Chapter 507 - Freeing...

Name:Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor Author:
Dhruv's eyes widened and his feet went slack. His strength was quickly leaving him.

Makena waved her hand and used her Cosmic saint energy to have him remain in mid-air.


Dhruv spat out blood.

He was dying.

Stabbing your hand which is coated with powerful cosmic saint energy inside your chest will do that to anyone.

"What... What the hell is this?" He asked with widened eyes as fear gripped him.

Surprisingly very articulate despite his quickly fading life force.

Makena's eyes widened comically,

"Oh, you don't understand it yet? I played you. With the help of a terribly dangerous risk taken by me."

"But... How? I saw you dying" Dhruv asked.

Makena rolled her eyes, 

"But you didn't see me dead. You saw me dying and you did not bother to question why your foresight stopped there. Why you didn't actually see me die.

I know quite a bit about foresight, Dhruv. Remember I run a sect of diviners. Sure, it is borrowed power and not really to be compared with someone who comprehended the Ordinance of Destiny like yourself, but it is more than enough to grant me some useful insights.

You predicted a future based on a Reality I had tweaked.

From the moment I said, I give up, I already set things in motion. 

I had set things in place by tweaking the very reality of our situation.

What you foresaw was indeed true and I indeed was dying but with My Ordinance of Reality already tweaking things to suit my wishes, changing the outcome only required me to be alive long enough to... Flip the switch. So to speak.

Remember, I admitted; I can not avoid your beams of Destiny just like you can not avoid your reality getting tweaked by me.

From that moment, I 'created' a reality where a life-threatening injury would render you incapable of making use of your Ordinance.

An incapacity you can already sense.

A reality where your desire to kill me would drive you to do it in a close and personal manner.

Although to be fair, even if it had been long-distance or with the use of your beam of destiny, as long as I had a spark of life to 'Flip the switch' the results would have been the same."

Dhruv's eyes fluttered as he neared the end but he still managed to say, 

N0 v el Next. CoM

"Y-you could have died."

"But I didn't" Makena said with a smirk.

Maybe there truly was another way. One not as risky as this but she did not see it, even now, this seemed the best course of action.

After all, to defeat someone you are practically equal with in all aspects. Someone whose very existence seems to be for the singular purpose of being your nemesis, you need to do something unpredictable. 

It just so happened that her unpredictable act was also a risky one.

"You're... Insane" Dhruv said before his eyes closed and he became limp, never to move his body again.

Makena gazed at him for a few seconds before she said quietly, 

"No, I'm alive... And You're dead" 

'Talk about stating the Obvious' Hal told her telepathically with a chuckle.

Makena grabbed Dhruv by the hair and pulled him effortlessly with her to the still Domed Silver moon Sect Territory.

Ready to clear her sect of its attackers while feeling trepidation at the potential death of any member of the said sect.

However, when she went through the Dome, she beheld a scene of a complete and total massacre.

Even with a quick look, she could already note every member of the Silver moon sect was alive and mostly only spotted injuries that would very well heal completely without scars with the proper care.

Even the Semi-saint attackers Corrina and the other semi-saints of the Silver moon sect had faced, had been completely downed and Hal who had now reverted to his human form viewed it all with a look of pride.

Makena sighed with relief before she smiled.

While things with regards to her battle with Dhruv did not go as smoothly (for her) as she had initially expected, she had still won like she was always confident she would. Her true worry lay in the fact that even if she won, she would lose many of the Silver moon sect disciples.

But that was not the case and as incredibly and a tad unbelievable as it may seem, they had defeated an army of more than two thousand men with their meager force of Seven hundred with no casualties.

It was a good day.


The attack on the Silver noon sect was a public affair.

Soon, anyone who did not already know, now knew the attacker was a member of the Dreg Family who also happened to have at one point been a sexual partner of the Silver moon sect head and the one she had her children with.

As was unavoidable in such a high-profile event such as this, the news became extremely embellished... In favor of the victors, the Silver moon sect.

The number of attackers doubled overnight and the manner of their defeat also became an immensely spectacular story to tell. 

It did not matter that other than the fight between Makena and Dhruv, no other part of the battle had been seen due to the opaque Dome of Astral energy that blocked their sights. 

If anything, this just allowed their overly embellished stories to seem more believable since no one actually had any concrete idea what had actually gone on within the Dome.

It let them be even more... Creative.

Anyway, the already impressive reputation of the Silver moon sect increased even more and became even more terrifying. Especially due to the manner in which a powerful cosmic saint like Dhruv Dreg somehow stabbed himself in the chest in his fight with the 'obviously' more powerful Silver Moon sect head.

The Dreg Family was grateful to Makena and the Silver moon sect for taking care of what was sure to be a danger to them should the Silver moon sect have been defeated.

The current Duke of the Dreg Duchy most especially was happy Makena had helped him retain his title.

Knowing full well that had Dhruv been capable enough to defeat her, there would be many within the Dreg family itself that would rally to support his rise to power.

Makena was stoic to their thanks. Safeguarding the rule of the Dreg family in the Dreg Duchy was no longer a priority and she would aid Hal in his upcoming plans to take complete control of the entirety of the Dreg Duchy.

She gave Dhruv's body to Hal who smiled at what he considered to be prime material for his beasts to further evolve. Sending the body into his inventory for the time being.

"How did it feel?" Hal asked Makena as he planted a kiss on her exposed, smooth, and creamy shoulder.

The two were in a bubbling pool to better ease any sore muscles from their battles.

"How did what feel?" Makena asked with her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feel of his lips on her skin.

"Finally closing the chapter of your life that involves Dhruv." Hal clarified and took hold of one of her breasts.

Makena moaned while she took a few seconds before replying, 

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"Freeing... I guess. Free to finally look forward and not over my shoulder" she eventually said and turned a fraction so she could better look into Hal's incomparably handsome face, 

"Free to fully and irrevocably devote myself to your grandiose plans. Overthrowing a long-standing Dynasty is really sounding good to me right now" she said with a smile before Hal took her lips passionately.

Heating her body even more than this bubbling hot pool possibly could.