Chapter 192: New

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 192: New

When Vali pierced Sirzech's heart, no one was able to react as they saw this situation in disbelief.

Not only Azazel, Michael, and the others who had a good relationship with Sirzech, but Katerea and the other members of the Old Maou Faction who had joined the Khaos Brigade were stunned.

Katerea and those from the Old Maou Faction knew how powerful Sirzech was, and it was also the reason why they gave up resistance since they knew no matter how they tried, they would die under Sirzech's attack. Moreover, Sirzech had killed many of the members of their factions, so his existence gave them terror that they often had a nightmare in their every dream due to him.

However, after they joined the Khaos Brigade, everything changed when they gained power from the Infinite Dragon, Ophis. Nevertheless, even if they knew they had become stronger, it didn't mean they were confident to fight Sirzech. Instead, they were cautious.

Still, when they saw Vali had killed Sirzech, all of them were startled and surprised before they laughed.


Katerea was so happy. "Good! Good! Vali! You did a good job!"

However, those who participated in these three factions' meetings were in terror as the leader of the Devil, Sirzech Lucifer, died.

Serafall was startled, but she quickly reacted.

"Let go of him!"

The entire area was frozen instantly as everything turned into a frigid land of ice.

Still, for Vali, who was in his Juggernaut Drive state, it was easy to handle as he could halve and absorb all of Serafall's attacks.

The two then quickly fought each other, but this situation became even tenser, especially Grayafia.

"Sirzech...? Sirzech...?"

Grayfia looked at her husband, who had died in disbelief, hugging him tightly as she called his name so many times, hoping that everything was a dream.

The rest weren't much different as they had lost their composure with the death of Sirzech Lucifer.


Rias screamed hysterically as she watched all of this in horror and was unable to believe it.

The strongest devil in the Underworld, Sirzech Lucifer, died.

No one wanted to believe it, as the image of invincibility pictured by Sirzech remained on everyone's mind.

There was no such devil that would die like this!

Yet, the reality?

Sirzech died with his heart pierced and his head beheaded.

At this moment, all the devils that were present couldn't maintain their calm, including Serafall, who was fighting Vali.

Nevertheless, even though they had been fighting, Vali didn't seem to hurt Serafall. To be honest, if he wanted to defeat Serafall, it was easy for him, especially when Serafall's condition was far from the best, and he was in his best state.

Frankly, it was weird for him.

His mind was in a mess, yet his body worked perfectly like a machine controlled by a program, but it was good as thinking was just exhausting at that moment, and he just wanted to rest.

Yet, was it possible?

Was Vali too exhausted after his fight with Sirzech?

Katerea thought so and didn't feel surprised since she knew how strong Sirzech was. Moreover, after Sirzech, Vali's opponent was Serafall, the fake Leviathan. Even though she hated Serafall so much, she also had to admit that Serafall was powerful.

Yet, a blazing light changed everything.

It came so fast that no one could react.

At that moment, the barrier that surrounded the Kuoh Academy vanished without a trace due to the heat.

"Ri-Riser Phenex.."

"Huh? Isn't he in the Underworld?"

"So-So strong!"

Yet, more importantly, how could Riser come so fast?

Katerea's expression had also changed since she was also familiar with Riser.

There was no doubt among the current generation that Riser was the brightest, if not the strongest, so watching him suddenly appear made her tense, especially when his fighting video was seen everywhere, but soon, Katerea snorted.

"It's just a brat. What are you scared of?!"

Nevertheless, Katerea was interested in Riser, and if possible, she thought to invite him to the Khaos Brigade, especially when Riser seemed to hate Sirzech. Moreover, it seemed to be quite interesting to play with such a strong young man.

Katerea licked her lips and said, "Hey, you there, how about you—"

"Venetian Blast."

Ignoring Katerea's words, as soon as he arrived, Riser suddenly radiated intense heat before he shot a continuous stream of concentrated fire beams, killing all the enemies instantly.

No one was able to scream, and as they were hit, their bodies burnt into ashes without any resistance.

Even Katerea, whose power had increased due to Ophis, was also frightened, raising a barrier, yet it was meaningless as her body burnt into ashes after being hit by Riser's attack. Nevertheless, she didn't get furious at Riser. Instead, she cursed Vali as he didn't invite her to run away.

Facing this stream of fire beam, all the resistance was meaningless.

Everyone turned into ashes without exception.

At this moment, no one said anything, and they just fell in silence, daze, yet their heart was beating so fast, hoping that they weren't attacked by Riser.

Yet Riser's control over his fire manipulation was flawless.

Riser didn't damage that except for killing the enemies; no one was hurt, nor did he damage the environment.

He did a perfect killing without a single mistake.

Then, as the light disappeared, they could see his figure, standing in midair, as his blazing flame wings gave so much majesty that they might bow down, but—

"No one moves. The moment you move, I will kill you."

His words brought so much chill that the world seemed to stand still.

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