Book 3: Chapter 25 — Exploration Pt. 1

Name:Rise of the Devourer Author:
Book 3: Chapter 25 — Exploration Pt. 1

The Drakonias adventurer guild embraced their draconian identity, as Noah saw the large dragon depiction built upon the entrance, and other draconic symbols covering every part of the architecture. Much like the rest of the city, the building was made of stone, but the guild was structured more like a spire, with multiple floors and levels, alongside entrances that were clearly meant to be flown into. In some ways, it was quite similar to the Windrest guild and extremely different in other ways.

Noah walked behind Aurelia as the two walked through the giant wooden gates to step inside the guild. The guild on the inside was tall, with armor sets, stands carrying spears, and different trophies of monsters hanging on the walls as decorations. A bunch of adventurers were lounging around a table nearby, playing cards with pictures Noah didnt recognize, while others inspected the quest board with a frown.

Instead of the magical board, this one was classy, with paper scrolls hung onto them with pins. But even these werent meant to be removed, as Noah realized when an armored woman pulled out her own scroll, touching one of the listed quests and the writing was copied over.

The two of them walked up to the reception desk, a jubilant draconian woman wearing two pink ribbons on her horns that did not go very well with her dark green scales sitting there. Noah used Identify.

[Draconian Manager - ??]

Noah wanted to roll his eyes at the question mark. He wondered how long itd be before half the people he met would stop being too high leveled for his Identify perk. Ill probably just go to some even higher grade before that can happen.

The woman, unaware of Noahs thoughts, greeted the two of them. Welcome. Those are some new faces. First time here?

Yup. Wed like to register and check out the quest board, Aurelia replied, extending her adventuring plate. Noah followed, taking his own out from his inventory as well.

The woman quickly grabbed the plates, touching them to an orb that lit up on contact, showing words that displayed their general information. After both of them were registered, the receptionist handed them their plates back, and Noah grabbed his.

Were looking for a simple quest, something that could be done in a few hours if possible. Is there something like that available right now? Aurelia asked.

The receptionist frowned, cupping her chin as she hummed to herself. Glancing at her orb, she looked towards Aurelia. Since both of you seem to have status ailment resistances, I think I do have one, she said, bending down to grab a scroll from a drawer which she pulled out and placed on the table.

Its a quest to catch an escaped cat. A dragon blood cat from the family of a wealthy Merchant, whos put out a rather large reward compared to the difficulty of the quest, the woman replied.

Noah wanted to snort. Did they really have people catching runaway cats? He certainly wasnt interested in spending his evening walking around trying to lure a pet cat for some rich lady.

Aurelia raised an eyebrow. Im surprised this hasnt been taken already. Thats a classic golden quest if Ive ever seen one.

Golden quest? Catching a cat? Noah asked.

Golden quest- its an easy quest that pays well. Typically because its a personal quest from some rich person or family. You can almost never catch one unless you get really lucky. The moment one arrives they get snatched up. And unlike you, most adventurers dont enjoy throwing themselves into danger recklessly, Aurelia replied.

Well, theres a few problems. The cat in question, Draco, has wings, so he can fly. The second is that, he seems to have been hit with a [Madness] spell, though thankfully only a minor one. But it makes him erratic, and difficult to catch. Hes...quite fast, the receptionist said.

Madness? Thats a cultist spell, Aurelia said.

The receptionist nodded, before bending down and picking out another sheet. This is a quest weve issued. There have been disturbances with madness inflicted creatures and we want to find the source.

At the womans words, a quest prompt popped up in front of Noah.

Sub-quest updated!

Sub-Quest: Feline Madness

Catch Draco the cat, and find out whats been inflicting madness on the nearby creatures.

Time: 6 hours

Difficulty: Medium

Reward: Given upon main quest completion.

Noah felt surprised that he wasnt given a prompt to accept as the quest had simply been updated. He felt a little peeved about that. Hed been thinking of looking into it, but now he felt like he was being told to, and somehow that made him want to not do it anymore.

Grumbling to himself, he picked up the quest sheet. We might as well check it out, Noah said.

Aurelia looked at him, before giving a nod. A moment later, he heard a telepathic message from her. The guild did tell us there has been lunar cultist movement here. Technically thats why were here, and not the trial. This might give us some more insight into that.

