Haley’s eyes went black and he almost fainted.

Lu Wan took off the headband from her head and looked down to study it.

It even comes with a simple switch, which could turn off the light when not in use.

“Don’t just throw it away when you go back. If it doesn’t light up, just replace the battery.” She said while inspecting the thing.

Chen Nianqing: “I know. We can still use it for next year’s New Year’s Eve. I’ll put it away properly.”

Lu Wan nodded. She felt that 30 yuan wasn’t cheap and just using it once was too wasteful.

However! In the eyes of others, it was a different matter!

Should couples who have worn them put them away properly?

It’s only the first day of the year, but have you already made an appointment for next year’s New Year’s Eve?

Sure enough, they do not hesitate to pour dog food but do not care whether the dogs lives or dies.

Chen Nianqing: “I’m a little sleepy. Can I lean on you for a while?”

Lu Wan: “……Of course.”

Chen Nianqing titled his head, leaned gently on Lu Wan’s shoulder and closed his eyes.

Being in such posture, Lu Wan was a little embarrassed.

However, she still let the other party do so, after all, a promising youth couldn’t say no!

The students in the car were chatting softly with each other when Lu Wan’s cell phone suddenly rang, attracting everyone’s attention.

She took it out of her pocket. Glancing at the caller ID, she answered the call.

“I’m on my way home now. If you have something to say, say it later.” After Lu Wan finished saying this sentence, she hung up.


Lu Buyu sang two songs in a row, and by the time he stepped off the stage it was already fifteen minutes after midnight.

As the guest for the finale, he felt that his stage performance was very steady, and the effect was simply explosive!

So he called Lu Wan the first chance he got and asked if the other party saw it, and if she admires him?!

“How about it? Isn’t your brother handsome?”

“Sorry, I didn’t watch the show.”

Lu Wan’s premonition came true during the following three-day holiday.

Lu Buyu wasn’t at home so walking the dog became her job.

Professor Lu was of course willing to walk it. He took the dog for a ten-kilometer run around the lake in the morning.

It’s just that the person could run, but the dog couldn’t. The dog came back halfway by itself, very tired.

And it did not go out with Professor Lu the next day.

The dog looked silly but it was very observant. Upon learning that the easy mark in the family was Lu Buyu followed by Lu Wan, when the former wasn’t at home, it completely stuck to Lu Wan.

Chen Nianqing opened the window in the morning and saw Lu Wan chasing after a…… dog with slippers in its mouth?

By the time he came out of the yard, he saw that she had chased the dog back and was trying to pull it towards the house.

This scene seemed familiar, as if Lu Wan had chased someone like this before.

Lu Wan was simply speechless.

This was nuts. How could Lu Buyu get a dog that resembles him so much?

Lu Buyu practiced howling in the morning and the dog also howled powerfully in the morning.

It took the slippers and ran away. The more she yelled, the faster it ran. Not only did she have to chase it half the lake, she had to bring the dog back after she caught up.

Chen Nianqing: “You have a dog? It’s very good-looking.”

Lu Wan: “What’s the use of good looks? I’ll trade it for IQ! I don’t like good-looking ones!”

Chen Nianqing: “……”

Lu Wan: “I didn’t mean you.”

Chen Nianqing: “……”
