Chapter 163: The Lord of Criminals

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 163: The Lord of Criminals

Riser was on the rooftop of the best building with a cigarette dangling from his lips as he stared at the Phenex City.

Undoubtedly, this day was one of his happiest days as it waswhen he would be promoted to the "Ultimate-Class Devil."

Usually, this type of event would be held on Lilith, the current Capital of the Satan territory ruled by Sirzechs Lucifer, but Riser chose the Phenex domain for his promotion.

Still, no one said anything, especially when he had the support of Zekram Bael.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

This time, his backing wasn't Serafall Leviathan but Zekram Bael, the ancestor of the Bael House and the real leader of the Great King Faction.

Nevertheless, due to this, the Phenex Domain was full of a festive mood. There was even a huge festival where everyone was having fun because the children of their Lord became the "Ultimate-Class Devil."

Still, due to his decision, Sirzech Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub didn't come.

The only members of the Four Maous who had decided to come were Serafall Leviathan and Falbium Asmodeus.

It was also due to his parents being slightly tense, but Riser didn't care and just continued to do what he wished.

However, even without Azazel's reminder, Riser also knew how pointless his fight was. In the end, everything started due to that worthless engagement. If he was reincarnated early, then would this problem even exist?

Yet, everything had become tangled and impossible to be untied unless the other gave up.

Still, it was impossible for him to give up first since he knew by giving up, he would show his weakness.

When he showed his weakness, the world wouldn't be so kind to him.

It was also due to this that he continued to fight Sirzech and even dared to fight Ajuka.

[Congratulations, you have received three random rewards.]


[Did you forget that you will receive rewards when you mess the Grigori up?]

Many things happened lately, and the system also didn'tbother him, so he forgot about his rewards.

[Do you need to consult something with me?]


Riser had to say that the system was kind and gentle, even though it was quite messed up in the beginning.

Perfect Crime.


It might appear strange for him to show such a reaction, but when he read the description of this ability, many would think his reaction was normal.

This ability wouldn't make him stronger, and it also hardly helped him in a fight, yet strangely enough, this ability was useful. If he had to make a comparison, it was like the "Achieve Magic" that he got from Aika before. This "Perfect Crime" was such an ability.

Yet, he had to say this ability was rather frightening.

The Perfect Crime is a reality-altering ability that allows him to perfectly erase any evidence of a crime.

Yes, any crime.

With this ability, as long as he committed a crime, all of the evidence that pointed out that he was a criminal would be erased.

It might be hard to imagine, but if he made an example: if he stole the wallet of someone in the street, even with many cameras surrounding him, as long as he activated this ability, all of that evidence would disappear strangely.

Naturally, there was a weakness in this ability as it couldn't change or affect people's memories at a crime scene.

However, as long as there weren't any people, no one would be able to find out that it was he who committed the crime.

Moreover, he also had an "Area of Invisibility," and no one knew he had this ability.

In other words, he was simply a perfect criminal.

'But reality-alter, huh?'

When he thought about it, even if this ability was quite small or even weak, it had a frightening effect as it could alter reality.

Yet, his timing to get this ability was good as there was something that he wanted to do after this.

Nevertheless, while he was satisfied with his second reward, he couldn't help but look at his third reward.

'Devil Fruit again, huh?'

If it was just a normal version, he wouldn't dare to eat it unless he did a body modification surgery on his body, but it was different from the version that he got from the system, so even if he ate two, he would be okay.

Yet, he had to say, he felt weird when the two Devil Fruits he got were all non-cannon Devil Fruits, which were eaten by characters in the filler episodes, but since there was no limit to the development of the Devil Fruit ability, he didn't really mind as those abilities could grow stronger as long as he had an imagination no matter how weird the abilities were.

This "Peto Peto No Mi" would be his third Devil Fruit, and he didn't hesitate to eat it.

Yet, as he ate the Devil Fruit, he couldn't help but be amazed as the ability of this Devil Fruit was rather terrifying.