Very well, in that case please take this and feed it to Draco. It will cure any status affliction he has, the receptionist said, before handing a pellet that Aurelia took.

Noah inspected the item.

[White Herb Pellet (Uncommon, Rank F)]

A pellet made from purifying white herbs mixed with cat food. The pellet can cure [Frost], [Toxin], [Poison], [Burn], [Paralysis], [Bleed], [Madness], and [Terror] up to a single rank.

Draco was last seen near the forest, just outside the city, the receptionist said.

Thanks, Aurelia replied with a light nod.

Together, both of them walked out of the guild, and Noah opened his mini map, noticing a new quest marker with a cat icon being shown on his map telling him the general area he needed to look in.Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

You have resisted [Madness].

Noah raised an eyebrow, walking closer as he picked up the orb, using identify on it.

[Cosmic Lunar Eye (Uncommon/Cursed, Rank D)]

An azure orb holding a crescent moon emblem. Gazing into its glowing surface is known to induce vertigo and unease. Crafted by an ancient cult who worshipped the primordial Watcher, using concentrated pale moonlight to empower their rituals, often driving them mad.

A chime played as Noah read through the description.

Thats a lunar cultist item. But why out here? Aurelia said, avoiding looking directly at the orb. Noah put it into his Astral Vault to avoid risking accidentally inflicting madness onto anything nearby.

Not sure. This doesnt look like a cultist hideout. Too small and unkept, Noah said, before sniffing the air. No smell for any people having been here in a long time beside us.

Lets go back for now, Aurelia said, and Noah nodded.

Together the two of them stepped back out, and Noah looked at the creatures writhing against his restraints.

What are we going to do about them? He asked.

Curing them will be too expensive. Without the orb, theres nothing keeping them here and if we leave them, theyll kill the wildlife till some other adventurer has to come kill them. Its best if we took care of it, Aurelia said.

Noah nodded, and Aurelia handed him the cat. Noah looked at Draco, the draconian cat looking at him with an annoyed expression and he put the creature in his Astral Vault. He stepped outside as Aurelia remained inside. A moment later a blinding flash of fire shook the ruins and notifications flashed through Noahs vision. He didnt read them. Killing helpless creatures gave him no joy.

Aurelia stepped out a moment later, the ruins collapsing behind her and kicking up dust.

No one should be able to go inside and stir things up anymore, Aurelia said.

Good work, Noah said, extending a hand towards her.

Aurelia looked at him, raising an eyebrow in question.

I set a marker. We can teleport back, he said, smiling.

Remind me to get teleportation abilities in my next life, Aurelia said, grabbing Noahs hand as he activated Arcane Step.


Quest completed!

Noah dismissed the notification as he returned the cat, and put the lunar eye, with a cloth draped over it. The receptionist looked at the item warily, putting it away. Taking their plates, she touched the orb, and the crystals were transferred over.

The reward is 10 D-grade crystals for the cat, and 20 D-grade crystals for the orb, for a total of 30, Ive added 15 each to both of your plates, the receptionist said, handing the plates back.

Aurelia whistled. Noah was impressed as well. That was quite good pay for such a short quest.

Do you know how that orb got there? Noah asked.

Oh, if I had to guess, its likely an old artifact that got awakened when someone interacted with it. We had a big lunar cultist presence back in the day before we exterminated the cult and banished the cultists. But every now and then some items still get unearthed, she said.

Noah nodded. Well, that was that for now.

What do you plan to do now? Aurelia asked. We have some time.

Noah thought over the question. He looked at his exploration quest, and saw the guild quest crossed out. The two of them still had two hours left before they had to meet for dinner. Noah looked through his list of quests, opening the map.

The temple of Septah was nearby.

Think Ill be heading to the temples, Noah said.

Surprising. I got a message from Snow, so Ill be meeting up with her and Seraphina, Aurelia said, raising her bracelet to show the blinking light indicating a message. Looking at it, Noah had to wonder if Zax was taking note of the off handed mentions Noah had made of phones and what not as he made these.

He certainly kept adding new features all the time to the bracelets.

Sounds good, he replied at last to Aurelia.

See you at the tavern then, Aurelia said, stepping away as she headed out of the guild.

Noah made his way out of the guild as well a moment later. Looking at the location he needed to go, Noah channeled Arcane Step and began to teleport across the city.

Hed gotten tired of walking.