Chapter 218: Charging into the last boss!

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 218: Charging into the last boss!

Killing. Killing. Burning. Killing. Killing. Burning.

In those days, Riser spent most of his time killing and burning everything that was related to the fake Phoenix Tears.

Even though he was a bastard, he was still working diligently, but he had to say, the world was vast, and it took quite a while for him to walk around the planet as the fake Phenex Tears circulated all over the world.

Not only the mafia, the rich people, those magicians, and many had their hands on the fake Phenex Tears, but there was no mercy.

All of them were killed without any differences.

Those who bought the fake Phenex Tears might be someone with a high position, influence, or even rich, but in front of overwhelming power, everything was meaningless.

Naturally, he wasn't alone as he also talked with the devils, the angels, and the fallen angels, who took their job seriously. No one slacked off, and all of them followed his instruction to kill without hesitation, no matter who the people were.

The devils and the fallen angels aside, Riser only sent the angels to the trash of society, a group of people who were better off begone from the world since it was impossible for them to kill good people who bought the fake Phenex Tears to cure their beloved who was sick.

Still, it was also due to this that whether it was the devils, fallen angels, or angels were in a daze, wondering how Riser was able to find all of those clues which were related to the fake Phenex Tears, and at the same time, they also wondered.

If Riser knew everything about the fake Phenex Tears, then he should be able to know the other thing, right?The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Such a thought somehow crossed their minds, and it gave them a chill.

While the devil was happy by how strong their new leader was, after all, information was a weapon, the angel was quite helpless, but since they were an ally, they also felt relief and knew they weren't an enemy, and Riser could help them in case they needed help.

As for the fallen angels, all of them had given up, especially when those who wanted to betray Riser were all killed by Riser's instructions. No one really knew how Riser knew those traitors were, but they had decided to become an enemy; he didn't show mercy, especially when they were just small fries. Moreover, it was easier to kill them now, as he only killed a few.

If he killed them later, he was afraid that he might have killed many of them, and the fallen angel might be on the verge of extinction.

Nevertheless, all the fallen angels didn't dare to fight him again as their lives, whether it was their lives, families, and children, were in his hands. They could hide and run away, but did they have the confidence to stop him from finding them?

Riser could find those who wished to betray him instantly, and he also didn't waste his time by talking and asking why they betrayed him but just killed them without showing much difference.

So, at that moment, the fallen angels had already given up as they didn't have the power to fight him. Moreover, by following him, they also felt relief as he didn't ask them anything unreasonable. He just let them go on with their lives without bothering them, and they could live without worry as they would be under his protection.

Was such a life terrible?

That was why Riser decided to go to the source of those fake Phenex Tears, which was the headquarters of the Khaos Brigade.

With his "Location," nothing could be hidden from him.

As long as he wished, everything could be found out, and no one could escape from him.

At that moment, as he entered the corner of the world, he saw many devils on guard in front of an enormous western castle with a gloomy aura, yet it appeared so aristocratic and luxurious.

Nevertheless, even if he walked toward them, no one noticed him as he was using an "Area of Invisibility." As he walked, he could see everyone's anxious expression, especially those goons.

"What should we do? That damnable fake Lucifer is good at finding our hiding place!"

"Can we really win?"

"...if we give up, will they let us go?"

Everyone fell in silence as they had seen the terror of Riser.

Riser's power was clear to everyone, but what made him even scarier was his unknown ability how to find all of them. Moreover, Riser was extremely cruel as he only let a single person leave, leaving the rest to die.

As for why he let one among those he killed escape, it was so they could tell the others about him, so that way, they would be scared.

At this moment, everyone was in fear as they thought their hiding place might be known and they would be attacked by Riser and the armor of devil, fallen angel, and angel so suddenly.

However, what they didn't know, Riser was standing among them, listening to their conversation curiously.

"What are you scared of?! There is no way that we can return right now!? Do you think they will let us go? No way! Also, you shouldn't say something like that. If others listen and you are reported, we will anger Asmedeus-sama and Beelzbub-sama. When that happens, you all will—"

By those words, everyone fell in silence, but they didn't have confidence in their current leader as Riser was just too aggressive, especially when they thought about his speech, who would find them no matter how they hid. To be honest, it was a bad move for them to create fake Phenex Tears, especially when the new Lucifer came from the Phenex House.

However, what could they do?

They needed money!

Still, Riser knew that hearing anymore was meaningless as there was no way he could get anything by hearing the talk of those foot soldiers. Instead, he went even deeper, entering the castle as he met the leaders of the Old Satan Faction within the Khaos Brigade.