Chapter 178: History

Chapter 178: History

Jack didnt respond right away. He savored the words. Invite me into Black Hole Church?

Yes, the Sage replied. You already know Im part of itthough I hope youve kept this information safe. Dorman is one of us, too, as are many people across the galaxy. And we want you.

To the side, Dorman nodded.

Isnt the Black Hole Church a terrorist organization? Jack asked, crossing his arms.

Thats what the Hand of God says. In truth, we are the good side here.

How so?

The Sage smiled. Because the galaxyand the wider universeis a palace of oppression. The offspring of misunderstanding, built on a foundation of irreversible disaster. We fight against the tyrants, hence we are deemed criminals.

Thats a lot of words to make no sense.

The Sage burst out laughing. Jack reminded himself that, despite his appearance, this was a deeply charismatic man. He had to keep his guard up.

What do you know about the Immortals, Jack? the Sage finally asked.

Not much. I know they made the System and were robots created by the Ancients. Nauja had told him as much in the Forbidden Cave.

Correct. Why did they create the System?

To defend against the Old Ones.

In more detail?

Jack frowned. He felt like he was tested in school, but gave the Sage the benefit of the doubt. The Old Ones destroyed the Ancients. In revenge, the Immortals created the System to start a crusade and push them off.

Aha, the Sage said calmly. You do know some things. Thats good; means I dont have to overload you with information. But not everything is as youve heard.

Jack raised a brow. Oh?

I will explain. However, I am limited in what I can reveal unless you join us, so please bear with me.

Ill try.

History, you see, is written by the victors. Many times, the truth is twisted There were three main groups once: the Old Ones, the Ancients, and the Immortals. After the Ancients were destroyedwhich wasnt as simple as you may thinkthe Immortals indeed created the System and eventually launched a crusade against the Old Gods, pushing them to the fringes of the universe, outside System territory. However, the Crusade did not manage to kill a single Old God.

You must remember, now, that the Immortals were created for the sole purpose of defeating the Old Gods. That was their core directive, and it remains so until today. As a result, their System is a menace to the world. You have felt its malice first-hand; it pits all living creatures against each other, uncaring about the number of sacrifices and mountains of pain. Its only purpose is to create strong soldiers against the Old Godsand damned be everything else. That is quite the terrible ruler, wouldnt you agree?

Jack considered it for a moment. This makes sense.

After all, he had seen how the Integration worked. It was a meat grinder that killed a billion people to create one strong immortal. So far, everything the Sage had said was in line with what Jack knew.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

Im glad, the Sage continued. For some people, that is fine. But not for us. The Black Hole Church is an organization created to dismantle the System, slay the Immortals, and restore peace in the universe. This perpetual war we are embroiled in is a remnant of the Immortals programming, which is stuck now, since the Ancients are gone. Someone needs to put them down.

Hmm. Jack narrowed his eyes. But the System is meant to protect us from the Old Ones, right? The gods you worship. If the System falls, wont the Old Ones, I dont know, annihilate us as they did the Ancients?

The Sages face wrinkled into a sad, bitter smile. As I said, that was not as simple as you believe. The Immortals have twisted history to their benefit. I cannot reveal much yet, but believe me when I say the Old Gods mean us no harmor, at least, any harm they inadvertently cause us will be far less than what the System does on a daily basis. Between the Immortals and the Old Gods, the latter would be far kinder rulersif they even bothered.

Hmm. I dont know. You base a lot of things on stuff you dont tell me.

Thats why I warned you. Unfortunately, I cannot explain fully. I do not expect you to believe me today. I am just planting the seeds of true knowledge in you because I believe you are a man of integrity. If you keep what I told you in mind, you will eventually discover clues that I speak the truth.

Then, you are considered terrorists because everyone else obeys the System? Why would they do that, if its so evil?

I appreciate the offer, Jack said. I promise to think about it.

The Sage clapped. Good! Now, lets head back. I sense that Poppy is about to turn our canine friend into dog paste.

They quickly returned to the others. As the Sage had said, Poppythe twin-pigtailed djinn with the large malletwas glaring at Gan Salin with her arms crossed. The canine, on the other hand, insisted on explaining why painting herself green would be better than blue.

Its camouflage! he protested, opening his arms wide. Picture this: You can hide in forests, in swamps, in the defecations of someone who ate too much spinach. Where can you hide if youre blue? The sky? You are not a bird. The sea? You are not a fish. Clearly, being green is the better choice.

I will not paint myself. Poppys voice was high-pitched, like a childs.

But why? If you just

Salin, Jack cut him off, laughing. Let the poor girl alone. Nobody will paint themselves for you.

I Bah. Fine. But when youre in a forest and have nowhere to hide, dont say I didnt warn you.

Poppy narrowed her eyes. I wont say that.

Are you guys done chatting? Nauja said, stepping up to Jacks approaching group. If so, we have a ring to explore. Trials to find.

I have a suggestion about that, the Sage said. I sense you already found a Trial forat least one of you. Brock, right?

Brock nodded before anyone could stop him.

The fates of the rest of you do not lie in Space Ring. Labyrinth Ring and Garden Ring hold greater trials than here, and I predict that all three of youhe pointed at Jack, Nauja, and Gan Salinwill find something there. Dont waste your time searching the stars. Reaching Labyrinth Ring before the Lords holds far greater value.

Jack considered it silently. Trials aside, this was a great place for leveling upbut he couldnt just focus on that. Fighting the same enemies repeatedly would only stunt his growth. He had to keep exploring and delving ever deeper, reaping as many levels as he could in the process without slowing down.

Ever forward. That was the way of the fist, and the way of cultivation.

Nauja frowned at the Sage. Are you saying we should forget about all the Trials here?

To find something better later. Remember: No Trial at all is better than a bad Trial. You should take the best you can.

She bit her lip in thoughta habit she probably didnt notice. She turned to Jack. Can we trust him? she asked directly, not caring about insulting the Sage.

Jack tilted his head to the side. He did just help us. If the horde dragged us to the far wall, wed need several days to make it back here. Pluswere old friends. I trust his prophecies.

Then, fine. Lets do as he says and go directly to Labyrinth Ring. What do you think, Salin?

Gan Salin jolted up, surprised she considered him. Sure, he said. Lets go where its most fun.

Its not like theres much left to see here. Jack shrugged. He turned to the Sage. I presume well travel together in the next ring?

Not quite.

Jack raised a brow. No?

The Sage laughed. We can go to the next ring together. But the Labyrinth Ring is a peculiar one. Everyone is split up as we enter, so there is no guarantee we can find each other. Let everyone pursue their own luck, and we can meet again when the Garden Assault fights the labyrinth guardian. And dont worryyou and Brock are considered spiritually bound, so youll probably go together.

Oh, Jack said. I didnt know that. Then, sure. Have you also completed the quests of this ring? To find a Trial and defeat an Elite monster?

We have.

Great. Then, lets go. The Labyrinth Ring awaits.

Labyring, Salin corrected him. Everyone stared. He crossed his arms and said, Well, I still find it hilarious!