Chapter 53: The art of mooching

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 53: The art of mooching

They were in the Underworld... under the villa with a Japanese design... yet they were eating a Korean BBQ.

What was this?

What was this strange feeling?

However, the food was delicious, so no one thought too much and enjoyed the night.

"Riser-chan? What is that? Is that alcohol?"

"It's Makgeolli (Korean rice wine). I have tried to make one."

Riser sipped the Makgeolli he had tried to make and had to say the taste was delicious. It seemed his "Beverage-making mastery" was quite a good skill, and he definitely could make a lot of money with it.

The only problem was probably the ingredients since while the ingredients of this fermented drink were probably the best of the best in the Underworld, he could still make it better.

Fortunately, he just received "Agriculture Mastery," so he should be able to create the best ingredients for his beverage.

However, if he had an All-Purpose Farming Tool, then it would be even more wonderful.

By then, there was no need for him to be involved in the problem of the Underworld and the world; he might as well have spent his time farming and had a lot of wives like a certain character in the story.

"Let me try~! Let me try~!"

Serafall didn't hesitate and tried the Makgeolli made by Riser and fell into a daze because of how delicious it was. It was slightly sour, tangy, yet sweet.

—or rather, it was so good!

Serafall then continued to drink as her lips were stained with the white mark due to the drink before she licked those stains with her small, cute tongue and a happy, childish smile.

[Bring Serafall to the bathroom and tell her that you have a more delicious drink before you open your pants.]

"......." The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Riser sighed and tried to drown himself in the alcohol, hoping the system didn't ask him to do something weird. Still, he noticed the gaze of most of them when he drank alcohol.

Unlike his peerage members, who could drink alcohol freely, Rias, Sona, and the others couldn't do it since they were still in high school.

"Do you want to try?"


Everyone looked at each other and wasn't sure what to say.

"We're still in high school. We can't drink that." Sona shook her head and refused.

"Hmm... since when do the rules in Japan work for us, the devil?"

In Japan, only those in 20 could drink alcohol, but in the Underworld?

Hearing that sophistication, Sona hesitated since she would be lying if she didn't feel interested in alcohol, especially when she saw how happy her older sister was, drinking the alcoholic brewed by Riser.

"No, no! Sona-chan can't drink it~! She needs to wait a few years older~!"

Serafal quickly refuted and then looked at everyone. "You all can't drink, okay~? Also, Riser-chan, you can't seduce them to do something bad~! You bad boy~!" She knocked his head lightly as if trying to reprimand him.

While everyone was a bit disappointed, they could do nothing, especially in front of Serafall's presence, but Riser was speechless.

"What about humans? There is like an onmyouji or something similar, right?"

When he asked this question, he noticed the expression of several people became slightly tense.

"Hmm... they are also nothing. The only problem is that they have Shinto Deities' backing."


"Yes, you often heard that Japan has a lot of deities; there should be.... 8,000 or so in the Shinto religion? There is also a Buddhist religion, but most of them have an activity in a big town like Tokyo. There might be some outside of Tokyo, but there isn't much since they won't make much money outside of Tokyo."


The reason was so powerful that they felt speechless, but it was realistic.

In the current era, whether they were youkai or onmyouji, they needed money.

"As for Kuoh? It is already owned by the devil, especially the Gremory clan."

Serafall looked at Rias with a smile, "Right, Rias?"

"Yes." Rias nodded proudly. "The Kuoh town is owned by the Gremory house."

"So no youkai or an onmyouji will come unless they want to be labeled as a sinner. How do you say... it is like an embassy in the human world? The land owned by the embassy is like the land the country represented."

Serafall then looked at Riser. "In your case, it is like California, New York, and Saint Petersburg, where your family governs the human world."

If his needs could be found in those three cities, then he wouldn't be troubled, okay?

"Or rather, Riser-chan, your family has a lot of money, and your tears can be made into an elixir that can heal anything. With your status, whichever place you want to visit, you are free since if they threaten you, they might not be able to get their hands on Phenex Tears."

Phenex Tears.

This was the reason why his family would be treated in an exalted manner.

"Still, why don't you tell the truth? Who do you want me to introduce you to? Let your Onee-chan help you~?"

Serafall hugged his neck intimately as he whispered, blowing hot air and trying to tempt him.

Usually, he would blush and be tempted, but he wasn't and only amazed since Serafall noticed his purpose from the beginning to the end, which made him a little helpless.

His family might have a considerable influence due to the Phenex Tears, but he needed Serafall's introduction if he wanted to meet the leaders of the youkai.

He might be the third son of Lord Phenex and had a reputation as the "Blue Phenex," but in the eyes of those youkais in Japan, he was nobody.

Riser realized the importance of reputation and knew that to make his life comfortable; his name needed to have a reputation that could deter people and make people in awe.


"Geez, Sona-chan~! Don't be so jealous~!"

As the two sisters argued with each other, Riser thought that mooching his wife's family was really great.

Still, before that, there was something that he needed to do.

"By the way, Sona, let me show you my craft. I will show you my grilling technique."

Watching Sona, who had burnt BBQ meats no matter how many times she tried and even calmly fed him, Riser decided that he should take the matter of cooking personally to his hands.