Book 2: Chapter 57 — Spectral Shadow

Name:Rise of the Devourer Author:
Book 2: Chapter 57 — Spectral Shadow

Noah raised his spear at the projection, watching it stand there with its hands raised. “Give me one reason not to kill you immediately,” Noah said.

"What a mean way to greet yourself,” the spectre replied, not showing any fear.

“What’s going on Noah?” Auerlia asked, looking at the spectre in confusion.

“One of my projections ran away. Not sure why but it was after it encountered the Abyssal cult. I’m thinking they did something. Regardless, I don’t want an evil clone running around,” Noah said.

“He helped me,” Snow said, standing up. “I only survived because he helped me out. We took out all the life clots spread everywhere too.”

Noah glanced at Snow, surprised for a moment, before looking back at the spectre. “Is that true?”

“Will you trust me if I say yes?” he asked, shrugging.

Noah looked into the spectre’s eyes for a moment, before he lowered his spear. “I’m listening.”

“I don’t have a lot to say besides what I already did. I want to help,” the spectre replied.

“Or maybe you just want the Shard,” Noah said.

“Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t,” the spectre replied, non chalant.

“Why did you run away? You could’ve told me what happened,” Noah said.

“Well, at the time I didn’t really know, but I’ve had some time since then to think. There’s multiple answers, so I’ll start with the first one. I didn’t want to die.”

Now frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve changed in some ways. The levels and status, both have changed me. Maybe at the time I still could’ve merged back with you, but now that seems unlikely. I used Devourer. It gave me mana, and made me grow. But perhaps I grew too much. Instead of a limb, I become more... of a person instead?”

“You are correct, spectre,” Zax said, breaking his silence. “But you are not complete yet. You can tell, can’t you?”

The spectre looked at Zax, giving him a nod.

“What does that mean?” Noah asked.

“It means that your spirit has the ability to regrow itself Noah. Like a tree branch that can grow roots and become its own tree. When you make your projections, you split your spirit, and this one, has grown into its own tree. But it lacks a soul still. So it is not entirely separate from you yet,” Zax said.

Noah glanced back. “So that means I can still kill it and fix the problem?”

“Whoa man, bloodthirsty aren’t you?” the spectre said.

“Shut up. Just looking at your face annoys me,” Noah spat back.

Aurelia gave Noah a look, but he didn’t reply.

“Not quite. We do not think killing the spectre would do anything at this point. A child cannot become the parent again. Not with that method. But first, we will let the spectre speak,” Zax said.

“Right, where was I? Yeah, why I ran. The first reason you know now. The second is... a little more complicated. Have you noticed that whenever you make us, we’re not all quite the same?”

“I have.”

“Well, I got your sense of self preservation. The one you have tried so very long to keep in check. Guess what happens when that becomes free?” the spectre said.

Noah looked at it, trying to make sense of its words. “So because of that you don’t want to die?”

“The opposite. Because of it, I don’t want us to die. To me, you’re still me. More me than I am in some ways. There is this nagging voice in my head that is telling you to keep you alive, even if it means forcing you into a box and shoving you into my dimensional storage,” the spectre said.

“You don’t get to choose my actions,” Noah replied.

“I know, which is why I’m here. Trying to help,” the spectre replied.

“I can’t trust you. Not until you become a part of me again,” Noah said.

“The almighty dragon says we can’t. But you’re more than free to try,” the spectre replied.

Noah raised his spear, and the spectre bared its fists. Ready to fight if it came down to it.

“Stop,” Zax said, raising his hand. “There is a way still.”

Noah and the spectre both looked at Zax, listening intently.

“You two are not unlike twins. Identical, but not the same. No, in some ways, you are even more similar than twins are. You share the same spirit and soul after all. But while the previous connection has been lost, nothing stops us from creating a new one,” Zax said.

“How?” Noah asked.

Blood Drain has reached level 25!

Bleed has reached level 26!

Lifeblood has reached level 24!


Hunter’s Mark has reached level 10!

Netherflame Burst has reached level 8!

[Bleed] has ranked up to Advanced!

[Blood Drain] has ranked up to Advanced!

[Bloodfly Storm] has ranked up to Intermediate!

[Blink] has ranked up to Advanced!

[Celestial Harvest] has ranked up to Advanced!

[Astral Projection] has ranked up to Intermediate!

[Obliterate] has ranked up to Advanced!

[Void Hunter’s Senses] has ranked up to Advanced!

[Hunter’s Mark] has ranked up to Advanced!

[Astral Projection] resonates with [Astral Spirit].

[Astral Projection] has evolved into [Astral Spectre]!

[Astral Spectre]

Your spirit can form seeds, each one capable of growth, that can be harvested by you as you please. Become capable of forming spectres that can grow over time.

Noah closed his eyes, feeling a vast pool of energy filling him, as he was changed in some crucial way. Guess I’m officially no longer human.

Slowly opening his eyes, Noah saw Zax standing in front of him, watching him in silence. He looked down at himself, finding his body mostly the same, yet the changes that had happened, invisible though they may be, had been significant.

“How do you feel?” the dragon asked.

“Mostly the same,” Noah replied, moving his body around. “Says I’m no longer human.”

“You barely were even when we met you,” Zax replied.

“I guess that’s true,” Noah replied.

A moment later, his shadow stirred, the spectre rising from the ground as it stood in front of him. It “Whoa, that was... weird.”

“Guess I’m stuck with this guy now,” Noah said, looking at the Shadow spectre.

“Aren’t you glad. I’m like your second in command. Also, now that I’m a part of you again, I can tell how sloppy you were when creating us. You do know that you have absolute control on every ability we can access yeah? Kinda dumb to include Dimensional Pocket and Devourer in that you know,” the spectre said, shrugging. “You only have yourself to blame.”

Noah’s eyebrow twitched. “Excuse me for not figuring out how an entirely new ability works. Unlike everything else, this one didn’t even come with a clear feeling of how.”

“Unique abilities are created by you, anyone else who inherits this ability will have the guidance of your soul, but you will have to pave your own way with them,” Zax replied.

“Maybe don’t do that again, unless you want more free clones running around,” the spectre said, before dissolving into little motes of darkness as it returned to Noah’s shadow.

Noah shook his head. “This is a bunch of stuff, I’ll need some time to process.”

“As is natural. And I assume, the rest would like to take some time as well to prepare before we head in for battle,” Zax said.

The rest nodded, Snow in particular.

“That was strange to watch,” Aurelia said.

“With that done, we should discuss what our next steps should be,” Erwest added.

Noah nodded. The specter in his shadow moved, smiling, as his thoughts were conveyed to Noah. A moment later, Noah’s own expression turned into a smile as he looked at everybody else.

“I’ve got a plan.”