Chapter 62: Madam, your hairstyle is dangerous

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 62: Madam, your hairstyle is dangerous


As someone that was mentioned, Ravel opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

Not only Ravel but everyone was the same since Misla threw this question so suddenly.

However, Rias and Sona looked at Ravel in a complicated manner.

Whether Rias or Sona had been troubled by an engagement previously, but in the end, Sona was happy with her engagement since she got a wonderful husband, but Rias? The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Rias looked at Ravel, then looked at Riser.

She wondered what made her hate him so much.

Was it due to his playboy nature?

Was it due to how he saw her as the heir of the Gremory house instead of herself as a single individual?

No, everything because she didn't want to have an engagement to begin with.

—or rather, she had never given him a chance!

She hated to have an engagement and didn't want to marry someone for such a reason.

Then, to break that engagement, she decided to choose Issei.

Issei, who was known as the most famous pervert in her school, was a way to break her engagement.

When Rias thought all of this, she realized how stupid she was.

To exchange Riser for Issei...

She wondered what was inside her head at that time!

Then, this happened.

Everything was too late.

If she could return to the past, she wanted to slap herself!

However, even if it was too late, she wouldn't give up since she knew her chance wasn't zero, and she believed she could seduce him.

Still, as for now, she could only watch him from a distance with a longing expression.

"Mother, what were you saying?!" Saioraorg panicked. He just came to visit his friend, yet why did his mother suddenly mention his engagement?

"You are not young anymore, Sairaorg, yet from what I have heard, you don't even have a single relationship with any ladies. If I don't do this, then I am afraid you might spend your days in the training room."

Misla was also helpless since, while it was good, her son was training hard; she was also worried since Sairaorg didn't seem to have an interest in a lady. Instead, Sairaorg was so excited when he met Riser.

In that case, she might as well be bold and propose an engagement to Ravel, Riser's little sister.


Sairaorg was so helpless since facing his mother; he couldn't be like a proud lion who faced anyone without fear.

Facing his mother, he could only succumb and lower his head.

Nevertheless, everyone was waiting for him since they wanted to know his answer.

'There aren't any options?'

During this situation, Riser thought that he would receive options at such a moment.

[No, I want to see how to answer this.]

'You want to know how I'm going to answer this?'

After all, as he had said before, Ravel was his little sister, but at the same time, he wasn't Riser.

In his heart, it was impossible for him to see her as his little sister, and he could only see her as a woman.

Moreover, he was already married.

All of his peerage members were also his harem members.

With so many females by his side, did he still lack a woman?

Lastly, the other women aside, what would his wife think if he really laid his hands on his little sister?

Because of that, if Ravel could be close to another gentleman, except for Issei and Diodora, then it would be great.

Sairaorg was definitely the best candidate.

"I see..." Misla sighed. "She is lucky to have you as an older brother." Those words were uttered in a mutter.

"Still, isn't it selfish of us not to hear the opinion of the party involved?" Riser looked at Sairaorg and asked, "Sairaorg, what do you think?"

"What do I think?" Sairaorg fell in silence for a moment before he shook his head. "If it's my duty as the heir of the Bael house, then I will do it without hesitation, but at the same time, if you ask me whether I am ready or not, then I am not. I am not ready for any relationship with any lady. My path is hard, and I don't want her to be tortured because of me."

While he had power, he hadn't shown his worth.

Not yet.

Sairaorg still needed to wait until his "Rating Game" debut to show his worth and officially become the head of the Bael house before he had leeway for the others.

[Is this your answer?]

While Riser nodded, thinking that Sairaorg was a great guy as ever, the system suddenly talked to him.

'You're disappointed?'

[No, as a villain, you don't need to be troubled by the matter of a woman. If you want to discard them, then discard them.]

'How callous...'

[Yet, isn't it strange of you to be alright with the women of others, not your little sister?]

'...I guess it's just a matter of taste?'

Riser realized that he might not have that much of an interest in "Imouto Moe," but he was interested in "MILF," especially when he saw Misla tie her hair in a loose braid and put it on her shoulder.

However, he definitely couldn't say it since he was sure that Sairaorg would punch him.

Still, he needed to say to Misla that her hairstyle was dangerous, but—

"Instead of a lover, right now, I am more interested in this."

Saioraorg suddenly clenched his fists, showing his muscular frame under that body, but then, he looked at Riser and said, "I know that it might be rude of me to say this, but Riser, do you think we can have a match?"

"........" Everyone.

This guy... they felt that this guy would become single for a long time.



Ravel was inside her room, crying, hugging her pillow tightly before her hand crept into her skirt.

"Onii-sama... Onii-sama... Onii-sama..."

The sound of her sobs and moans blended as she drowned herself in pleasure.


I like it slow, okay?