Chapter 46 Claim (kekeke)

Opening my eyes instantly sent a surge of nearly unbearable pain to my brain. But once I opened them, I could not close them back to cut the influx of the torture. Not when Fay's teary face was merely a few inches away from my pained eyes. "Y-you are shining..." I whispered while my pained eyes played strange tricks on me, allowing me to see sparks of static electricity frolicking from one strand of Fay's hair to the other. And as if it wasn't enough, I could clearly see the sharp tips of her fox-like ears peeking through the storm of her white hair!

"P-peter..." Fay whispered back, the tears that welled up in her eyes before now deciding it was the right time to start their journey down her slightly blushed cheeks. "Don't cry," I whispered a small request, ignoring the pain and raising my hand up to wipe the tears off Fay's cheeks before they could fall down. Only when doing so I realized that Fay's face... was in the wrong orientation. 'Wait, what?'

"But back then, when I saw that blade about to pierce you..." My body tensed up at the mere memory of that moment. "The fear from back then helped me to sort out the priorities in my life, the priorities that I was made aware of after talking with your mom."

This was the moment. The single instant in time that required the strongest will make the choice... that wasn't necessarily hard, but certainly was challenging to make. And not even because of the consequences as I had no doubt about Fay's response. It was challenging because of my deeply rooted belief that, even after all I've heard and seen, Fay would still end up rejecting me. "Fay, right now, I'm not exactly in a state to claim you. Nor do I want our first time to be in some random bushes," I spoke out, spitting out my words faster and faster as I progressed along the list of points I made in preparation for this moment. And as one could expect, upon hearing those words... Fay's expression grew conflicted. "So, let me ask you this. Will you be mine, forever mine and only mine?" I finally managed to get those challenging words out of my throat and didn't stutter while doing so even once!

Fay's face twitched, proving she wasn't prepared for this sort of development. "And if so, could we temporarily seal the deal in a way people do in my world?"

Now, the time for me to shut the fuck up and wait for the answer has come. And surprisingly, just waiting in silence while hoping for the best proved to be far harder than actually speaking all those words. "Pete..." Fay opened her mouth, only to cut my name short and shyly lower her eyes. "Yes," she whispered, glancing up, having her eyes meet mine, and then instantly escape with them back down. I gulped my saliva, taken aback by just how insanely adorable she was at the moment. Yet, before I could even clutch at my heart as usual, Fay actually brought her chin up and looked me straight in the eyes. "Yes," she repeated, this time with a voice full of conviction and determination. "Claim me." A fire erupted in Fay's eyes yet again... but this time it was warm, cozy, inviting. And with this fire in my eyes, I brought up my other hand to lock Fay's head in place, before leaning in and reaching out for her lips with mine, in the gentle, elegant union. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)