Chapter 96 Cruel

Name:Rise Of The Dragon Emperor Author:
Ronan chased the fleeing wife like a hound , as he was lightning quick in following her scent and movements.

The problem with chasing scent was that air dissipated scent from its original position very quickly. Hence it was not extremely reliable for a chase . However with the vicinity still being the Avalon palace , Ronan could rule out a few places from the list of possible escape routes as he knew for sure how well they were guarded.

Using a bit of common sense and relying on his extraordinary senses , Ronan soon started to hear laboured breathing and sound of muffled footsteps as a hooded figure came in his view.

The scent emitted by the hooded figure was definitely the same as the one in the room of the dead clan leader , hence Ronan had certainty that it was the fleeing wife although he could not see her figure clearly.

Looking at her pitiful speed and struggle in moving with laboured breath , Ronan understood that although the wife was more accomplished than a common housewife , her mid 30’s power level could only take her so far.

Sneaking up behind her without making a single sound , Ronan delivered a precise chop to her neck to knock her out cold.

From start to finish , the woman had no idea she was being chased , until the seating pain in her neck knocked her out cold.

Ronan lifted her limp body over his shoulder , as he started to quickly move back towards his own quarters .

He felt a little melancholic , as the chop was one of the moves that was taught to him by Karna sensei during his days in the forest ..

Although karna was not the most knowledgeable teacher , he always taught the most practical skills that he picked up during his time as a warrior to Ronan.

In his own way , he was trying to groom Ronan into the best warrior that he could. However the world government took that man from him!

Thinking about this event , Ronan was reminded of the cruelty of the world and his eyes lost the last visages of compassion in them as he made up his mind to extract every last strand of information from the woman.

Ronan had decided long ago , that he would never show any mercy to people who tried to threaten the safety of his family members. He did not care what the world perceived of him , but if the safety of his family was in question he could even become worse than the world order.

Tying her up to a chair in his room , in a way that her joints were bent at odd angles , Ronan secured the woman in a position from which breaking free was simply not possible.

It was the trick he picked up from karna , where they tied ferocious creatures like Snow Leopards in a way that if they tried to break free by using force on one limb they would inadvertently hurt their own other limb .

Only after ensuring that the woman was securely restrained , did Ronan start to sprinkle water on her eyes to make her regain consciousness.

Humans had an inborn reflex to activate muscle response when threatened with drowning.

It was the same response as kicking when one felt like falling in a dream . Hence the captives brain was jolted awake at the sensation of water on the face.

When the wife opened her eyes and saw Ronan staring a hole into them , she inadvertently shrieked , however Ronan had already choked her mouth with a piece of cloth and hence her muffled voice could not escape the room.

Ronan was in no hurry to introduce himself as he calmly took a seat opposite her and let her have a moment to herself as he waited for her to calm down.

Ronan had placed his axe right beside him on the bed and under the moonlight it’s sharp blade gleamed with brilliance , adding to the psychological pressure that the wife felt as she knew that Ronan could very well use it to chop her neck off.

After a few minutes , tears started to roll down the woman’s eyes and it was at that moment that Ronan finally decided to start the conversation.

” Hello , I’m Ronan Draco . The guy who foiled your plans to murder my brother today.

Before you try to say that you did not do it and that you are innocent. Let me cut through all the bullshit and inform you , that in this room I am the judge , I am the jury and I myself am the executioner .

And it’s funny how i am also the witness , because i clearly , with my very own eyes , saw you pulling out the sealing jar that contained the demon from your hair , and i saw the horror on your face when your plans were foiled.

I myself am a very reasonable man , and if you co-operate with me … i can help you escape the palace and start a new life…. “

The wife started crying violently at this moment as she realised that her fate was doomed. She was completely at the mercy of this 13 year old boy and there was nothing she could do about it.

Her life as a free woman was about to end ….

” Now , now … Before all the crying , let me tell you that murder is a capital offense in Everlon and right now the entire palace guards are looking for you since your little stunt with your husband was revealed earlier than you expected , and even if i did not catch you or kill you , you would have been tried and killed in Avalon for the murder of a clan leader , hence if you thought about having a normal life after this ….. You are simply delusional “.

The wife suddenly stopped crying as goosebumps arose on her skin , although she had no idea how much this kid knew , she understood at this point that he was as smart as an adult and could not be messed with.

” So before i let you the defendant speak in my court of law , let me bring your attention to by lovely axe and remind you that I have absolutely no hesitation in using it here.

I will chop you up in a million pieces and feed it as firewood to your very husband’s funeral pire and i am not even kidding about it.

So when i remove your choker , the only words that should come out of your mouth should be absolute and complete truth and nothing but the truth , while the only words i want to hear are the relevant answers of my questions .

You say stuff like ‘ Please let me go ‘ or unnecessary bullshit about how you know my father or mother or grandmother , i will kill you then and there I swear on my honor as a Draco “.

Ronan said in an emotionless tone as his cold attitude made the wife’s whimpering stop at once as Ronan had made it clear that he had no time for games and should she trick him or waste his time she would be dead.

Her only chance of survival was now at the mercy of Ronan Draco.

Calming herself down , she nodded slightly as to signal that she understood Ronan’s terms as she quietly let Ronan remove her choker.

” What’s your name ? “. Ronan asked

” Irene Adell “. the woman replied , her voice cracking up due to tears.

” Under whose orders did you unleash the demon on my brother Irene ? the 20th clan does not have the resources for such a high level assassin . WHO? “.

Ronan cut right to the chase as he inched closer to Irene’s face.

Irene hesitated for a bit as she knew that if she revealed the answer she would be killed by the other party , but if she did not say she would be killed by Ronan right here and now.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place she felt her heart and mind tearing up as she felt emmisarries of death doing a naked dance around her at this moment , waiting to reap her soul.

‘ No – no , i don’t want to die …. they said nobody would ever find out … this was not supposed to happen … why then? ‘. Irene thought as she just stared at Ronan with teary eyes without saying a word.

However when Ronan grabbed the handle of his axe , fear of instant death bested her fear of death later as she blurted the name of the conspirators . ” I-it was the phoenix clan “.

Ronan’s eyes widened in shock as he was reminded about the assassination attempt on him and Percy all those years ago that was orchestrated by the phoenix clan as well and the temple incident even before that.

Feeling rage boiling up inside him , Ronan’s eyes sparkled with a dangerous golden thunder as he said in a murderous tone ” So after all this time …. the phoenix clan is still after me and my brother ..

.. hahaha , i guess father was too soft , ousting them was maybe not enough! “.