Chapter 37: Fay wants to groom Peter too!

Chapter 37: Fay wants to groom Peter too!

I stood, rooted in place, unable to take a step, speak a word, or even blink.

With Fay clad in the elegant and decorative material of the kimono, I suddenly found a new love for things that came from Japan.

'Now that I think about it, it's not even a kimono but something closer to... Haori?' I thought, racking my brains for the proper name of this Japanese clothing type.

'Or it's just a cloth made with the idea of taking something cute from Japan and making it sexy enough to work on a Western market,' I thought when I realized that it was the most likely scenario.

Yet, this realization came at a cost of several seconds worth of staring wide-eyed at Fay. And by doing so, I couldn't help but notice that all the tens if not hundreds of small dings that decorated the cloth... were actually the only elements that kept the outfit together.

Or, in other words, as long as I grabbed at the set of several small belts and just pulled... Fay's new costume would simply fall apart, sliding down her arms as if nothing would hold it together anymore.

'I guess that's why those two were so keen to have me buy this...' I thought, finally realizing the devious genius of those two clerks who interrogated me with some CIA magic tricks back at the shop.

"How's Fay..." Fay spoke softly, her voice barely loud enough for me to hear it. "How do I look?" she then asked again, this time in a proper form, forcing me to recall her reaction from when I entered... Also consisted of a language of a higher level that I've heard her use before. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Even with Fay asking, I still struggled to even regain my breath, too shocked and charmed to utter a single word. And as this poor girl stood in silence, her cheeks grew redder and redder while her eyes were starting to get moist...


Before I could think about what I was doing, I took three steps forward and reached out, grabbing Fay by her waist and pushing her against the wall, just one step further in the direction of my charge. I didn't stop walking all the way until my body pressed again Fay's, pinning her between my chest and the cold, concrete wall.

My fingers sank into the soft fabric of the outfit and then into the delicate skin of Fay's waist as I heavily breathed right over her head.

"I will go fetch the water, then," I spoke, jumping on the opportunity to turn around and leave for the bath.

Did she want to groom me? After the last time, I could safely assume it meant washing my hair, something I was still considered myself capable of enduring.

In the end, a grooming session sounded a lot more reasonable than being forced to watch her skedaddle around in this damn revealing outfit, constantly tempting me with the short peeks at her thighs!

Yet, by the time I got to the bathroom and positioned the basin in the one place where the water fountain that my ripped shower battery turned to would spit the water out, I realized something pretty damn important.

'She looked like she wanted to say something, something that she would struggle to say out loud,' I thought, recalling the kind of face Fay made when I turned around and left for the bath.

Thankfully, even after all this tempting, by the time I returned to the room while dragging the water-filled basin along, Fay's expression turned back to normal while she tapped at the bed, indicating she wanted me to get in the exact same position she was in when I washed her hair.

"Since you want to pay me back, I have no other choice but to take you up on your offer," I spoke, lying down on my back with my head right by the edge of the bed.

And just like that, without another word appearing between the two of us, Fay started this reverse grooming session. Soon, her delicate fingers started to rub some sort of shampoo into the scalp of my head with a gentle, rubbing motion. Then, she lightly brushed my hair and she proceeded to wash it with the warm water I brought.

Bit by bit, my body relaxed, powerless against the gentle, affectionate even, caressing. And before I could even realize it, I pretty much started to doze off, too relaxed by the grooming to stay awake...

Only for my mind to scream out in alarm when a strangely comfortable, warm weight pinned my hips down to the bed.

Forced awake, I opened my eyes... Only to see Fay mounting my hips while leaning forward directly over my face.

"What are you..."

"Fay only washed Peter's hair!" she protested with a look of dejection mixing with excitement on her face. And then, with a flash of a mischievous smile, she leaned even further down only to put the tip of her tongue at the bottom of my chin and then drag her mouth up, leaving a slimy trail of her saliva going from my chin, across my lips, up the bridge of my nose and ending with a short, gentle kiss that Fay left right in the middle of my forehead.

Unable to speak a word, I simply watched in shocked silence as Fay pulled herself back and graced me with a lovely and strangely intense smile.

"Fay's grooming begins now!"