Chapter 104: Boss Fight

Chapter 104: Boss Fight

Jack stood slowly. Though he had been smacked hard, it was nothing but a scratch to his new, iron-like body. The true loss was the energy hed expended so far. Going into the boss fight weakened was a terrible idea, but what could he do?

Sure, he replied, dusting himself off. Are you sure youre ready, though? I can wait another hour.

Silence, weakling. Rufus paused for a moment before continuing. I admit I miscalculated. I thought I could finish the breakthrough in time, even without the Rainbow Dao Pillbut in the end, I underestimated my own superiority. Something truly perfect takes time.

Is that what you tell yourself to feel better? I dont know, man. I started my breakthrough after you and still finished first.

That has nothing to do with your strength. Rufus frowned. You simply ignored all security guidelines. You went at it like a monkey, heedless of failures consequences.

I did not intend to fail. If you needed failsafes, maybe you just arent as superior as you like to think.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

We will see about that. Rufuss eyes sharpened at every word that left Jacks mouth. His heavy aura circled his body, striking Jack with its majesty. Perhaps taunting an angry lion was not a good idea.

Our battle will prove who is superior, the leonine declared loudly, speaking to the world. We have both just broken through to the E-Grade. We are at the same Level, both with perfect Dao Seeds. Our titles give us the exact same benefits. We have both drunk the Immortality Serum. The victor between us will be decided by pure skill.

Jack actually counted the +50 from the Immortality Serum as a huge advantage. He had forgotten that, as the second place winner of the tournament, Rufus also got one of those.

Who am I kidding? He would have gotten it anyway. Who knows what else he has.

Enough talking, Rufus. Lets fight, he said, bumping his fists together. Over the last month, this had slowly developed into his pre-fight ritual.

He couldnt deny his excitement. Despite all the stakes riding on his back, he had been really looking forward to this battle ever since the tournament began. Rufus Emberheart was the biggest, baddest guy aroundand Jack was about to punch his face in.

Of course, Rufus replied. Shall we give our battle the attention it deserves by moving to the main stage?

Jack gazed at the sands. The stage was filled with debris, as well as Gan Salins unconscious body and his guardian robot. He also spotted Edgars legs peeking out from under a bunch of fallen seats. Worry gripped his heart, but he didnt have that luxury right now.

No need, he said, turning back to Rufus. Here is good enough.

The leonine frowned. Then prepare yourself. I shall let the whole world see the consequences of challenging a king.

The only king here is your mo

Before Jack could finish his words, Rufus appeared before him. There was no warning, no sound, no time to respond. One moment, he stood twenty feet away, and the next he was right up Jacks nose, an open paw already hurtling at his chest. Jack clenched on reflex.

The paw smacked him head-on, sending him flying into the stage. He smashed hard into the sand and the rock below, skipping over the ground twice before rolling to a stop. His head was wobbly as he stood, and he had trouble breathing for a moment.

Whats the matter? Rufus asked, landing softly in the stage. I thought you wanted to stay in the stands.

You didnt give me a choice, dipshit.

That wasnt the right response, apparently. Rufus disappeared again. This time, Jack saw how he did it. He caught a glimpse of his foot tapping the ground right before he teleported. It was a movement Skill, like Jacks, except he wasnt used to the speed of E-Grade fighting. It was simply on a whole new level.

Unfortunately, glimpsing at something and stopping it were two entirely different concepts. Jack ducked by pure instinct, but the paw still smashed the top of his head and sent him flying. He crashed into the wall, forming a web of cracks behind him, then landed on his feet and stumbled.

Perhaps all that waiting got you rusty, Rufus said, laughing. Let me bring you up to speed.

The guy was a sucker for posturing. Be it against Li Xiang, Dorman, or Jack, he always tried to win in the most overbearing fashion.

That made Jack angry. Rufus could be as fast as he wanted, but Jack would be damned if he just stood there and let himself take a beating.

He had a movement skill, too.

However, Rufus only smiled sadly. Yes, he replied. He charged again.

Jack barely managed to react in time. He took a punch and flew back, then landed, turned, and charged back in. All the while, his mind whirled. What was the best way to disengage?


Dorman roared like an animal as he charged forth, daggers held at the ready. Right, a voice rang in his mind, and he sidestepped just as an ice spike flew past.

He, the Sage, brother Tao, Vanderdecken, along with Vivi and what remained of the Flame Riveronly half their original numberwere clashing against Alexander Petrovic and his four Ice Peak members. Jack Rust was battling Rufus Emberheart in the arena below, but that wasnt their battle. This was.

Dorman charged again. Lightning flew over his skin as he tore through the Ice Peak defenses, but a new wall of ice appeared to block his path. He cursed as he jumped backward.

Though they were more, the fighters of Ice Peak could work together to block them. Especially Dormanfor the second time lately, he found himself countered by his opponents. It was even more infuriating this time because he was sure he could beat Alexander if they fought one-on-one.

Vivi was injured, but she stood behind the front line and did what she could to help.

The battle was balanced for now. Dorman was confident they would win eventuallyas long as Jack didnt lose to Rufus.

Lightning crawled over his skin again. He charged.


Ooh Gan Salin grabbed his head. What happened?

His ears were filled with explosions. His eyes snapped open, taking in a field of destruction. Two forms flickered in and out of his sight, fiercely tearing into each other: Rufus Emberheart and Jack Rust.

Gan Salin had lost to both of them before, but now, they werent even on the same level as him. Their arms moved so fast he couldnt track them. Their forms blurred in his eyes. They seemed to exchange more than one hit at the same time, and every punch or paw landed with a colossal impact that could easily blast Gan Salin apart. And these madmen were throwing dozens of these hits like it was nothing.

Like berserk immortals.

I must be dreaming, Gan Salin concluded. He closed his eyes, counted to four, then opened them again. Crap. I am not dreaming.

A stray meteor flew his way. Before Gan could even consider fleeing, his robot bodyguard got in the way, bracing its shield. It was instantly sent flying, darting past Salin to land on the wall behind him. It recovered, but its shield was now dented.

Gan Salin couldnt dent that shield if he struck it for a day and a night.

Alrighty, he thought, standing and dusting himself off. Time to go.

His entire body was in pain, his clothes were so tattered they barely protected his dignity, and he bled from several places, including a shallow, bloody hole in his chest where at least one bone was broken. At least, he had a regeneration Skill.

He was lucky to be alive.

The pain was terrible, but hed gone through worse. The Dao of Insanity was a bitch to cultivate.

While Rufus and Jack went at it, trying to smash each other into paste, Gan Salin tiptoed to the arena exit and passed through, his robot in tow.

He then climbed the stairs and reached the stands, from where he could watch the fight in relative safety. There was another fight going on, but he didnt care about it; only Rufuss was important. He was very curious to see who would win. No, that wasnt entirely true; he knew that Rufus would win. He hadnt even used his King Form yet.

The question was, how far would Jack Rust push him?

If Gan Salin was being honest, he kinda liked Jack. He made fun things happen. Too bad hell die today, but oh well. Enemies get stitches. No, waitwas it graves? Frenemies?

He laughed. It didnt really matter. Most things didnt.