Chapter 59: Breaking the Monsters

Chapter 59: Breaking the Monsters

Gan Salin entered insane mode.

He tried again to wear the gloves, but his hands were shaking, and the flames hot on his heels. Fine! he roared. Canine Dash! Letting the gloves drop, he fell on all fours and ran so fast he almost disappeared.

From the stands, Jack raised his brows, and the audience erupted into clamor.

Vivi remained standing. A barrier of blue flames erupted around her, flowing like water. At the same time, she kept moving, dashing backward and rotating her hands. Her previous river of flames followed Gan Salin and was lagging behind, but a new one appeared, stretching wide to block his path.

Gan Salin made a barking sound. Though his path was blocked, and though he was insane, he wasnt a simple character.

His second Dao RootResolveflared, making him unwavering. He ran straight into the flames and cut through them like a dogfish, screaming but enduring the pain. A moment later, he was out, charred and tattered. His clothes were on fire at the edges, but his red eyes stared right at Vivi.

She still wasnt done. Though her back had reached the wall, her hands still moved. The flames were increasing in volume, more rising from the ground every moment, and the nearby sand had turned into jagged glass. The first river was coming over as well. Gan Salin had to finish the fight quickly or be drowned in fire.

He screamed and rushed forth.

The blue flames around Vivi formed into a glowing armor in the color of hot iron. They were dancing and flowing around her, up and down, left and right, coming and going with the rhythmic movements of her hands like waves. That wasnt how flames were supposed to move.

Jack realized she had another Dao Root. The Dao Root of Water? Of the River?

Gan Salin reached her, and without stopping, fell onto her. His skin was charred and his face twisted into a crazed visage, but he pushed through. Even through his madness, he knew that this was do or die. Their battle had reached its climax in the blink of an eye!

The river of flames coiled harder around Vivi. Gan Salin opened his palm and stabbed it at her. Five-Star Grasp! he shouted. The tips of his nailswhich were more like clawsglowed white.

His hand pierced into the flames. The pain must have been excruciating because Gan Salins screams rose to new levels. The closer he got to Vivis body, the higher the temperature, and his skin was melting, and his claws were about to drop. But he didnt stop.

With a final push, he dug into her chest, penetrating an inch but no more. He retracted his hand almost immediately, unable to take the scorching heat any longer, and fell back. His entire arm was black and smoking. Vivi was bleeding, but the flames rivers she had unleashed had arrived, and they were about to smother Gan Salin. He was surrounded and out of momentum.

I resign! he shouted fearfully, coiling around himself to protect against the flames. Some reached him, as Vivi was unable to stop in time, but they quickly withdrew and vanished into red wisps, then nothingness.

Just like that, it was over.

The entire arena held their breaths. Then, all at once, they cheered like crazy, shouting so hard that the rock shook. People stood in their seats and hollered, and first among them were the members of Flame River, who celebrated their leaders victory with joy rivaling hers.

This fight had been by far the most intense so far. Both opponents were at Level 41 and possessed two Dao Roots. Where others fought with sticks and stones, Vivi had created multiple rivers of flame and unleashed them at her opponent, flooding her entire section of the arena.

Moreover, she had fought against a scion and won. She had proven that humans could stand against these monsters. She had brought hope.

Amidst the cheers, Vivi held her bleeding chest with one hand and extended the other towards Salin to help him stand. It was an offer of peace, and a way to further cement herself as a hero in the eyes of all who were watching.

Gan Salin looked at her hand and ignored it. Gritting his teeth in pain, he shot off the sand, then jumped again on some spectator stands and disappeared in the curtained-off section. Supposedly, there was a healer there.

Vivi used warm air to fly to the lip of the stands, then walked to her seat amidst the audiences cheers. However, when she got there, Jack wasnt looking at her. His gaze was aimed at the curtain separating the scions from common mortals, where the shark-man from before still leaned against the railing, following Vivi with his predatory eyes. He was clearly dissatisfied with the battles result.

When she reached her seat next to Jack, the sharken caught Jacks stare and gave a wide, wide smiled filled with rows of sharp teeth. He then retreated inside the curtain, following after Gan Salin.

