Chapter 391: Angel Massacre

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 391: Angel Massacre

This was probably the difference between the angel with the devil and the fallen angel.

If it was the devil and the fallen angel, even if one was a leader of this race, there was still a chance for their followers to betray them.

However, the angel was different.

As everyone had chosen Michael as their leader, no one disobeyed his orders, and they raised their blade of light to kill the human who dared to attack them!



"Wa-Wait! This is different?!"

Yet, it was too late.

One, four, tens, hundreds, then thousands.

All of them were killed by the angels without any emotions on their faces.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience




Yet, no one listened to their pleas. All the angels moved like machines and massacred those insolent humans.

Did they think that an angel was a kind being?

Did they think that an angel was the protector of the human being?

Did they think that an angel wouldn't do anything when they were attacked?

No way.

Everyone was at a loss and stared at Michael in disbelief.

Unlike the original angels, who followed Michael without any hesitations and killed all the humans without saying a single word, all the reincarnated angels hesitated until, in the end, one of them said, "No, I won't kill"

Michael simply killed this person with a single swing of his sword. Looking at the sword in his hand, he had to say that he felt that it was a nice reward from Riser. The sword given to him was quite similar to the sword given to Baraqiel, but its color was white, and silver gave off a divine feeling.

Holding this sword, his aura became even mythical and made people tremble in fear when they saw him.

Moreover, he also got stronger under the sun, which made him realize how amazing this sword would be.

"This is the last time. If you can't listen to me, then die."

Nevertheless, Michael never forgave them. This group of reincarnated angels was also partly the reason why the humans became insolent and dared to fight the heavens. At the same time, he also thought about how the devils would kill the reincarnated devil that had gone astray; he felt like they should do the same to the reincarnated angel who couldn't listen to his words. However, if they agreed, was there a point for him to do this cruel thing?

All of them trembled in fear as it was their first time to see Michael, who was so cold. Michael exuded a killing intent, and once they didn't agree, they would be killed by Michael. Should they be killed because they didn't want to kill their compatriots, or should they kill the others because they were ordered to do so and to protect their lives?

Yet, only a few of them knew what it was all about because of their acts to attackheaven.

If they hadn't attacked heaven, would all of this have happened?

So, many started to resent Michael, yet somehow Michael knew those who resented him and just killed them without a word. Or rather, his acts of killing the others were like a countdown, and if they didn't move, all of them would be killed by him.

By then, someone started to move and charged toward the humans who attacked heaven, as there were still a lot of them.


When one started to move, the others also followed. All of them then started to kill those humans with tears in their eyes, almost crazily.

Watching this, Michael didn't do anything until suddenly, a strong breeze covered the entire field and stopped the angel's movement.


Michael looked at the person who easily stopped everyone, the owner of the 2nd strongest Longinus and the greatest disappointment of the reincarnated angel.

Dulio Gesualdo.