen enough? If you haven't seen enough, I'll let it hang for a while!"

Jiang Xiaolang looked at Xu Qiaoqiao's obsessed eyes and smiled softly.

Xu Qiaoqiao realized later, blushed quickly, took out a piece of clothing from the bag, and threw it to Jiang Xiaolang.

Jiang Xiaolang caught it and found it was a pair of pants.

He smiled and said, "Are you trying to see me lightly?"

As he spoke, he was about to take off the belt.

what! Why is Brother Tianlang so bad now? Don't you know how to be ashamed?


Xu Qiaoqiao stomped her feet in shame, turned her back quickly, and took another piece of clothing from the bag. She glanced at it, determined it was a shirt, and threw it back.

Jiang Xiaolang caught it, quickly put it on, and even changed his pants.

Anyway, it was a big night, and there were no cars on the road. And he leaned on the side of the car, the body just blocked him, the road

Jiang Xiaolang was very fast, he was dressed properly in one minute, and he became the handsome and handsome Dean Qiao again!

He opened his car again, took off the important things in the car, stuffed them into the bag in Xu Qiaoqiao's hand, and then dragged her to her Ferrari.

Xu Qiaoqiao was so ashamed that he felt that his hands were hot.

Jiang Xiaolang smiled softly: "You're still blushing? It's not like you haven't seen it! I even wore clothes for you when I was a child!"

Xu Qiaoqiao quickly covered his mouth: "Brother Tianlang, please, stop talking, we have grown up

! "

Jiang Xiaolang kissed her palm lightly and smiled softly: "You never saw you so shy when you were a child!"

He said, pushed her to the co-pilot, and bent over to fasten the seat belt before he sat in the driver's seat, started the car, and turned back to Ancheng.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening when we returned to downtown Ancheng. When we got home, Ye Jingxuan and Joey were probably asleep.

Xu Qiaoqiao said, "Brother Tianlang, you can drive to the Green Field Garden!"

Since they moved to Jinyuan, the house here has been vacant.

Because it is closer to Anda, sometimes Xu Qiaoqiao will come to live. Especially when she was painting, she didn't want others to disturb her. Sometimes when she gathers with friends and classmates, she also chooses here.

She went here today in the hope that she could talk to Jiang Xiaolang for a while, so that he could finish what he left in the restaurant, so that she felt a little more confident.

Jiang Xiaolang had no objection. He also knew the house, so he drove straight past.

The car was parked in the underground parking lot, Xu Qiaoqiao was carrying Jiang Xiaolang's bag and said, "If you are not in a hurry to leave, go up and sit for a while and take a shower."

Now that the white fox's conspiracy has been smashed, the rest can be left to those few people, and Jiang Xiaolang does not need to handle it himself.

He nodded: "Okay!"

Seeing that he agreed, Xu Qiaoqiao felt a little excited, and her cheeks were a little hot.

The two took the elevator upstairs and returned home.

Xu Qiaoqiao took out a pair of Ye Jingxuan's slippers from the shoe cabinet at the entrance and asked Jiang Xiaolang to put them on. His black leather shoes had been contaminated with soil and blood so that they could not see their original appearance.

"Brother Tianlang, go take a bath first, and I'll clean your shoes."

Jiang Xiaolang looked at Xu Qiaoqiao's delicate hand and said

: "No, it's too dirty, it's not worth it. Are there Uncle Er's shoes here? I guess I can wear them."

"Yes, yes."

Xu Qiaoqiao rummaged through the boxes and found out a few pairs of Ye Jingxuan's shoes, as well as a pair of unworn sneakers.