Jack turned to Vivi. Well-fought! he exclaimed. That was amazing!

She gave him a tired smile. Im glad. She then sat down, taking deep breaths and calming herself.

Do you need medical assistance? he asked, motioning at her chest, where blood was still dampening her shirt.

She shook her head. Ill be fine. I have regeneration. His strike wasnt too deep, anyway.

Alright. Jack nodded. Againgreat fight. I really hope I never match against you.

Because you admire me?

Because Id have to spank a hero of humanity.

She groaned, but her smile could not be hidden.

Whatever you say, big man.

Excuse me, a voice suddenly came from the side. It was Edgar, who had overpowered his antisocial tendencies and walked over. Jack noticed a glint in his eye; the excited glint he showed only when magic was on the table. Can I ask you a question?

Vivi hesitated for a moment, then said, Sure.

How did you sustain all those flames? They looked tremendous, but they must have taken a lot of mana.

Hmm. Jack took a moment. He did have someone in mind, but he first wanted to consider how all-in he should go on this thing. Vivi gave him time, turning to watch a couple of uninteresting fights.

Jack pondered. Both him and his spanking persona were on the shitlist of two scions, including the strongest one, Rufus Emberheart. He was definitely an enemy of the scions, who were allied with the Ice Peak.

Therefore, he needed allies himself, and there wasnt a strong enough third party besides the Flame River, which was already opposed to both the scions and the Ice Peak. If he avoided their conflict altogether, he needed the Flame River to win, or he would be the next to fall.

And, if the Flame River could win without him, they sure as hell could win with him.

He was in.

The Sage, he told her. She raised a brow.


A guy who looks like a beggar. I havent seen him fight, but his divination powers are scary. Im still not 100% sure hes not a conman, but I tend to believe him.

Divination powers? Vivis eyes widened. As in, he can predict the future?

Kind of. I dont know exactly how it works, to be honest, but he seems like a pretty useful person to have at hand.

I see. She nodded seriously. Okay. Ill approach him.

Thats all from me. I dont know anyone else. Has the Ice Peak gotten anyone?

Nobody important. They arent working as hard as we are, given that they already have the scions. They did approach the metal guy from yesterdaythe one with the guitarbut I think he turned them away. Hes also on my list.

Jack nodded.

Good. Im glad we got this out of the way, John, Vivi said with a smile, extending a hand. To a pleasant cooperation.

To a triumphant alliance. Jack shook her hand, perfectly aware of all the eyes on him.

Then, Ill be going now, Vivi said. Ive already busied you enough for today.

Sure thing. See you around, Vivi.

See you, John.

With a final hug at Brockwho seemed oddly receptive of her affection, though he would have punched anyone else that tried to hug himshe took off, slowly crossing the stands to get to where the rest of her faction waited. Most of those peoplethere were five in total, three men and two womennodded at Jack, who nodded back.

What was all that about? Karvahul asked, approaching.

Were in an alliance now, Karvahul. You too, Edgar. The Flame River is our friend, the Ice Peak and scions are the enemies.

Karvahul exclaimed, The scions!?

I was already enemies with those.

Oh His blue face paled a little. I see

Dont worry. We got them.

With enough experience balls to reach Level 49 and enough training, he might be able to stand against Rufus Emberheart. Maybe. His heart still clenched at the memory of that guys attack, but it wasnt like he had a choice. It was do or die.

What are you planning to do now, Jack? Edgar asked.

Watch the fights, I guess. He shrugged. I get the feeling that watching strong people fight will be good for my growth. Who knowsI might get some insight. Ill go train with my robot in the afternoon.

Oh, the joys of being an Integration Tournament participant Karvahul lamented.

Sounds like a good plan. Edgar nodded, then returned to flying his birds.

However, the universe disagreed. It hadnt been a minute since Jack sat down to watch when a figure approached him; a short, Asian-looking teenager with two daggers strapped to his belt: Dorman Whistles.

Hello, he said, speaking only to Jack.


Spar with me.